New Friends: Part 2

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Hey Everyone. I just wanted to clear up how Zatanna's magic works since it can be a bit confusing. Yes, she uses backward magic, but the entire sentence is not said backward, instead each word is. There are some examples above if you're curious. Thanks!

Artemis' POV

Artemis had been sitting with the rest of the team on the couches in the main room as Robin discussed Aqualad's lack of contact that had the whole team worried. That's when the attack came. They had no warning. Somehow all of their advance warning alerts had been tampered with and their communications to the outside world cut off. Superboy heard them just before they entered the base giving them enough time to suit up and grab their weapons. Not a second later, the room had filled with men in black uniforms. Artemis immediately recognized the symbol they wore and cursed. They were Vandal Savage's men. Black Adam and... Sportsmaster stood on either side of the immortal himself.

"I'm looking for something. An ancient relic that you idiots accidentally got your hands on." Vandal Savage had said. None of the team had a clue what he was talking about, and of course, Wally's big mouth started a fight. The team had been separated.

Now Artemis and Zatanna raced down the mountainside with enemies close on their tails.

"Pils dna llaf!" Zatanna yelled turning her head back to see some of Vandal Savage's minions. They instantly lost their footing and began tumbling down the steep slope.

Artemis paused for a second to snipe three of their followers with green-tipped arrows. "They just keep coming." She muttered as they took off running again.

"Edih su ni gof!" The air around the superheroes grew cloudy, obscuring them from sight. "Just keep running!" Zatanna said.

An idea popped into Artemis' head and she changed directions slightly. "Follow me. We need to get the communications back up so we can let the Justice League know what's going on here."

They made their way over to a ridge where their satellite was located. When it came into view, Artemis saw that it was charred as if an explosive was set off at its base.

"Riaper eht r..." Zatanna was saying before a figure appeared behind her and slammed the butt of his gun into her temple. She crumpled to the grass without another word.

Artemis whipped around, shocked that someone had managed to sneak up on her, but her surprise was instantly turned to fear. Sportsmaster stood threateningly above her friend, his gun aimed at the archer.

"Nice try, but your not contacting anyone."

Raising her hands, Artemis slowly placed her bow onto the ground. She knew she had to do something, Zatanna and the rest of her team were in trouble and were depending on her to call for help.

It was the bat jet that saved her. Savage's men started shooting everything they had at it when it came into sight, distracting Sportsmaster. In one smooth motion, Artemis rolled, scooping her bow back up and instantly notched an arrow, aimed and released. It whistled through the air and splintered her opponent's gun into pieces as he raised it to shield himself. She shot, again and again, forcing him away from her unconscious friend. If Batman was here, then they should be fine, all she had to do was delay Sportsmaster as long as she could. She continued to shoot, but each time he evaded her attacks.

"I thought I taught you better than that," Sportsmaster yelled pulling out his javelins and hurling them at Artemis. She jumped away, but the explosions caused by the javelins sticking the ground sent her rolling several feet.

Artemis heard her father's footsteps beside her head. "Look like this is the end of the line, Artemis," Sportsmaster growled. Smirking, she rolled over to stare him in the face.

"Yes, it is."

"Ezeerf ruo ymene!" Zatanna yelled propping herself up on her elbow. She looked dazed and had blood dripping down the side of her head.

Sportsmaster instantly froze where he stood. Without wasting any time, Artemis moved away from the villain.

"Dneb siht latem otni stniartser," Zatanna said. Part of the communication tower broke off and wrapped itself around Sportsmaster.

The two girls sighed in relief. "Thanks for that," Artemis said.

"No problem."

"We should probably go help out the rest of the team and meet up with Batman."

Zatanna glanced at Sportsmaster. "Won't he escape?"

"Of course, but we won't be able to march him all the way down the mountain without him trying to kill us."

"Artemis dear, I'd never try to kill you. We're family." Sportsmaster's voice sounded so emotionless through his mask that it sent shivers down the archer's back. Her mind flashed back to all of the memories of her father from the last few years and felt sick. He'd only been abusive, manipulative, and heartless.

Artemis was so lost in her own mind that she didn't notice her father had managed to free one of his hands. The superhero saw a sudden movement out of the corner of her eye and turned to face her father only to find a dagger being swept at her throat.

"Artemis!" Zatanna yelled.

Time seemed to slow as the archer tried to avoid the attack, but it was too late. It was going to hit her. A body slammed into hers, shoving her out of the way.

Artemis watched as a young Native American girl raised her bronze knife to catch Sportsmaster's blade. She didn't know if she was going crazy, but she could have sworn she saw the reflection of cities burning in the other girl's weapon.

Surprising to everyone there, Sportsmaster's blade passed right through the bronze blade and buried itself into the braided hair girl's forearm.

After getting over his shock, Sportsmaster stepped back and laughed. "You're a fool, that was coated in poison. You'll be dead in a matter of seconds."

The girl smiled, her eyes a kaleidoscope of colors. She withdrew her free hand away from her injury to reveal golden blood. "That's a shame, because I can't die that easily."

Sportsmaster began to cautiously back away.

"Stop!" The girl said in a powerful and enchanting voice. "You'll follow us down the mountain without hurting us or trying to escape."

Sportsmaster groaned as if he was trying to resist some invisible force, but slowly nodded his head in agreement.

"What is happening?" Zatanna asked completely complexed.

"Hi, I'm Piper. Batman sent my friends and I to find you guys."

Kid Flash's POV

Wally was having a great time, except for the fact that all of his friends were in mortal danger and he was running on an empty stomach.

I mean, who interrupts a speedster while he's snacking. That's just rude! Wally complained as he knocked one evil minion after another to the ground. They were really starting to get on his nerves too. He wanted to find his friends, but he couldn't get away from these guys. Dodging their bullets, he took several more down.

"Wow, I really need a rhinoceros right now to trample these guys," Wally whined. As if some higher power heard him, a rhinoceros appeared beside him and went charging into the enemy.

"What in this scientific world was that?" Wally yelled. He dashed after the animals and was amazed when it morphed into a buff Chinese guy.

"Your part of the Young Justice?" The guy asked.

"Ummm. Yeah?"

"Frank," the other guy said simply before turning into what looked like an emu and slammed into two of Vandal Savage's men.

"Great meeting you too," Wally muttered as he went back to kicking bad guy ass along side his new pet bird.

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