New Friends: Part 4

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Robin's POV

Robin used his grappling hook to shoot down the hallways since his crushed ankle made it pretty much impossible for him to walk, let alone sprint. He was joined with Zatanna, Artemis, Kid Flash, Miss Martian, and Superboy to execute the first step of the plan, finding Savage. Hazel had been able to point them in the right direction, saying something about feeling the vibrations the Amazon and Immortal were creating as they fought.

Once nearby, they had been able to follow the sound of destruction, but now everything was silent. Robin stopped when he rounded a corner and saw the massive form of the ancient being slowly stalking towards the prone form of Wonder Woman.

"Today will be your last, Amazon." The Immortal's voice was deep and absolutely emotionless as he raised Wonder Woman's own sword up to end her life.

Wally! Robin yelled as he instantly sprang into action, hurling several powerful smoke bombs into the room. The speedster rocketed forward to Wonder Wonder Woman's side and began to haul her a safe distance away.

"Annoying little pests," The immortal growled appearing out of the smoke and aiming the sword at Wally's chest, but it didn't land.

Robin followed Savage's furious gaze to Miss Martian whose face was scrunched up in concentration, and who's hands were stretched out freezing the blade in the air. The rest of the team launched into combat as Robin quickly pulled up a diagram of the base.

Annabeth, we've found him. I'm sending you his precise location now. Robin said through the mind link.

Got it. We'll be in position in approximately one minute and thirteen seconds, Annabeth's voice responded. Robin had to say, he was impressed by the grey-eyed newcomer. Not only did she seem logical and wise, but she had an aura of confidence around her that told Robin she'd been doing this kind of stuff for a long time. Additionally, he'd noticed how all of the newcomers had referred to her for a plan, and yet... He sensed something was slightly off. The way this strange new group of heroes would glance at Annabeth led him to suspect that although they respected her intelligence, they were also silently angry with her at the same time.

Superboy flew past Robin, drawing his focus back to the fight. Suddenly, he realized they might not last another minute. Wally was rushing a dazed-looking martian and magician out of the danger zone, Artemis was nowhere in sight, and Superboy was napping in the rubble of the wall behind him which left only the Boy Wonder and an annoyed Immoral.

Change of plan, Robin said rolling painfully to the side to avoid a martial art strike. Looks like I'm going to be bringing him to you.

What? But were right below you. Hazel asked.

Perfect, and with that Robin let all of his explosive bombs roll across the floor, and shot his grappling hook. Savage's eyes widened if only a little bit before the floor crumbled under his feet.

As the dust cleared, Robin saw Jason fly up into the air. The smell of ozone filled the collapsed rooms and thunder rumbled outside. Ducking for cover, Robin could feel the earth shake as Jason summoned blinding lightning bolts that crashed through the ceiling. Robin was almost sorry at the damage caused to the roof, but with what they were about to cause, it would be nothing.

Savage staggered under the attack, but otherwise seemed unaffected by it. As Jason pulled back to recover his strength, a silverback gorilla which Robin could only assume was Frank jumped forward to start a wrestling match.

With the Immortal being momentarily distracted, Robin had a chance to take in his soundings. Several feet away from Savage, Hazel was using the earth to move a large metallic object that glowed dully with power. Annabeth and Piper hovered by her side, the former glanced up and met the young superhero's eyes.

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