First Mission: Part 2

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Ivy's POV

They weren't there. When Slade, Harley, and Ivy reached the building nestled amongst the shipping containers at the docks, they were expecting to find Dollmaker and Scarecrow there. However, they only found their henchmen.

Slade took the lead as he charged into the middle of the goons hacking left and right with his sword. The opposing force broke apart losing any organization they might of had under the brutal onslaught.

Harley slammed a few of the poor fools with her malate before pulling a revolver out of her belt. Her deadly aim was the deciding factor for the henchmen to scatter, but it was too late. Every entrance was sealed with vines and poisonous flowers. One doorway even had a tree blocking it. Some of the henchmen still tried desperately to get through, but the vines shot out catching several by their throats and strangled them.

Seeing this, one of the goons ran at Ivy with a knife. The green tinted woman smiled sadly as she sidestepped the weapon and grabbed hold of the man's exposed arm. The henchmen gasped in pain at the contact.

"You both poison the earth and harm the innocent with your nasty chemicals. And in return, I'll poison you." Ivy said coldly.

Everything fell quiet as Slade and Harley finished off as the last of the Dollmaker's and Scarecrow's followers. Harley laughed as she swung her giant hammer over her shoulder, "That t'was fun! But where'd ya think those two big bads are?"

As if to answer her question, the ground began to shake violently.

It was without a doubt, one of the most terrifying experience Ivy even had. All three of the superheroes were momentary thrown off their feet and crashed to the ground with every other object in the building. Glass shattered into thousands of shards around them and wood snapped as several of the support beams boke.

Ivy instantly called upon her plants for help. Thick vines sprouted out of the ground and wound around the splintering pillars.

"Bloody Hell!" Harley cursed rolling to the side as part of the roof caved in above her.

"Over here!" Ivy yelled deciding on another course of action. As Harley and Slade drew close to her, Ivy summoned more vines to form a protective doom around them. Trees and other smaller shrubbery joined in the form the cocoon. Ivy felt several chunks of ceiling debris smash into her shield. And just as quickly as the shaking had started, it stopped.

"What kinda earthquake was that?" Harley asked dusting herself off.

Ivy struggled back onto her feet. She knew someone with the ability to shake the earth like that. "Tri!" She yelled into her communication device, but all she heard was crackling.

Without hesitation, Ivy made an opening in the cocoon and sprinted out with the others close on her heels. The house they were just in had been reduced to nothing but rubble.

"Where is he?" Slade's voice sounded panicked as he turned to look in every direction.

Ivy didn't hesitate, the earth told her exactly where the tremors had been generated. She lead the rest of the team towards the site. As they approached, Ivy saw that the pavement around them was cracked and the shipping containers had all tumbled over.

They turned the corner of one of the large metal boxes and stopped dead in their tracks. The first thing Ivy noticed was the large puddle of shimmering golden liquid in front of them. She felt sick. Surely a person would die after losing so much blood. Then she saw the obvious aureate trail leading away.

If he's still bleeding, he might still be alive. Ivy told herself as they began to follow the large splatters. Although she knew that even if Percy was still somehow alive, he'd bleed out any second.

The sound of the waves as they neared the water confused her. They were deafening and seemed angry. She could tell just by the sound that they were pounding into the docks with immense power. When the ocean came into view, Ivy was even more confused and horrified. The waves were crashing into the docks, nearly submerging them.

Then she saw Percy. The little hero was hanging limply over the Dollmaker's shoulder as he and Scarecrow tried to board a small boat in the midst of the chaos. Percy's golden blood poured out of his neck into the water below which seemed to only make the waves more agitated.

Ivy called upon the seagrass and seaweed to grab hold of the boat and keep it from moving. Slade and Harley leapt onto the vessel each one swinging viscously at their own opponent.

"Give me back my Litt'l Bro! Ya dickhead," Harley screamed swinging at Dollmakers legs. Ivy noticed that she was purposely avoiding the criminals main body out of fear that she might accidently strike Percy. The surgeon jumped back and was about to bring a razor sharp scalpel down on Harley's head when something slapped him across the face. Ivy could have sworn she'd seen a little herring plunging back into the ocean. Dollmaker stumbled back confused and lost his footing of the slick decking of the boat. Percy tumbled lifelessly off of him.

Ivy used the water plants once more as well as several on the shore to slowly hull the boat up onto the docks. Glancing over, she saw Slade cut Scarecrow down and turn to make him way over to Dollmaker who was getting pummeled by Harley. With one clean swipe, Slade ended the Dollmaker.

Harley quickly rushed over to Percy and pulled him back onto the docks. "He won't stop bleedin'!" She whimpered, pressing her hands tightly up against the boy's throat. Slade and Ivy quickly bent down to get a closer look. They couldn't believe he was still breathing. Herbal plants sprouted around Ivy which she used to make a healing paste.

"What are you doing?" Slade asked urgently and Ivy looked up, but he wasn't talking to her. Harley had picked Percy up and was walking right back to the raging sea with him in her arms.

"He'd said water heals him!" Harley said as a tear slide down her cheek.

Slade tried to block her way. "The water is too dangerous. Look at it!"

Harley's POV

Harley ducked past Slade and set Percy down by the water side. Spray from the intense waves rained down on them. Harley cupped some of the salt water in her hands and delicately drizzled it over the boy's wound. Some of the water wrapped around Percy's neck almost protectively like a cast. Amazingly enough, the deep cut seemed to be shrinking slightly. Harley repeated the process several times, and watched as the injury slowly began to repair itself.

The sea instantly calmed until the waves were lapping lazily at the docks. Harley and Slade shared a strange look. They were about to say something about the ocean's odd behavior when their attention was drawn back to Percy.

The young man stirred. His eyes cracked open slightly and he retched. This action obviously hurt as his hands flew up to his throat. Interestingly enough, his hands passed right through the water cast without disturbing it. Crying out, Percy rolled over onto his side and huddled into a little ball. It seemed as if he'd been in a lot of pain before and that thought broke Harley's heart.

Harley carefully pulled the child into a hug and began rocking him back and forth. "Hush..."

Percy semiconsciously slid his hand down to his belt where he fumbled with the latch for one of the compartment. Harley brushed his hand away and undid the latch. Inside she saw what looked like a lemon square. Curious, she grabbed it and instantly regretted her actions. The bloody lemon square burned her! Before she had even lifted the weird food out of its compartment, Harley released it with a little gasp of pain.

"Whatdda heck is that? Fire food!" Harley blew on her fingers trying to get the weird tingling to disappear.

Harley was so busy with fingers, that she didn't realize Percy's hand grabbed the damned lemon square. All she could do was let out a high pitch shriek as the young hero popped it into his mouth.

"Spit it out!" She yelled trying to pry Percy's mouth open. "Do ya' really want to die?"

Surprisingly though, Percy signed in relief. His eyes drifted shut and he relaxed in Harley's arms. A bit of color come rushing back to his skin and when Harley looked closer at his throat, she saw that the cut was healing at an amazing rate.

"What the..."

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