The Suit

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Percy's POV

The water was so cool and refreshing. Percy sat at the bottom of the harbor trying to get used to his upgraded powers. He had started small by only controlling tiny portions of water he found around the base, like yesterday morning when he caused all the water to rise out of everyone's cups and form into the outline of a Pegasus. Today, however, Percy was focusing on subjugating the overwhelming power he received anytime he was either in his father's domain or summoning one of his other abilities.

Like last time, raw power soaked into Percy but this time he was ready. Instead of absorbing the energy into him like a container until it exploded, Percy sent it through him and back into the water like a conductor. He sighed in relief letting a lopsided grin spread across his face. It had taken him quite a while, but now he had a way to control his powers again. He just had to get used to it.

For the next hour, Percy continued to channel the power through him absently running his hands through the sand at the same time. It was rougher and a lot darker than the sand he was use to in New York. Then again, Percy thought a little homesick, Everything is so different in this world.

Percy was so distracted with his thoughts and controlling his power, that he didn't notice the little shape dart towards him.

My Lord! My Lord! My Lord! My Lord! My Lord! My Lord! A squeaky little voice spoke in Percy's head. Jumping slightly, Percy turned to see a small herring swimming around his head.

Don't call me that, My name is Percy.

Lord PerSea! The herring exclaimed, Son of the old master. I am Neto, forever your loyal servant!

Old Master? You mean Poseidon. Percy asked.

Yes My Lord. After the gods left this world long ago, the seas were put under the control of the Atlanteans and are currently ruled by Master Orin. But we herrings have always remembered our old master and remain devoted to you and you alone.

What of the other sea life? Percy queried, Will they follow me?

What is hard to say Lord PerSea. The elder fish certainly will, but many of the younglings do not know of your greatness.

Hmm. Percy scooped up a handful of sand and slowly sifted through it until he only had several seashells in his palm. Suddenly he remembered the time he had summoned saltwater from fossilized shells, and a lightbulb lit up above his head.

Thanks Neto, I have something I need to do right now, but I'll talk to you later.

Whatever you need, Lord PerSea.

Percy frowned at the name, but he knew by now that there was nothing he could do to change it. Kicking off the seafloor, Percy rocketed to the surface. On his way back to the shore, he found some old fishing line tangled in some seaweed. Perfect! He thought collecting as much of it as he could.

Working on untying the tangled fishing wire, Percy made his way back among the towering buildings. The city didn't look too different during the day than when he'd previously seen it the night he'd arrived. It still looked ancient and unkempt. The roads were littered with potholes that could nearly swallow an entire car and every wall surface was covered in graffiti. The biggest change was the people. After sundown, the streets and alleyways were littered with all kinds of dangerous people, but during the day the city came alive with people just trying to make an honest living.

When Percy finally got back to the warehouse, He paused in front of the door trying to remember what the password was.

12345? Percy tried typing it in. No, 11111? Nope. What was it? He thought probably harder than he'd ever have before. Oh yeah, It was 24601 because it was from some movie Slade liked.

The door finally opened and he slipped in. Avoiding the elevator, Percy took the stairs down into the underground base. He reached the room Ivy had told him was his and sat on the bed where he began to braid the fishing line together in a complex pattern.

Harley must have heard him coming down the stairs because she popped her head into the room a second later. "Hey Litt'l Bro, What'cha making?"

Percy was a bit embarrassed to admit he was making jewelry, but he held it up for her to see. "It's a seashell bracelet. Several years back I used seashells before to summon water, and I thought It would be really handy to have this in case I ever need any water."

"Can't ya just create the water like with the fire?"

Percy shook his head. "It's complicated," he said not wanting to have to explain his heritage, "I've only really created my own water once, and it nearly killed me. It's much easier for me to simply control water than to summon it."

"Huh, that's a really complicated look'in braid. Where'd ya learn that from?"

" girlfriend taught me..." Percy said instantly reminded of how lonely he was without Annabeth. Harley raised an eyebrow, but before she could ask anything more, Percy cut him off. "Did you need me for something?"

"Ah!" Harley seemed to remember something. "Come with me, I've put togetha' the perfect costume for ya!"

Percy got up groaning. If it was anything like her naming capabilities, he was doomed. Surprisingly, however, Harley had a pretty good sense of fashion. When Percy saw his armor he was impressed. It resembled the old Greek and Roman armor he was used to and fit him to a T. The mask was more like a helmet as it protected his entire head only leaving a little area around his mouth and chin exposed.

"I thought I'd make it extra safe for ya, as you'll probably be our new tanker." Harley said excitedly.

Percy's smile faded a bit, "Thanks?"

"Anyways! It's mostly made out of depleted Promethium and Atlantean Steel, which is reinforced by that other metal ya gave me..."

"Celestial bronze," Percy filled in.

"Yeah that. I tinted the armor blue because ya said it t'was your favorite color and sea green cause of your eyes. I also tried tinting the bronze stuff, but it wouldn't take. Funny huh?"

"Uh.. Yeah it looks great," He said nervously.

"Oh and here ar' the other things ya asked for." Harley handed him five small Celestial Bronze vials. They along with the armor was made from the old Celestial Bronze chest piece he had.

"Thanks, everything is perfect." Percy said in awe.

"NP, I've got connections." With that Harley left him to continue admiring his new suit.

Percy wasted no time, he rushed back to his room and dug out the five imperial gold jars. With the utmost care, he poured a portion of liquid from the jars into the vials and hooked them securely into a compartment in his suit's belt. Fishing out one of his three pieces of ambrosia, Percy tucked it into another compartment. For the final touch, Percy slipped the shell bracelet onto his right wrist. And just like that, he was ready for their first mission.


Special thanks to my twin sister, Izzy! This chapter was a lot worse before she gave me some advice. She also helps me with grammar and spelling, so Thanks So Much Izzy!

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