Thunder & Lightning

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Jason's POV #JasonNeverDies!

The son of Jupiter shivered slightly. He had the uncomfortable feeling that someone was making fun of him behind his back. Shrugging it off, Jason cautiously peered around the old building. He made sure to keep his gaze lowered for he knew about the monster they were hunting.

As soon as the seven (minus Percy, of course) had seen the building, Annabeth had stopped and pointed out all of the stone statues surrounding it. "It's Medusa." She'd spat.

A clanging sound came from the next room over. Jason, along with Piper and Leo slowly moved towards the noise with their backs facing each other and eyes cast downward. Annabeth, Frank, and Hazel should have heard it too. They had split off to check a small shed behind the house, but were probably making their way back.

They reached the kitchen, where the noise came from, but found it empty. An old wine bottle was the only thing moving. It spun around in lazy circles on the floor.

"Dude, she's playing with us." Leo said slightly terrified.

"Come on, man. Percy defeated her when he was twelve, and we've already defeated way worse." Jason said.

"Well at least I could look at the Giants as I burnt them to a crisp. I'll blast everyone but Medusa with fire at this rate."

"Your both forgetting I'm here." Piper said before stepping slightly out of their formation. "Stop hiding and come out." Her charmspeak was so strong that it sent shivers down Jason's back.

A tall figure appeared from one of the doorways. Jason gripped his imperial gold sword tighter.

"You will not harm us." Piper said.

"Your charmspeak has little affect on me, Piper Mclean." Medusa's said in an enchanting voice. Jason's mind became fuzzy and he unconsciously lowered his sword. "Look at me, children."

No, don't. Said a small part of Jason's brain that was still functioning.

"Snap out of it!" Piper's powerful voice rolled over the two boys, and they instantly regained their senses.

"Awww. That's no fun. I don't usually like to resort to weaponry, but you aren't really giving me a choice."

Jason could feel the arrow aimed at Piper as it soared through the air. With the flick of his wrist, a gust of wind blew the arrow off its course and into a cabinet to their right.

"Now this is annoying. I was trying to kill Piper so I could have some fun with you two boys, but I can't do that with you still here now can I, Jason? So, I'll have to kill you if I want to kill Piper just so that I can kill Leo... bit complicated now isn't it?"

"Ha! good luck killing Jason," Leo said thankful that he was the last target on her list.

Medusa shoot arrow after arrow at Jason each of which he deflected with the wind. Raising his sword, Jason charged at her. He stuck out at her, but missed completely as he couldn't take his eyes of the ground.

"A bit foolish to get to close to me." Medusa hissed grabbing the demigod around the neck and twisting the sword out of his hand. Jason gasped in pain. "It seems the seven have gotten a bit cocky with all of your victories lately, and yet you forget the one who made it all possible."

"Jason close your eyes!" Piper yelled. His eyes snapped shut immediately. He heard the constant hiss of snakes directly in front of his face.

"Stay there, children. One step closer and I'll snap his neck."

"What did you mean by the one who made it all possible?" Jason coughed out trying to buy some time.

"Oh you poor fools don't know anything, do you? The gods have once again kept you in the dark. It was nearly four years ago... yes it was. I had just reformed in Tartarus when I saw something plummeting towards the ground." Jason could practically feel her smirking. "It was the great hero, Perseus Jackson..."

Chaos broke loose as a rhinoceros barreled into the gorgon. Jason slipped out of Medusa's grasp and hit the floor hard. He looked up to see Hazel fashion a blanket out of the mist and throw it over Medusa's head, covering her eyes. Along with help from Frank back in him human form, she tangled the monster up and restrained her to the ground.

"What did you just say?" The daughter of Pluto demanded. Medusa just laughed manically.

"What's going on?" Annabeth asked as she entered the room. The other demigods stood in silence. None of them wanted to tell her.

"Nothing." Jason made the call to not tell her. In all honesty, he didn't think she deserved to know. He still couldn't believe she'd accepted immortality so eagerly, and abandoned Percy like that. Ever since, Jason couldn't bring himself to see her in the same way, but they were still teammates.

It was then that the portal opened. A grayish cloud appeared under their feet, and Jason found himself falling into utter darkness. He heard the raspy voices of the fates echo around him, "And so, the wish will be granted."

"What?" Jason yelled. Gravity changed and Jason found himself shooting up onto a sidewalk. He fell on his knees nauseous from the trip. His friends reacted similarly.

"What the... Where are we?" Frank asked looking at the unfamiliar street stretching out infront of them. They seemed to be just outside of some big metropolitan area.

"Umm..." Leo said pulling some thinymajig out of his belt and holding it up high in the air like he was trying to get cell service.

"No where that I know of," Annabeth said.

"Where did Medusa go?" Hazel asked. In her hand was an empty blanket.

"Crap," Jason summoned the winds and shoot up into the sky for a better look. He noticed a lot of people looking in his direction, but he was confident the Mist would make him look like a paper airplane of something. After a moment, Jason caught sight of the gorgon scurrying into an alleyway. Summoning lightning, Jason's plan was to try to roast the monster, but he was overwhelmed by the amount of energy he felt pumping into him.

Dark clouds formed above him and lightning rained down around him. He couldn't control it, he felt like he was going to explode with all of the raw power entering his body. He felt like he'd eaten way more ambrosia then he could actually survive. It hurt. He was vaguely aware of the rest of the seven going through a similar experience. The ground rippled as Hazel screamed out in pain. Frank was shifting animals every few seconds. Annabeth was holding her head like she was having the worst headache of her life. Leo had disappeared into a column of fire that reached the sky, and Piper had her hands tightly clasped around her throat.

Stop! Please stop! Jason yelled to himself. He squished his eyes closed, focusing entirely to the task of reigning in his powers, but the winds only grew. He knew he'd be tearing the nearby building apart soon.

Suddenly, Jason felt the storm diminish slightly. Something was blocking him. Opening his eyes, the demigod looked up to see a doom of what looked like solidified water around the six of them. Through the doom, walked a young man in Greek styled armor.

"Who...?" Jason asked although he was pretty sure it was it one of the Greek gods.

"Shhh..." The man said soothingly. His voice carried to all of them. "Relax, your powers are running amuck. Something about this world, it amplifies your abilities. However, that makes them harder to control at first."

Jason couldn't help but notice a strange strain or pain in the voice. "I need you all to imagine your simply a conductor. Your absorbing energy, but then let it flow back out."

With a deep breath, Jason followed the mysterious man's instructions. He felt the pressure exploding within him fade away as he released some of the energy back into the air around him. The storm clouds dissipated. After regaining control over his body, Jason immediately ran to the sides of each of his friends to make sure they were okay. Only then did he look around. The man was gone along with the water forcefield. Several figures appeared in his place, all wearing really weird comic book like costumes.

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