Wake Up

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Percy's POV

Percy's throat was killing him! He knew that for sure before he even full woke up. Unpleasant memories of the pit flashed in through his mind, causing him to shoot up into a sitting position. He gasped for air which only hurt his throat more. Groaning in pain, Percy took in his surroundings.

He was in his room back at the Hero Syndicate's base. Percy reached up to his neck to find a bandage tightly wrapped around it and sighed as he recalled getting his throat slit. He had to admit, out of everything he's been through over the past couple of years, nearly getting decapitated hadn't been one of them.

A small sound alerted Percy to another person in the room. To the right of his bed, a woman with pink and blue pigtails lay sound asleep in a nearby chair. Her mouth hung slightly open, and she muttered something about a baseball bat before shifting into a more comfortable position.

"Hey, Harley," Percy crocked as he gently nudged her arm.

"Wha...What?" Harley bolted up in her seat wide eyed. When she caught sight of Percy she froze.

"Hey," Percy gave a small smile. When Harley remained frozen, Percy continued. "You didn't see a middle aged lady with snake hair did you? Because you're looking a bit like a statue."

Harley snapped back to her senses and punched his arm.

"Ow! I was only joking." Percy said coughing slightly.

"Your' awake! And alive.. how?"

Percy's playful mood instantly shifted. The smile faded from his lips and his eyes became unfocused.

"I guess I have a bit of explaining to do. Could you get Slade and Ivy, I should probably tell all of you."

Harley nodded as she stood up and headed to the door.

"And could you also get me a glass of water," Percy coughed again. "A really big glass?"

Haley smiled, "Sure thing, Litt'l Bro." And then she was gone.

Percy rested his head back against the bed frame and closed his eyes. He could still feel the ambrosia healing his wound and knew it would be as good as new by the next day.

I better be careful, Percy thought. I only have two squares of ambrosia left, and who knows how long until I can find a way back.

Three figures appeared at Percy's door, one of which had a full gallon of water in her hands which she handed to the injured boy.

"Thanks," Percy said, his voice low and raspy. Without a moments hesitation, Percy chugged a third of the water and sighed as it too began to heal the slash across this neck.

Once he placed the jug on his lap, Percy asked. "So, what do you guys want to know?"

"First of all, how are you still alive? I myself have some amazing healing abilities, but I doubt even I could survive that fatal of a wound," Slade said.

Percy nodded. "I already told you that I was blessed by a powerful being from my world, well actually she was kind of a deity... Anyways, she choice me as a champion in order to save me when I was dying on a battlefield. I gained some of her abilities like summoning fire as well as food. On top of that, I was given immortality. That is why my blood is gold."

The three older members of the Hero Syndicate remained quiet for a long time before Ivy's silky voice broke the silence. "You cannot die?"

Percy grimaced. "I can, but only by a handful of special things from my own dimension. I'm pretty sure that nothing here can truly kill me." Harley sat down on his bed and pulling him into a loose hug. She changed the topic when she asked about the 'burning lemon squares.'

"That was ambrosia. It's something that can heals people like me, but will kill anyone who isn't connected to the deities in my world."

Harley made an 'oh' face, probably swearing to never touch it again.

Slade, who had been rubbing his chin thoughtful for the past minute asked, "You said you were given your fire abilities by this deity, but how is it that you are able to control water and earthquakes?"

Percy linked his fingers and exhaled deeply. It wasn't that he didn't want to tell them about his past, but he wasn't really comfortably talking about it, and he really didn't want them to look at him differently. "I guess you could say they're past down through my father's line. He has a lot more control over them and all my siblings have some version of his abilities."

"You have siblings?" Ivy asked.

"Yeah, more then I can count. Not all of them are good though and can be a pain to deal with," Percy said before coughing several times. His throat was a bit raw and soar from all he talking. He downed another third of the gallon.

"I think that's 'nough talking for now." Harley said patting Percy's shoulder.

Percy nodded grateful. Harley and Slade soon left him to get some rest, and Ivy used several herbs to make a tonic paste. She carefully smeared it on around the damaged skin. As she rebandaged his wound, Percy glanced down at her hands as they worked.

"Do you mind if I ask you a question?" He asked.

Ivy gave him a slight motherly smile.

"Why do you always wear gloves around the base?"

The smile faltered slightly. "My skin is very poisonous, and will kill anyone I touch. So, I must be careful around people."

"You can't have any human contact?"

"Not direct of course," She said sadly.

"That sounds like it would be kind of lonely."

"It can be at times. But just being around good friends and family is enough sometimes."

Percy smiled at that, took one of her gloved hands, and squeezed it.

"That's good to hear, because loneliness can really hurt."

"Yes it can. But don't worry about that. Your still young and have all us to support you."

One of Percy's lopsided grins appeared on his face. "Since when did I say anything about me."

Ivy smiled as well. "You didn't have too. It's not hard to guess that you'd feel alone and confused after traveling to a different world. I'm sure I'd feel the same way."

"You should be a therapist." Percy muttered.

Chuckling, Ivy said, "How about I be your therapist. If you even have something bothering you, you can talk to me about it."

Percy could feel his eyes start to water. "You remind me of my mom," He sobbed silently. "I haven't seen her in months and really miss her."

"Shhh Come here." Ivy carefully wrapped her arms around his shoulders. She wore a long jacket that protected Percy from her poisonous skin, but was still cautious.

"While your in this world, I'll be your mother, okay?"

Percy relaxed in her arms and nodded.

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