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Percy's POV


Percy stood on Half-blood hill staring down at his home. Even though he had only been transported to the different dimension a year ago, the camp looked surprisingly different. The lava wall had been modified to have even more lava, there were several more cabins for minor gods and goddess, and off to the side was what looked like a small grave yard.

The dream seemed to think he needed to see the grave yard closer, because he was instantly plopped down in the middle of it. Studying the tombs, Percy realized that they were all for the demigods killed in the Second Giant War. Although they were obviously taken care of, the headstones were strangely older than they should have been. Cracks and moss were slowly taking over.

Percy walked amongst them remembering both the good and bad memories he made with his now deceased friends. It hurt. The people he was thinking of almost didn't seem real anymore. His original home didn't even seem real!

The whole experience felt surreal. He could make out figures near the other side of camp, but didn't recognize them.

What is going on? Percy asked himself. Why is everything so familiar, but also so different?

He felt out of place here, like he no longer belonged in Camp Half-blood. Then he saw something that stopped him in his tracts. One of the headstones had his name on it. Percy bent down in front of it even more confused than he was before. It read:

Percy Jackson, Son of Poseidon

Twice Hero of Olympus

Most likely killed in the Second Giant War

I'm MOST LIKELY dead? Percy questioned himself emphasizing the two middle words. He just stared at his own grave in disbelief. He was pretty sure he hadn't actually died yet, even though he'd gotten pretty close at times.

Just then a horn blew that Percy recognized all too well, monsters. He jumped to his feet and ran towards the camp boarder where he could see the campers assembling.

The monsters had managed to get past the barrier and were pouring into camp. Percy recognized several Laistrygonian Giants, a Drakon, a few fire breathing Basilisk, and one or two monsters that he had never even seen before. Leading them was Prometheus and Hyperion.

The guy just wouldn't stay dead, Percy thought as he subconsciously joined into the front line of defending demigods. He was ready to lead. It was only when he reached for Riptide that he realized he was still dreaming and couldn't actually affect the outcome of this battle.

The monsters swarmed and it was obvious that the small handful of demigods were outmatched. He didn't even recognize most of the youngsters who were now fighting for their lives. Even though he knew nothing would happen, Percy still tried to join the fight against the monsters. Deep in his heart, Percy was afraid that this would be the day Camp-Half blood would fall.

"Hahahahah! The little demigods stand no chance without their hero!" Hyperion laughed as the campers were completely surrounded by their foes.

No, this can be the end! Percy tried punching the golden being in his perfectly golden teeth, but his fist bounced off harmlessly. Hyperion's smile faltered slightly as he narrowed his eyes and glanced around.

"There's someone here..." Hyperion muttered cautiously taking a few steps back.

"What?" Prometheus asked. The rest of the monsters were also looking around uncertainly leaving the injured demigods alone for a minute.

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