A Moment of Peace

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Percy's POV

When Percy returned to the base, the team was waiting for him. Slade was sitting in front of his high-tech computer set up but had his chair turned to face the door. Harley and Ivy were seated anxiously at a nearby table while Cheshire was more aloof, poised on the couch in the corner of the room.

As soon as the demigod stepped through the door, the two at the table were on there feet. "Percy!" Harley yelled as she grabbed hold of his shoulders and turned him around looking for injuries. "Ar' ya okay? They didn't hurt ya did they?"

"No... I'm fine," Percy answered a bit startled and confused.

Slade was the one who provided a bit more clarity by saying, "We thought you were just going to deal with a monster that had crossed over, but then we saw the news broadcast the Joker sent out."

The Son of Poseidon felt Harley's hands on his shoulders tense at the mention of the supervillain before seeming to shake herself out of it and pulling him over to sit at the table with Ivy close behind them. Percy summoned a blue soda and relaxed into his seat.

"How much did you see?"

Cheshire joined them at the table somewhat hesitantly, "Up to the point when the wave hit them."

"Mmm," Percy nodded. "Well, to start from the beginning, I was just going after the monster. It turned out to be a Hydra." The rest of the team nodded. After hearing many of his demigod stories, they'd become quite familiar with Greek mythology.

"It was actually really strange," Percy continued. "When I'd arrived, it looked like someone had just recently cut three of its head off, but I couldn't sense anyone around the area. Either way, I took care of it pretty quickly with Riptide and my fire. I was just starting to head back when I saw the beginning of the broadcast."

"I bet the ferry wasn't too hard to find, seeing as it was in the water," Slade said.

Percy tried to suppress a smile but failed. "No, it wasn't hard at all. Turns out they weren't that far away either. I climbed aboard and confronted the Joker."

"He wanted something from you," Cheshire stated leaning forward slightly and gesturing to the compartment on his belt that held the golden vial.

The demigod nodded and withdrew the same vial he'd showed the Joker earlier that day. "It's water from the River Cocytus. I used it on him when I ran into him last time after he'd threatened to hunt me down even if I'd escaped. It was supposed to make him realize how useless that idea was, but it appears to have backfired as this time he seemed desperate for the water."

"That doesn't really surprise me," Slade muttered. "You can never know with the Joker."

"We won't have to worry about him anymore," Percy said quietly letting everyone absorb those words.

After a moment's pause, Slade nodded. "Good. He's been terrorizing this city for far too long and always managed to escape soon after the Justice League locked him up. Speaking of the Justice League, they've probably released some bullshit response to today's events that I've got to hear."

The assassin turned back around to face his computer and pulled up a news channel that was covering the incident. Sure enough, Green Arrow stood on the ferry talking to the interviewer as police taped off an area behind them.

"Hey, can I talk to you?" Percy asked Harley quietly.

"Yeah sure, Litt'l Bro."

They left to find a quieter place, ending up on the roof of the base and in full view of the stars. It was chilly out, but the cold was refreshing to Percy.

"I'm sorry," Percy said as they sat down. "You probably wanted to punch the Joker's teeth out before killing him yourself."

"Nah, I think it turned out better this way. He hurt me a'lot in da past, leading me on and all, and I don't know if I could'a faced him if da time came..."

"You would have been able to," Percy said confidently. "Your the strongest Big Sis I have." He couldn't help the mischievous grin that slipped across his face.

Harley slapped him lightly on the shoulder, "I'm da only Big Sis ya have!"

"I know," Percy said the smile growing slightly. "But I'm sure you would have beat the crap out of him if given the chance." He turned and looked up at the unfamiliar stars. He still wasn't completely used to this world yet and he wondered if he'd ever be.

"What's wrong?" Harley asked.

"Hmm? Nothing."

The older girl crossed her arms defiantly. "Ya do know I used to be a psychiatrist, right? I can tell when someone is'a struggling."

"Fine, you got me," Percy laughed before becoming serious, his voice quieter and slower than usual. "I'm confused, concerned, and conflicted."

"Ahh, we call those da three C's," Harley smiled.


"No you big dumbo, but continue with what ya was say'in."

"Are you sure you were a psychiatrist?" Percy asked.

"Yes! Now keep go'in, I'm listening."

"Fine," Percy huffed good-naturedly. "I just don't really know what's going on anymore. I thought I had found a new home, but now my old life seems to be coming back to haunt me. Frist the monsters, now my old friends, what next? I'm scared of what is going to happen next. I don't want to go back anymore, but if the other demigods find out who I am, they aren't going to leave me alone. And honestly, I don't know how to act around them. I feel betrayed and angry whenever I see or think about them. I just don't know what I'm supposed to do."

"Hmm... That is'a bit challenging," Harley hummed. "I don't exactly know wha' to say, ya know? Relationships canna be tough, they can hurt ya a'lot." Percy knew she was referring to herself and the Joker.

"But, som' of them are worth da pain. I'd suggest ya separate your perception of Annabeth from da other demigods. It doesn't sound like they hurt ya, and it'sa not fair to them."

"Yeah, I agree. But how exactly do I do that?"

"Well," Harley said. "Don't group them togeth'r. Think of Annabeth as her owns group, and da other demigods as a separate group as well. Dat way, any bad feeling ya have for Annabeth will just be for Annabeth."

"That's it?"

"For now at least. Ya know, most battles are actually fought in the mind? It's a tricky business and many fall pray to it."

Percy laughed, "I'm well aware. A surprising number of my interactions with monsters have been my old friends and I outsmarting them rather than physically fighting them."

Harley nodded in understanding.

"There was actually something else I wanted to talk to you about as well," Percy said withdrawing the pendant-sized trident he'd gotten from Atlantis from one of his pockets. "When I was fighting Medusa the other day, she tried to compel me, but a warm feeling flooded over my body. It seemed like it came from the trident and I think it blocked her ability."

Harley took the small piece of metal and rubbed it between her fingers. "Is dis made up da same metal ya gave me to make your suit?"

"Yes, Celestial Bronze."

Harley studied it for a bit longer before handing it back. "Strange," she commented. "Other than da odd metal, it doesn't seem ta be anyth'in special. Maybe Cheshire or Slade know someth'in 'bout it. They had a'lot of criminal connections in da past."

As if Slade knew they were talking about him, he appeared on the roof yelling, "Tri, there's another monster... again."

"Ugh," Percy sighed as he stood up. More and more monsters seemed to showing up these days. So many, that some had managed to slip away before they were found. "Let's go."

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