Forming an Alliance

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Percy's POV

The Colchis Bull didn't last long at all, especially since Percy knew smashing in its head, like his brother Tyson had done years before, was an effective way of slaying the beast. With the additional strength that came with being an immortal as well as the extra momentum he gained from a running start, Percy managed to smash the Bull into nothing more than shimmering dust.

The Son of Poseidon wiped Anaklusmos clean of the golden substance before brushing even more of it off his armor. However, he soon gave up on the impossible task of clearing away all of the dust as it was pretty much the same as trying to clean up massive amounts of glitter. He resigned himself to the fact that he'd just have to wash it... again.

Making his way over to his motorcycle, the demigod prepared to head back to base where the team, including Nico, was waiting for him. The other demigod had wanted to join Percy to fight the monster, but Percy wouldn't let him, not until he was fully recovered. And even then he wasn't sure if that was a good idea. Percy knew that he himself was different enough from how he used to be that the Seven wouldn't instantly recognize him, but Nico definitely wasn't. If the two of them were seen fighting monsters together, then his identity was sure to be discovered.

During the time Percy gave Nico a tour of the city they had discussed the Seven a lot. Nico had agreed to help Percy, even if it was against the Seven as long they didn't hurt them, which Percy had happily accepted. Even after their betrayal, he would never purposely harm them. However, he was fine with a little conflict if it came to that.

Percy was reaching for his motorcycle when he sensed someone behind him. He used the water in the air to see the figure's basic outline and couldn't help but smirk slightly. "Wonder Woman," he greeted, turning to the Amazonian Warrior.

Wonder Woman stood a bit uncertainly, one hand on her lasso. Surely their last meeting had left her with the assumption that Percy didn't want anything to do with the Justice League, which wasn't completely true. Percy wanted to meet her; however, the Seven always seemed to be around her nowadays.

"Tri," She greeted back. "I have a lot of questions for you."

"I'm sure you do," Percy said leaning against his bike. "Although, I probably won't answer all of them."

The Amazon's eye's narrowed. "Then how about a deal?"

"What kind of deal?"

"An alliance. Surely you have noticed how often Greek monsters are appearing in this dimension. You are one of the only ones who can slay these monsters other than myself."

Percy laughed at that. "Come on, Wonder Woman. We both know you have an entire group of immortal demigods on your team now."

Wonder Woman's eyes shot up a little in surprise. She obviously didn't seem to think he knew about them. She regained her composure. "You could still help us, innocent people are getting hurt by the monsters."

That miffed Percy a little bit. "If you haven't noticed," he gestured to the gold dust still caked onto his suit. "I have been helping. Who do you think has been sending the Justice League tips about where the portals will be openings?"

"That was you?"

Percy couldn't help but sigh, "It was more of the Hero Syndicate, but yes, it involves me. Whenever I wasn't available, we let you guys know. So, don't tell me I'm not helping people."

"Sorry. I didn't mean it like that," Wonder Woman said awkwardly. "I just think it would be better if we worked together."

Percy considered his options for a minute before saying, "I might be willing to come to some sort of arrangement. I'll have to talk to my team about it, but I don't want the rest of the Hero Syndicate dragged into this, and I'm not going to join the Justice League or Young Justice."

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