Familiar Faces

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Percy's POV

Percy's heart instantly sunk when he saw the stone statues in front of him. He knew which monster it was that he was facing now and withdrew Riptide. He wondered when she'd crossed over. He was pretty sure he killed all of the monsters that appeared out of portals lately. Keeping his eyes downcast, he silently moved deeper into the abandoned gas station. Percy was glad that the rest of the Hero Syndicate were searching the few abandoned buildings nearby and evacuating any civilians to a safer distance. After fighting Cetus, Percy didn't want to take any chances. They wouldn't be able to help too much against Medusa anyways.

Closing his eyes, Percy focused on the water in the air. It was incredibly difficult and exhausting but he was able to sense the layout of the rundown building. There was only one door, which he was now guarding. Good, that meant Medusa had nowhere to run.

He felt movement off to his left. In his mind, he could see the outline of a tall woman peaking around a doorframe as it watched him before ducking back out of sight. The angry hissing of snakes filled the air as a charming voice asked, "Who are you, Hero? You seem so very familiar, but you are not one of those dreadful demigods hunting me earlier."

Percy smirked slightly. He stood completely still but could feel the monster flanking him. "Come on, Aunty Em. Surely you haven't forgotten the demigod who beheaded you a few years back."

The son of Poseidon felt the monster stiffen at his words before letting out an ugly cackle, "Hahaha, If it isn't my old friend, Perseus Jackson! It's so good to see you and alive as well. I feared you plunged into Tartarus."

Red tinted memories flashed in his mind and Percy had to shake his head to clear the nightmare-like memories away. "It's good to see you too. After all, killing you did give me one of my first real titles. It also looks like you wanted to die in a similar building to your gnome emporium." Percy gestured to the broken-down gas station around him. His eyes were still closed, his attention fixated on tracking the movement of Medusa.

"You sea scum!" Medusa growled now behind him. He felt her approaching him. "Won't you look at me, child?" Her voice shifted so quickly back into the voice of an angel that it caught Percy off guard. He was sure he would turn and his eyelids would slide open against his will, but he didn't. Surprisingly, Percy felt no compulsion at all, he was in complete control of his body. He did; however, feel a comforting warmth from one of the pockets on his suit that flooded across his body. Without hesitation, The Campion of Hestia summoned fire to his other palm and shoot it out at the snake-haired lady.

"AAAAAHHHHHHHH!" She wailed miserably. Percy heard her tumbling over something before rolling on the ground. "Cursed demigod!" Medusa screamed flailing around on the floor trying to put the fire out.

Percy focused on the small amount of precipitation in the air again and was able to make out the outline of the monster. He changed Riptide to its second form and threw the two Chakram in their deadly arches. Medusa's screaming stop immediately as her head rolled away from her disintegrating body. Finally, Percy opened his eyes and made a disgusted face at the decapitated head. He reluctantly gripped some of the snakes and picked the head up. If only he had this a week ago, he could have used it on Cetus like the original Perseus did. Oh how much easier that would have been, Percy thought.

The son of Poseidon was wondering what he should do with the head when he heard a loud thudding and cracking outside the gas station. At first, Percy was going to try and slip away, but then he remembered there was only one door. He considered breaking through one of the windows in the back, but that would be too loud and end in a similar confrontation as he would if he just walked out the front door. So, that's what he did. With Medusa's head in one hand and both his Chakram in the other, Percy strode out the front door like he was an ordinary civilian that totally didn't just decapitate some poor lady.

Maybe he'd surprise whoever it was waiting for him so much that he could simply slip away. However, that wasn't the case. One step outside the building and he froze. There in front of him was a very surprised-looking Amazonian Princess.

"Di Immortales," Percy muttered under his breath as he realized it was Wonder Woman.

The Amazon's eye's widened, "Y...you."

"Yes, I'm me. Who else would I be?" Percy didn't know why, but he felt really sassy today. Maybe it was because of all of the stress that came with killing monsters, maybe it was the appearance of his old friends, or maybe it was because both of those had been making him extremally tired the past week. He didn't care at the moment that the Justice League had finally found him. He'd known they were looking for him, but always managed to avoid them, at least until today.

"I need to talk to you!" Wonder Woman said excitedly. "Who are you? Are you like me? Did you cross over too?"

"Wow, calm down. That's a lot of questions."

Wonder Woman was looking at him expectantly. Percy wondered what he should he say. He was kind of happy to meet his new cousin, but at the same time he knew whatever he said would effect the rest of his life in this world. Before he could say anything, a red jet-like aircraft appeared overhead and began to descend. A hole formed at the bottom letting the occupants drop out.

Percy scowled when he saw them. They were the Young Justice Harley had told him so much about. Most of them he didn't really recognize, except for Kaldur. He was surprised to see him, but not as surprised when he saw masked people he knew were his old demigod friends. His scowl deepened as they approached. "What do you want?" He asked coldly.

"You have very interesting armor there," Annabeth said gesturing to his obvious Greek style armor. "I think we should discuses it in more detail."

"No, thank you," Percy said emotionlessly. "Nothing good comes from talking with me, Wisdom's Daughter."

Everyone froze, especially the demigods. It was like Percy turned them to stone with Medusa's head. Speaking of Medusa's head, Percy decided to try to distract them and retreat. He lit his hand on fire along with Medusa's head and muttered, "To Hestia," before throwing it like a bowling ball at the demigods. They leapt back in a panic as the flaming head rolled past before bursting into gold dust. Percy doubted his offering would reach Hestia, but why not try? While they were distracted, he booked it down the street.

The Young Justice and Wonder Woman recovered from the flaming monster head bawling ball just to look up and see their target already ducking it around a corner. "Hey!" One of the Young Justice members, who Percy remembered Harley called Kidflash, yelled before taking off after him. Percy turned just in time to explode a fire hydrant beside the young speedster. The water sent Kid flash pin wheeling across to the other side of the road.

The rest of them were chasing him now too, Wonder Woman leapt at him trying to grab him, but he sidestepped and grabbed her outstretched arm. He didn't want to hurt her, but his heart ached as he realized she'd allied with the demigods from his homeland. Shoving her to the side, he tried to make it further down the street, but everything was chaos. The ground shifted and cracked open due to Hazel. Jason, Zatanna, and Miss Martian were flying at him each using their own abilities to try and catch him. Percy distracted them by throwing his Chakrams in their direction.

Superboy was about to leap at him. Further back, Leo lit up into a human torch, Artemis was readying an arrow, Frank was probably the tiger coming at him, and Robin had birdarangs. Aqualad just stood there looking at Percy, like he was desperately trying to remember something and Piper was undoubtedly trying to charm speak, but there was no way Percy could even hear her.

"Well... Fuck." Percy said seeing no real way of escaping all of their attacks. But then something unexpected happened. Giant trees spouted out of the ruined cement with vines blocking any holes. In a matter of few seconds, an entire forest grew around him in a protective circle. The trees shook at the force of the attacks. Percy crouched and placed him hand on the ground. Pushing energy into the ground he stole control form Hazel and the earth quaked in anger. The lonely gas station shattered at the force of the shaking. Some of the other abandoned building nearby also started to crumble. Taking advantage of being the only one who could stand, Percy took off, riding the predictable tremors like they were waves.

It wasn't long before he saw The Hero Syndicate as they scrambled back onto their feet. "Come on, Let's get out of here." Percy said sending Ivy and the others appreciated looks.

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