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Percy's POV

"Who are you?" Piper asked wide-eyed. Charmspeak laced her voice, whether she meant to use it or if she was just too shocked to control it, Percy didn't know. However, he did know that it wouldn't work. The pendant-sized bronze trident he kept tucked away in a pocket of his suit started to heat up again just like it did when it counteracted Medusa's compulsion. Warmth flooded through his body, and with it the smallest sent of the ocean hung in the air.

"How about you NOT try to charmspeak your potential ally," Percy growled as he shook off the compulsion.

"" Piper stammered. Percy didn't think he'd ever seen the Daughter of Aphrodite's eyes so big. In fact, all of the Seven's eyes were open abnormally wide.

"See," Leo muttered. "I was right. He's a god."

That confused Percy. They thought he was a god? He could understand Leo coming to that conclusion, but Annabeth was supposed to be smart. Why wasn't she supplying a better guess at his identity?

"I won't be confirming or denying anything related to who I am or what I can do since those were my terms for this partnership. However," Percy narrowed his eyes. The trident protected him from any mental attacks and revealing information, but it didn't cover his team. "If this is going to work, I'm going to need an oath that none of you will try to compel, charmspeak, or otherwise coerce any member of the Hero Syndicate in the case you interact with them."

"Okay," Shazam said looking bored

"Swear it on the River Styx," Percy said a bit smugly. He was pretty sure that an oath on the Styx didn't work in this world, much like how Iris Messages and the Mist didn't work, but they didn't know that and it was unlikely that test it out.

Shazam sighed, "We swea..."

The red, white, and gold-clad superhero didn't get any further; however, as Frank's hand clamped over his mouth. The demigods had practically tackled the big guy out of his seat.

"Slow down," Hazel said, her voice still having that unique older accent that Percy remembered. "An oath on the River Styx is a serious matter and needs to be thought out thoroughly."

"Yeah, it can lead to a fate worse than death if you break one," Leo said.

Shazam's face paled slightly and he kept his lips tightly sealed.

"What do you think?" Jason asked turning to Annabeth.

Percy could see the gears turning as the Daughter of Athena thought of every possible pro and con of such an oath. It felt so very strange to Percy to see her again. When he'd first crossed over, he'd desperately wanted to get back to her. However, after he'd watched her give up on him and toss him to the side for her own greed, he was left feeling devastated, alone, and betrayed. He'd gotten better the closer he came with his team, his new family, but seeing her so close again was stirring all of those emotions back up.

"It's reasonable," Annabeth finally said. She locked eyes with Percy, and it was Percy who turned away first, not being able to stand the rush of emotions he felt.

Jason nodded in agreement, "We swear on the River Styx to your terms."

Percy caused the rain to pick up to cover the lack of thunder. "Good, then let's move on to the real problem at hand..."

"Like how you know who she is?" Leo jumped in pointing to Piper.

"I know who you all are. The demigods of the Prophecy of Seven who were granted immortality; Jason Grace, Leo Valdez, Piper McLean, Hazel Levesque, Frank Zhang, and Annabeth Chase. I know your pasts, your heritages, and your flaws." It felt good to speak freely. Since they thought he was a god, he might as well pretend to be one and it wasn't like he was lying. It might have been a while since they'd last seen each other, but the demigods hadn't changed much.

"Why the Prophecy of Seven when there are only six?" Hawk Woman asked.

"Why indeed," Percy said. He wanted to see how the demigods would act, so he continued. "There seems to be one of the legendary demigods missing."

A strange tension hovered over his old friends. "Percy Jackson," Both Wonder Woman and Jason said at the same time, which was a bit of surprise. He guessed Wonder Woman had heard the name from the Seven and had remembered it because she was curious about him. Jason had obviously spoken because he'd felt it was his responsibility as someone in a leadership position, and perhaps a bit out of guilt.

Percy didn't know what he was expecting, but it wasn't this. The demigods all looked devastated that he was gone, except maybe Annabeth. Her expression was a confusing mix of emotions that was nearly impossible to decipher.

"How do you seem to know so much?" Batman asked suspiciously.

"I'm from their world, obviously. And I have divine blood flowing through my vein, so how could I not know about the ones who saved our world?"

"Prove it," Annabeth said sliding something across the table.

"What?" Percy asked.

"We know you bleed golden blood, but different colored blood is not so uncommon in this universe as well as mind readers. Perhaps that is how know our names. So, prove it."

Percy looked down at the small yellow square that was now before him. He smiled slightly and lifted the substance. "You people really have trust issues, you know that?"

Annabeth ignored that and stared at him expectantly. She must be truly desperate to know if he was telling the truth.

"What is that?" Artemis asked.

"Ambrosia," Percy said. "The food of the gods. Only those with godly blood can consume it. It is used to heal demigods' wounds; however, it will kill mortals and can kill demigods too if they eat too much." The Son of Poseidon then popped the square into his mouth and was instantly struck with a wave of nostalgia at the taste.

The ambrosia melted in his mouth and he felt some of his weariness subside. "Does that satisfy your curiosity, Miss Chase?"

The Daughter of Athena nodded.

"If you don't mind me asking," Aqualad said, speaking for the first time in the meeting. "Were you at Atlantis recently?"

Percy frowned slightly. "I was. Sorry for all of the trouble I caused you, Kaldur." The Atlantean looked surprised at Percy's friendly and apologetic tone as well as the use of his name. "I was exploring this new world and was in Atlantis when Cetus attacked."

"What about the memory loss?" Aquaman asked.

"I may have had something to do with that. Let's just say, you knew too much at the time."

Aquaman didn't look pleased with that explanation, but it was Aqualad who spoke, "It was also you who sent Neto to safeguard me?"

"It was a form of apology," Was all Percy said.

Aqualad pondered that for a while until Wonder Woman steered the conservation back on track. "Tri, are you willing to formally form an alliance with the Justice League?"

"Yes, I am."

Wonder Woman smiled, happy things seemed to be working out. "Good, then let's discuss what you know about these portals."

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