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Percy's POV

It was late when Percy got back from officially meeting the Justice League and Young Justice. Well actually, it was already late in the evening before he went to the assembly which made it even later now. Nevertheless, his entire team was still up and waiting for him.

"What's up?" Percy asked as he tiredly pulled his helmet off and tried to comb his fingers through his tangled black hair. It had been a long day and he was glad to be back. A smirk appeared on his face as he turned to Harley and asked good-naturedly, "Do you want to destroy me at Hungry Hungry Hippos for the second night in a row?"

Harley couldn't help but smile back at him, "I'd be up for another game of it if you guys are."

"Gods no!" Slade said quickly, using one of Percy's language habits that he'd begun to pick up. "I'd like to play a game where I could actually win, Thank you very much."

"I agree with that," Percy said before throwing a newly purchased deck of Go Fish on the table.

Slade glowered, "That's not any better! Now it'll just be you winning."

Ivy pulled out the chair next to her which Percy wearily took with a grateful nod. "How was the meeting, Percy?"

"It was definitely something that's for sure. They don't trust me and some of them don't seem to like me, but that was to be expected," Percy said as he summoned a cold blue drink for himself. "They seem to have come to the conclusion that I must be some kind of god, so I'll let them believe that."

"That's a big assumption," Nico said taking the seat across from Percy.

"I know. It was Leo who first suggested it, but no one else seemed to question it."

"No even Annabeth?"

Percy sighed, "Not even Annabeth."

"But that's for da best, right? That means she don't know who ya are yet." Harley said.

Percy nodded tiredly. He didn't want to have a long conversation about Annabeth, not tonight. "How were things while I was away?"

Everyone glanced at Slade which peaked the Son of Poseidon's curiosity. "What happened?" Percy now directed the question to Slade.

"I ran into some Karpoi while I was out on patrol. They yelled about grain a lot, set a building on fire, and disappeared into the darkness before I could catch them."

"Ugh, grain spirits. I hate grain spirits," Percy groaned. He recalled rescuing Hazel from several of the pesky Karpoi with Frank... He also remembered threatening to burn down the grass and surrounding field when they tried to re-form. Let's just say it wasn't his best moment.

"Not as much as me," Nico's voice was dark. He was undoubtedly remembering his own unpleasant experiences. Percy had heard his cousin had been turned into a stalk of corn while in Venice and had seen Persephone turned him into a dandelion before as well.

Percy decided that Nico did indeed have a greater hatred towards grain spirit and plants then himself.

Turning to Slade, Percy asked. "Did they come through a recent portal?"

"No. The reports I've reviewed indicate that they came through a portal that opened two weeks ago. The reports also indicate that we've missed more monsters than we had previously suspected."

"That's a problem," Percy hummed drowsily as he considered their situation. "I can probably get the Seven and Wonder Woman to help me take care of them."

"No," Nico said simply. "I'll hunt them down."

Percy's half-closed eyes shoot open. "What? No way, you just recovered..."

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