The Justice League

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Hazel's POV

Hazel followed the mysterious man's instructions and channeled some of the overflowing energy back into the ground. She signed in relief when the magical pressure within her diminished. Finally coming back to her senses, the daughter of Pluto looked around to find they were surrounded by a bunch of strangely dressed people.

And I thought I'd gotten use to the clothing fashion of this time period, but maybe not.

"Hands up, Cowboys." Said a man in a red costume and white cape. He had a lightning bolt symbol on his chest that seemed to catch Jason's eye.

"Who the Hades are these guys?" Leo asked. The six of them had slowly moved closer to each other and held their hands near their weapons.

"Isn't that what we should be asking you?" Said some floating guy in glowing green. "You come into our city and start destroying stuff."

Jason stepped forward and raised his hands in a peaceful manner. "Sorry about that, We were overwhelmed by our powers. We really didn't mean to cause any damage." Jason glanced back at Hazel and whispered to her, "Use the Mist."

Several of the superheroes gave them curious glances as if they could hear what Jason just said. Hazel moved forward to get everyone's attention. "We're only students on our way back to our dorm. You don't have to bother yourselves with us. We were just leaving."

The superheroes just looked at each other in confusion. "I doubt that." Said a man in a blue outfit. It had a big S on it that Hazel thought looked a little stupid.

Hazel tried again. This time she pouring all of her past experience controlling the Mist into forming the illusion of the six of them in school uniforms, but nothing changed.

"Are these mortals clear sighted or what?" Leo asked.

Hazel completely ignored him and muttered, "This is impossible."

"What, you lost your ability?" Frank asked in a worried tone.

"No, there is just no Mist here."

"I think that's enough." growled a man dressed entirely in black with a bat symbol. He pulled out some kind of gun and shot it. A large net sprung out and wrapped around Leo, Annabeth, Frank, and Piper.

Everything sent to hell after that... or to the Underworld... whatever, things got crazy. Jason flew back up into the sky to avoid the superhero in red with the white cap who surprisingly followed him. Lightning flickered across the sky as they both summoned it. A woman in red, blue, and gold with a tiara stepped in front of Hazel. She didn't attack, but unlooped her lasso and whipped it around Hazel. It began to glow gold. Leo easily burnt away the net and Piper opened her mouth.

"EVERYONE FREEZE!" And just like that, the brewing showdown stopped. "Let's just talk this out, shall we?" Piper's voice was so soothing and convincing that several of the superheroes nodded their heads in agreement.

"That's exactly what I was thinking." The woman opposing Hazel said. "I've been getting a very familiar sense from all of you. Now, are you gods or demigods?"

"We're human." Annabeth immediately lied.

"Were obviously gods." Leo buffed out his chest which was on fire.

"We're demigods..." Hazel squeaked. She didn't know why, but she felt compelled to tell the truth.

The superheroes were both confused and startled.

"Where did you come from?" The woman asked. Out of everyone, she looked the most interested even slightly hopeful.

Hazel opened her mouth to answer, but Piper spoke first. "Don't answer that." Hazel shut her mouth.

With one swift move Piper pulled the lasso off Hazel and gripped the glowing rope in her fist. "Bring it on, Lady."

"How dare you, this lasso was made out of Aphrodite's girdle!"

"Great, she's my mom. I'm sure she won't mind. Moving on, we don't know who you guys are or what is going on, so I propose we all sit down and trade some information."

The woman's eyes widened, looking from the glowing rope to Piper.

Some guy in a bright red costume zipped up to stand next to the woman. He placed a hand on her shoulder. "I say we hear these... demigods out."

"Agreed," The bat guy nodded.

"Where would be a safe place to question and keep these children until we are certain they are no threat." Asked a woman with a hawk mask and wings.

"Hold up!" Jason said landing protectively in front of his friends. "We aren't just going to follow you into a trap. You could be monsters for all we know."

"Monsters?" One of the heroes asked.

"There are no Greek monsters in this world anymore. They originally faded long ago. Although a few have been appearing through portals lately, we detect these portals and I kill the monsters before they can cause any damage." The tiara woman said slowly winding her lasso back up.

Hazel and her friends shared a confused look.

"But we were just fighting one like fifteen minutes ago..." Leo said.

"Looks like things are getting complicated." The guy in red with the white cape said. "Luckily I know a little diner nearby with great chicken stripes if you wanted to talk it out over some food."

Everyone glared daggers at the superhero. "Uhmm..." He continued. "I've heard they also have really good coffee?"

"Sounds good." Annabeth agreed.

The guy dressed as a bat booked the entire diner for the superheroes and demigods. They had move all the tables together to fit everyone. After drinks were served, they went around the table and introduced themselves.

"So, Jason." Wonder Woman leaned across the table in the direction of the demigods. "You can fly and control lightning. I'm guessing your would be a fellow child of Zeus."

Jason's eyes widened.

"I thought Thalia was your sister." Frank pointed out.

"Well yes," Jason said and then turned to Wonder Woman. "Your a Greek demigod?"

"Indeed I am, the same as you."

"Actually, I'm Roman."

"What?" Wonder Woman asked in surprise.

"I'm the son of Jupiter, not Zeus."

"I'm lost, what does that mean?" Green Arrow asked.

"Jupiter is Zeus' Roman form. Many of the old Greek gods were later adopted by the Romans and so the gods ended up having two forms. Hazel and Frank are also Roman demigods."

All eyes turned to the couple as they set their drinks back on the table.

"I'm the son of Mars, the Roman version of Ares."

"And I'm the daughter of Pluto, but you probably know his Greek form, Hades, better."

"Your the daughter of the god of the Underworld?" Black Canary asked.

"Yes, but Pluto is know more as the god of riches and wealth. My brother, Nico, who is the son of Hades has a lot more control over the dead than I do."

"Wow, two children of the Big Three," Black Canary said. It seemed to Hazel as if she was the most knowledgeable about their mythology with the exception of Wonder Woman of course. "If you had a child of Poseidon or Neptune with you, you'd have all three."

At that, the Seven demigods remembered their missing friend. The air turned heavy and everyone noticed.

"S...Sorry if I said something wrong..."

"It's not that," Hazel interrupted her. "Its just that we did. We had a son of Poseidon named Percy Jackson. My brother said Percy was the most powerful demigod he'd ever met, which is a big achievement." Hazel smiled sadly. "He was our friend. Including him, we made up the seven demigods of the great prophecy."

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