Tri for Triton?

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Wonder Woman's POV

Diana watched as Piper pulled a gold coin out of her pocket and compared it with the Drachma in Jason's hands even though all of the demigods knew it would be a perfect match.

"How common are Drachma's in this dimension?" Annabeth asked Diana.

Artemis quickly interrupted, "Hold on a minute. Just what is a Drachma?"

"A Drachma is a form of currency that was used by the ancient greeks, and their gods. However, they are nearly extinct in this world. I've only seen one or two in the possession of my mother, Queen Hippolyta of the Amazons."

Red Tornado addressed Aqualad, "It is curious that you possess this coin."

"Yes... I think I may have taken it or somehow gotten it from the intruder."

"It looks like it is becoming more likely that this Tri person is from our universe," Frank said.

Annabeth agreed with a small nod of her head.

"It would appear as if we've come to the same conclusion," Batman said as he switched the pictures up of Tri to a short video that played on a lope. "These were taken from the security cameras at Wayne Enterprise only a few days ago when a group of monsters broke in." Diana saw Annabeth raise an eyebrow slightly when she made eye contact with Batman and once again wondered what Annabeth figured out this time.

Batman's face was completely blank as he continued on, "As you can see, Tri mainly uses a sword while fighting monsters. It's likely that this weapon is magical since it can change forms." Batman switched to another video and Annabeth gasped.

In the video, Diana could make out Tri being hauled up into the air by a disturbing-looking monster. It resembled an old lady, but its face was contorted in a hideous smile. It also had large bat-like wings it used to propel itself upwards and brass talons that cut into Tri's shoulder.

"It's the Arai," Annabeth muttered. She suddenly looked sick.

"More importantly, is that guy bleeding gold?" Clark asked.

Diana's head whipped back to the screen and looked closer. Sure enough, he was.

The other Demigods all started mumbling to one another in quick and serious tones.

"So what, is he like you guys?" Kid Flash asked the demigods.

"I don't think so," Annabeth managed to get out after getting over her initial shock. "Only a select few were given immortality including all of us present as well as a few of our close friends, all of which we've been in contact with recently. If this guy has been here for a year like you said," Annabeth gestured to Batman. "Then it's impossible for it to be any of them. Additionally, I didn't hear about anyone else receiving immortality recently."

"He could have gotten it a long time ago, or he could even be a god," Leo suggested.

"Perhaps," Annabeth said in deep thought.

"Well then, who is he?" Green Arrow asked obviously irritated with the lack of knowledge.

"We don't know, but we have more information due to an encounter Wonder Woman and the Young Justice had with Tri the other day," Batman said indicating to Diana recall exactly what occurred.

"I was at Mt. Justice helping them repair after the recent attack by Vandal Savage," She began. "It was then that Robin informed us that there was a sighting of Tri. Apparently, he was seen on a security camera entering private property and the owner had called the police. Robin had intercepted the police's radio and knew by the description it was most likely Tri. The entire team got ready to intercept him, but I left first."

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