The Olympics

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Percy's POV

Percy really didn't know how to feel about the Atlantis in this dimension. It was similar enough to his father's capital that it made him homesick, but also different enough to have its own wonders and splendors.

Neto guided the demigod through the bustling waterways that acted like main roads in the underwater city. Neto had explained that the tournament had attracted a large number of people this year.

So, what kind of tournament is it? Percy asked.

It is the seasonal Olympics, Lord PerSea. Participants contest in sports like speed swimming, water bowling, aquatic chariot races, and a lot of different combat games.

You guys call it the Olympics too?

Neto narrowed his fishy little eyes. I'm sorry, My Lord. I do not know much about its history. All I know is that it is an old tradition the Greek gods started in Atlantis before they faded from this world. They are the ones who named it. Perhaps they made the Olympics from your world as well.

Percy suddenly remembered Annabeth saying something about the Olympics first being held in ancient Greece. He then felt betrayal as his mind lingered on Annabeth.

What kind of combat games do you guys have? Percy asked trying to distract himself.

They have this cool game called the όλα gladiator match. Its a team game where all weapons and abilities are allowed. It gets pretty crazy. Other than that, I have no clue. I only pay attention to the relay fish race, Neto said. One day I will be fast enough to participate in it. I've been practicing! Wanna see?

Before Percy could even speak, Neto shoot off through the crowd like it was an obstacle course he had to conquer.

"Ummm..." Percy muttered as he now found himself alone. Thinking he should stay in roughly the same area if he wanted to find his little fish friend, Percy swam out of the main flow of Atlanteans. There were little stalls selling all kinds of treats and trinkets, one of which caught his eye. There was a small box with what looked like a celestial bronze pendent in it. It was shaped exactly like his father's trident.

Hesitantly, Percy picked the necklace up to study it closer. It was a bit battered due to its age, but it still looked like a mini replica of Poseidon's symbol of power. Handling the pendent with care, he turned the pendent over in his palm. Percy felt even more homesick now.

"You know," said the stall keeper when he noticed the younger man. "You're probably the first person I've ever seen who took interest in that old scape of metal." Percy was surprised to realize he understood Atlantean. He was even more surprised to realize it was a slightly modified version of ancient Greek.

Percy dug through the pockets of his superhero suit until his hand landed on one of the few golden drachmas he'd brought over to this world. Over the past year, he'd tried to use them for iris messages, but they never went through.

"It's reminds me of someone I haven't seen in a long time," Percy said smiling sadly. "I'm sorry, I only have this to pay you with." Percy held out one of the drachmas.

"Sorry son, I can't accept foreign currencies."

"Its gold." Percy really had his heart set on the small piece of jewelry.

"Probably fools gold, there's no way someone would be out and about with only gold on them."

A shadow fell over Percy and he turned. A tall man in red was at Percy's side.

"What seems to be the problem here?" The man asked pulling the hood of his red tournament cloak back. He had bright hair and shockingly pale eyes that stared at Percy and then then the stall keeper.

"Kaldur'ahm..." The stall keeper gasped before bowing slightly.

"Just Kaldur if you will, gentlemen. Now what seems to be the problem." The young Atlantean said.

"This boy was trying to buy something, but I've never seen the currency he carries before and can't trust its value."

Kaldur caught sight of the coin in Percy's hand and his eyes widened. "Could I take a look at that?"

Percy nodded slowly before handing the golden drachma over.

"This is an ancient Greek coin if I'm not mistaken. I've only ever heard of them, where did you get it?" Kaldur said.

Glancing to the side, Percy tried to think of an acceptably lie. When nothing came, he decided to tell the truth, or at least a slightly twisted truth. "It's been in my family's possession for a long time."

"Hmm..." Kaldur hummed. "You'll be in the games this afternoon, will you not?"

Percy was confused for a second before remembered the cloak he was wearing, "Ah, yes."

"Very well, I think I can help everyone here get what they want." Kaldur turned to the stall keeper and said, "I'll pay you for the necklace." He then looked at Percy. "And in exchange for you getting it, I want this coin, deal?"

The three of them nodded and they made the trade. Percy tucked the pendent in his pocket and started swimming away when he heard Kaldur say, "I'll be seeing you later in the games."

Percy only continued on. He had a bad feeling that Kaldur was someone powerful in Atlantis and he didn't want to meet him again. Luckily he wouldn't be seeing him later as he wasn't actually going to be participating in the tournament.

Once Percy passed several more stalls, he decided he should probably try to find Neto again. He paused and looked around. Neto, where did you go? Percy sent his thoughts through the water.

Here, My Lord! The herring said appearing next to Percy. So, what did you think? I was pretty quick, wasn't I?

So quick I couldn't keep up, Percy grumbled.

Neto's eyes lit up. Lord PerSea said I was fast!

Percy signed. Yeah, you've got some speed on you. Anyways, what can you tell me about a man named Kaldur?

Kaldur'ahm! He's the apprentice to Master Orin himself. He's a very skilled warrior. The last few years he's won most of the combat games in the Olympics, becoming Atlantis' Champion. You might know him under the name the surface people gave him, Aqualad.

He's part of the Justice League?

Neto shook his head, He leads the hero's apprentices. They form a team called the Young Justice.

Percy knew Cheshire had quite a few run-ins with the Young Justice. From what she'd told him, their a very... interesting team.

Neto continued to tour Percy around Atlantis for several more hours until they neared the colosseum. It was even more crowded then the rest of the city. Atlanteans flooded into it like a baseball stadium.

And this is where the games will be held. Neto said using one of his fins to point at the impressive building.

I would love to watch some of them, but I should be getting back before Harley begins to worry. Trust me, you don't want to make her worry, she'll... Percy was cut off when someone grabbed hold of his upper arm and yanked him in the direction of the colosseum.

"What?" Percy yelled started by the sudden movement. He looked at who was pulling him to see some buff dude in the same blue cloak he was wearing.

"Come on! The whole team has been looking for you all day. We're first up in the tournament." The man said as he quickly dragged Percy into a room under the elevated seats of the amphitheater.

"H..hold on." Percy managed to say, but no one listened. Before he knew it, he was sanding side by side with three other figures in the same blue cloak. Percy was really starting to regret putting the cloak on in the first place.

"Okay team," The buff guy from earlier said. "Were going up against the Atlantean team in the όλα match. They're going to be a tough sea nut to crack, but we've got this!"

The other members cheered and the gates leading to into the colosseum opened. As Percy's 'team' pushed him forward, his hood slipped down to his shoulders.

"Hang on. Your not Jimmy." One of the blue cloaked figures said, but it was drowned out in the roar from the crowd as they entered the battleground.

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