Welcome to Mt. Justice

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Piper's POV

Piper as well as the other demigods were shocked to find themselves in a world that was not their own. The Justice League had explained a lot about this new world during their long talk. The Seven told a little bit about their home world, but no more than they had too. They were so used to keeping their lives secret and separate from mortals that it just didn't feel right. And they obviously didn't tell them they were immortal yet.

Wonder Woman had convinced the Justice League to allow the demigods to stay with a group formed of their apprentices called the Young Justice, which was who they were currently heading to meet.

Seven demigods, including Wonder Woman, were packed into one of batman's jets. Annabeth was sitting up in the front with the dark knight as he piloted the aircraft. She interrogating him thoroughly about how he was able to afford all his trinkets.

His responses were gruff, "That's none of your business, that's no concern of yours," or just silence. However, Piper wouldn't be surprised if Annabeth found out his 'secret identity' by the end of the week.

"Do you guys think Medusa was telling the truth?" Hazel asked in a hushed tone.

Jason sat up straighter and gripped Piper's hand. "I don't know. It would make sense if he was in Tartarus though. Hades said he wasn't dead, but also not exactly alive either."

"What are you talking about?" Wonder Woman asked quietly.

The demigods glanced at each other having a silent conversation before Piper decided they could trust the amazon. "The monster we were trying to kill before we teleported here, Medusa, said something about our friend who has been missing for a long time."

"Percy Jackson?" Wonder Woman whispered.

Piper nodded. "After the last war, we found his camp necklace on the battlefield in a puddle of blood, but he wasn't there. We looked for a long time, but could never find him. The gods were all being really vague about his fate. There was no news of him for four years, until just today when Medusa said she saw him falling into Tartarus."

"Tartarus!?" Wonder Woman's eyes widened. "I've heard no mortal has ever survived Tartarus. I fear your friend is dead."

Piper smiled. "That was true, until a few years back. Hazel's brother, Nico, as well as Annabeth and Percy have already survived it. Hopefully he can do it again."

"There is just one problem this time," Hazel's said softly. "The Doors of Death are no longer in the underworld. He has no way of getting back out."

"He'll find a way, I mean this is Percy were talking about." Frank said confidently.

"Yeah, he'll probably somehow manage to befriend Nyx and get her to teleport him out or something like that. Actually doesn't Thanatos owe Percy for saving him. Maybe he can help." Leo said as he played with the flame dancing on his hands.

"Perhaps..." Hazel said. "But even the god of death avoids Tartarus."

Leo gulped and extinguished the fire.

"What are you talking about?" Annabeth asked as she approached them.

"Thanatos," Piper answered truthfully.

"Huh, well Mr. Dark and Brooding said we'll be at Mt. Justice in a few minutes.."

"Scanners are picking up an abnormal number of heat signatures!" Batman's loud voice came from the cockpit. The demigods stood to get a better view out the window when the jet suddenly shifted sending them all crashing to the floor. Explosions erupted all around the aircraft like they were flying through a firework festival.

"I think we're being shot at..." Leo said pulling himself back onto his feet.

"Wow, how'd you figure that out?" Annabeth said sarcastically. The jet spun through the air as Batman desperately tried to avoid the gunfire. A deafening blast caused everything to shake and the jet started plummeting downwards.

"Looks like we're landing," Batman growled as he turned away from Mt. Justice and aimed for a sandy beach nearby. "Hold on, this is going to be a ruff landing."

The demigods clung onto anything they could, Leo managed to grab hold of a coffee mug before realizing that caffeine probably wouldn't save him. Piper held onto a handhold built into the wall with one hand and had the other wrapped around Jason's shoulder. Hazel looked about ready to throw up.

"Jason, the wind!" Annabeth yelled.

"I'm trying, but it won't help anyone if I lose control of it again!" Jason's eyes were tightly closed and Piper could see his eyebrows furrow in concentration. The diving aircraft straighten back out a little bit. The shacking stopped as they slowly descended before skimming across the sand. Eventually, it showed to a jerky stop. Piper sighed and released the built up tension in her arms and shoulders.

"That was amazing, Jason." Wonder Woman said. Batman just grunted as the door slid open. They stepped out to see the rear of the jet was on fire. Red flames and black smoke rose lazily into the air.

Summoning some of the sand, Hazel directed into over the jet, effectively smothering the fire. Batman surveyed the damage for a moment then turned to the demigods. He handed them each a simple black mask.

"Listen up, this is your first official mission," Batman said. "You will locate the members of the Young Justice and aid them in fighting off the enemy. Wonder Woman will guide you. I'm going to see if I can get this fixed up in the meantime."

"I'll help you with that." Leo said pulling a screwdriver out of his belt. Batman looked skeptical, but Wonder Woman was already leading everyone else into the forest.

It only took the athletic demigods a few minutes to near the mountain. They crouched in the shadows of the trees when they saw men in dark uniforms surrounding the entrance to the Young Justice's base.

Wonder Woman pointed to an eye sigil on their clothing and muttered, "They're Vandal Savage's men, but what is he doing here?"

"Who's that?" Frank asked.

"He's an ancient villain, right?" Annabeth asked.

Piper wondered how on earth she could have known that, but then she remembered that the daughter of Athena had barely taken her nose out of one book or another since they'd gotten to this new world. She was most likely excited to have an entire new world's worth of information to learn.

"Yes, an immortal." The Seven shared a look at that. "He's been alive for millennia and is a powerful opponent. He excels at pretty much anything, from sword fighting to magic. He is also incredibly intelligent so be weary." Wonder Woman said.

Something came crashing down from the sky to their left, making a crater in the earth. A young man in cargo pants and a black shirt crawled out of the hole in the ground. He looked up into the sky where an older man in black was leisurely floating down. Lightning flicked around him.

"That's Superboy or Connor," Wonder Woman said pointing at the boy who had just fell from the sky. "The guy he's fighting is Black Adam, a rival of Shazam."

"What's the plan for attack?" Piper asked. She normally wasn't the fighting type, but she was itching for one right then.

"I think it would be best to split up," Annabeth said studying the mountain. "It looks like the Young Justice members are split up and it will be the fastest way to find them."

"It's too dangerous." Wonder Woman said.

"Don't forget we are demigods as well," Piper argued. "We may look young, but believe me, we've all had our fair share of fighting gods, titans, giants, you name it. A few superpowered humans can't kill us."

Wonder Woman didn't seem to notice the secret meaning in Piper's last few words. She thought for a second before slowly nodding.

"Good," Jason said eagerly. "I claim the Black Adam dude." And with that, the son of Jupiter sprinted off towards Superboy.

With nothing else to really do, the remaining demigods split up and made their way closer to the base hidden in the mountain.

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