New Friends: Part 3

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Robin's POV

Robin crouched in the shadows. He'd been sneaking through the familiar vents of their base trying to avoid both Vandal Savage himself and all of his goons. Currently, he was now hiding out near one of the walls that made up Wally's room.

Can anyone hear me? Robin tested their mental link again, but when no replay came, he knew they were still down. Something must have happened to Miss Martian, He told himself.

Robin pondered his next move. He knew he couldn't take Vandal Savage down of his own.

"Hey there, you must be Robin." A female voice whispered right next to him. Now Robin wasn't the type to startle easily, but to say he didn't jump and smack the back of his head into the metal roof of the air vent would be a lie. After regaining his senses, he pulled out one of his birdarangs and turned to the voice, but there was no one there.

"What the...?" Robin said before noticing that the airflow had changed . It was like something was blocking it. There was someone there.

"Chill, Boy Wonder," the voice said again. A girl with blond curly hair appeared in front of him as she pulled a Yankee's cap off her head.

"Oh yeah, who are you?" Robin asked skeptically.

"I'm Annabeth. Batman and Wonder Woman told me to help you guys."

Robin narrowed his eyes. "Where is he?"

"Fixing his bat jet thing with one of my friends. We were practically shot out of the sky when we got to close to the mountain."

Robin most definitely did not trust this girl yet, but he had heard the gunfire of Vandal Savage's men shooting at something in the sky. She was also wearing one of the simple black masks Batman always kept as a spare.

"So, what are we up against?" Annabeth asked as if she was already part of the team.

"Vandal Savage has been searching our base for a relic he thinks we have, and the rest of the Young Justice have been split up..."

"Don't worry about them," Annabeth interrupted. "My friends are currently looking for them."

Robin didn't know why Annabeth sounded so confident, but he decided to focus on the task at hand. They had to come up with a plan to stop Savage.

Speaking of the devil, Savage strode into Wally's room and began looking at all of the 'souvenirs' the speedster had collected over the years. He approached one specifically that looked like a bronze dagger. Savage picked it up and examined it before angerly smashing his fist against the wall which shattered like glass at his touch. "Its power source is missing!" He muttered. Robin could make out a trident shapes hole in the handle of the knife.

The supervillain must have sensed he was being watched because his head snapped up in their direction. "Hiding in the vents are we?" Savage smirked stepping directly in front of the metal grading.

Robin began shoving Annabeth backward, deeper into the vent. If the League has trouble dealing with Savage, there was no way we could defeat him by ourselves.

Savage's hand broke through the vent covering like it was butter and latched around Robin's right ankle. The young superhero gasped at the crushing grip. He desperately scrambled to find a handhold as he was being drug out of the vent, and his hands found Annabeth's. What ensured was a tug of war game with him as the rope.

Robin would have been more impressed at how strong Annabeth was if excruciating pain wasn't arching up his entire leg. She was nearly on par with the mad immortal himself. But it wasn't enough.

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