Searching for The Lost Atlantean

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Robin's POV

The water was colder than Robin would have liked. It was midway through Fall, so everything was cooling down. Sure his suit protected him from most extreme temperature changes, but he'd already been in the freezing water for half an hour, and the cold was starting to seep through.

Miss Martian and Zatanna had already tried their own techniques to pinpoint Aqualad's location, but something seemed to be blocking their friend from being found. So, they decided to simply look around for evidence.

Robin glanced over and saw Hazel skittishly moving closer to Frank.

You okay, Pluto? He asked through the metal link. He was still alert, he always was due to his training, but he wanted to something to talk about to distract himself from the cold and the constant swimming.

Fine, Hazel responded. It's just the Sea is a dangerous place for a child of Pluto.

Or Jupiter, Jason added. Robin noticed that he also seemed uncomfortable despite his previous assurance they'd be fine.

But I thought the gods went over to your world. Wally said. Surely they can't hurt you while your over here.

That does seem to be the case. I doubt Poseidon would try to harm us either way. Annabeth admitted begrudgingly.

The other demigods remained silent for a few minutes until Jason spoke again. There are still plenty other creatures in the sea to worry about. There is also the possibility that other monsters or minor gods crossed over.

Leo's face lit up. Oh like Kymopoleia. I heard you promised her an action figure.

Jason's face flushed slightly. Who told you that?

Robin didn't miss Leo's anxious glance at Annabeth who was scowling.

Luckily Wally came to the rescue even though he probably didn't realize it. Kymo who now?

The goddess of violent seas. Piper jumped in.

Why an action figure? Speedster Jr. asked.

Jason somehow signed though the mind link. I promised her a lot of stuff because she was destroying our ship! I was still working on an action figure, but I built her a shrine in Camp Half-Blood.

Robin felt that there was a bit more to that story, but considering it involved a sea goddess, it probably also involved the son of Poseidon that Annabeth didn't like to talk about. The Bow Wonder was pondering the information before his attention was diverted to Leo who suddenly got really excited and pointed at a passing group of sea turtle who seemed to be in a hurry.

Hey Frank! You think you can turn into a turtle and ask these guys if they've seen Aqualad?

The buff Asian didn't look to happy about it, but a second later he was turtle. He swam over to the other turtles who stopped as he neared. After a moment, Frank swam back to the Young Justice and shifted back.

So, there apparently was an Atlantean in a coral reef not far from here. The turtles found him and believed he was Aqualad, but the Atlantean himself didn't seen to know who he was. Then yesterday, some guy the turtles think was Black Manta attacked and captured him. They were on their way to report this incident to Aquaman.

Robin heart began to sink as he listened. It looked like this was going to be a lot harder than he thought.

He didn't know who he was? Miss Martian asked. Could he be suffering from some sort of Amnesia?

That would explain why he hasn't been in contact. What I'm more worried about though is that Black Manta seems to be involved. Robin said.

The original Young Justice members nodded as Robin turned to Frank. Did they see where they took him?

North from the reef, Frank said. So northwest from here.

You have anyway to get us there faster? Annabeth asked.

Grab on, was all Frank said before turning into a abnormally large Mako Shark.

Robin had to admit he wasn't really comfortable being so close to a shark be it Frank or not, but he had admit they made some real ground. Just over fifteen minutes later, Robin caught sight of several underwater buildings off to their right.

There! He pointed and everyone else followed his gaze. Robin was surprised when he didn't see any of Black Manta's followers patrolling, that is until he saw them sprawled unmoving on the sea floor.

This isn't looking particularly good, Artemis said.

Yeah no kidding, if we weren't looking for Aqualad, I'd be suggesting we ditch right about now. Wally commented nervously.

Robin led the group quietly and strategically, making sure they always had an escape route and staying under some sort of cover. Once they were near an entrance, he stopped behind a large boulder protruding from the sand. He glanced at Miss Martian and Superboy.

Any idea what might be in there?

The alien and clone of an alien were both silent for a moment as they stretched their sense out to their fullest extent.

It's strange. I feel many nonhuman minds within those walls, but they don't seem hostile towards us... I think they already know we are here and are waiting for us, Miss Martian said.

Yeah, I can hear a lot of rhythmic movement

Robin took that information into consideration. Any ideas Annabeth?

The demigod strategist slightly uncomfortable as she admitted, This is your friend and you know more about Black Manta than I do.

The other demigods gave her a weird look and Robin began to wonder if being in the water was distracting her with thoughts of her maybe dead/maybe not dead boyfriend. He pushed those thoughts to the back of his head for consideration on a later date and started weighing the pros and cons of entering the building.

Eventually, Robin decided that it was really the only way if they wanted to find Aqualad.

Okay, Frank I want you to turn into something small, but fast and scout a bit ahead of us. If you run into any enemies retreat back to us. Miss Martian keep me posted on any changes with the occupants. The rest of you, have your weapons ready.

What about me, what do I do? Wally asked with a mischievous smile.

Just don't do anything stupid, Robin and Artemis said at the same time.

Ahahah! Leo started laughing before Piper slapped him upside the head.

That includes you too.

Smiles slipped onto many of their faces as both Wally and Leo cast them indignant glares.

Come on guys, let's go get Aqualad.

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