Everybody Likes Ice Cream

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Percy's POV

It had been two days since Nico showed up, and the Son of Hades had slept pretty much that entire time, which reassured Percy. His cousin needed to rest and recover. When Nico did occasionally wake, Percy practically forced him to eat.

On the third day, the sleeping demigod was looking a lot better. His skin returned to its usual paleness, and although he was still ridiculously skinny, he'd gained a few pounds. It was also on the third day that he actually got up.

Percy was the only one around at the time and knew he had a lot of stuff to discuss with his cousin. He decided they could talk while he showed Nico the new world they had both been dropped into as well as explaining what he'd discovered about it, and that is exactly how they spent the rest of the day. It was around six o'clock in the evening when Percy lead his cousin over to his favorite ice cream store.

"Hey Tina," Percy greeted the cashier before requesting his usual order, blue cotton candy, and an additional one for Nico.

Unfortunately the blue cotton candy was the only... Well, blue ice cream they had, which was a shame as the Son of Poseidon really liked chocolate ice cream as well, but the blueness of the ice cream was more important. Besides the blue cotton candy wasn't bad at all.

If only were was blue chocolate ice cream, Percy thought as they waited for their treats.

A minute later, the two demigods sat around a picnic table with ice cream cones stuffed to the limit with the cold blue dessert; perks of being friends with the staff. Nico had sat in the shade of an overhanging oak tree, unconsciously trying to blend into the shadows while Percy sat across from him, basking in the sun.

A small smile appeared on Nico's face as he studied the ice cream.

"What?" Percy asked already enjoying the sweet treat.

"It's blue again."

"Of course it is. Everything is better blue," Percy stated.

"Uhh-ha?" Nico said before cautiously trying the ice cream. He'd long ago accepted Percy's obsession and agreed that it might be true, mostly. However, he'd found that there are some foods out there that should remain their natural coloration. Fortunately, the ice cream tastes absolutely delicious and refreshing, especially after all of the time he'd spent drinking fire and inhaling the scorching air of Tartarus.

Percy was pleased that his cousin seemed to be enjoying himself, then again, he was just happy to see Nico again. Until Nico showed up, Percy hadn't realized just how much he'd missed some of his old friends that he still had a positive opinion towards. Grover, Katie, the Stolls, and even Clarisse all crossed his mind. He really missed them all of a sudden, missed his old life, but he had already forged a new one here and was happy with it.

"Nico," Percy said drawing the attention of his cousin. "I'm not looking for a way back anymore."

Nico paused on the last bite of his ice cream cone, "What do you mean?"

"Even if we manage to find a way to cross back into our original world, I'm not going back. I've moved on from my old life and started a new one here."

The Son of Hades was quiet for a moment thinking that over before he sighed in acceptance, "I was kind of getting that feeling during today's tour." His features grew a bit solemn, "It doesn't look like anyone could return if they want to."

"Slade and I have some theories," Percy began. "The main one being that we may be able to pass through one of the portals when it opens for demigods or monsters to cross over, however, they close immediately making it pretty much impossible to get to in time, even if they practically open up on top of you." Percy remembered the Arai incident all too well.

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