A New Member

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Percy's POV

After the members of the Hero Syndicate and Nico reached their base, they all relaxed around the large table in their main meeting room. Percy summoned blue food, as they'd all grown to like it, especially Harley. Slade and Cheshire had taken a bit longer to accept the oddly colored food.

Nico didn't seem to mind the color, he'd had his fair share of Percy's blue food in the past. The Son of Hades consumed far more food than Percy had ever seen him eat and then proceeded to pass out from exhaustion. It was only then that Percy noticed how sickly his cousin looked. The dark bags under his eyes were darker than normal, his skin even more ghostly pale than before, and his clothes hung off his thin frame which was emphasized by his increased height.

Percy could only imagine what the other demigod had faced while in the pit and how he'd managed to survive. Either way, it had obviously taken a toll on the sleeping demigod, and the Son of Poseidon felt guilty. It was in search for him that his cousin had suffered so much pain which was only made worse by the fact that Nico would never have found him in that Pit. The longer his mind lingered on that fact, the angrier he got at Zeus.

If that bastard hadn't tried to shove me into Tartarus, then Nico never would have had to face such an evil place again.

It was then that Percy made a promise to himself. He didn't know when or even how he'd manage it, but he wasn't going to let Zeus get away with this. Over the past year, the demigod had accepted his fate and had come to see his crossing over to this world as its own kind of blessing, but he knew that others were still being used and hurt by the gods just like he was in the past and he wasn't going to let that happen; not forever. Zeus' days as the King of Olympus were numbered, he just didn't know it yet.

Ivy must have noticed Percy's increasingly depressive mood, because she place her gloved hand on his shoulder and squeezed reassuringly. "He doesn't look too good," She said gesturing at the sleeping demigod. "Let's move him somewhere so he can sleep more comfortably."

They ended up putting Nico on one of the plush couches next to them because Percy wanted to keep an eye on his recovering cousin in case he woke up. He knew exactly what nightmares follow a demigod out of Tartarus and wanted to be nearby so his cousin didn't have to go through them alone again.

Even though the Son of Hades was technically older, Percy had always seen him as his baby cousin and was determined to protect him. If he was honest with himself, Percy would still aid all of his old friends, even Annabeth, if they were in danger. He didn't want to admit it, but he was still tied to his previous life and the people in it even after everything that had happened.

"So?" Harley said expectantly in a hushed tone.

Percy looked at her confused, "So what?"

"Ya'r utterly hopeless," Harley sighed. "Is Nico gonna join da team?"


"Shh, keep it done willya?" Harley scolded. "Now is he gonna join da team or not?"

"I... I don't know," Percy said even more confused than he was before. "That's up to him to decide."

"I think he should," Ivy said quietly.

Harley smiled, "Its'a settled then. I'm now adopting him as my second Litt'l Bro."

"That doesn't make any sense! He's my cousin," Percy protested silently.

"Ehhh, details, details. Now he's your Litt'l Bro too."

Percy looked around. Ivy and Harley looked stubbornly determined on adopting the Son of Hades, Cheshire was smirking from her corner and Slade looked mildly amused.

"There is no way I'm winning this is there?"

The girls smiled at him, "Nope."

"Fine, whatever," Percy sighed.

"Yes!" Harley said while doing a fist pump.

Slade's smile slowly slipped away and his voice was serious when he spoke to Percy, "We've heard some of your stories about Nico, but do you trust him?"

"Absolutely." The Son of Poseidon may not be so sure about the Seven, but he was confident they could trust Nico. Especially, after he'd watched his cousin voluntarily go through so much pain and hardship just to find him.

Slade nodded, satisfied with the quick and confident response.

Percy silently thanked Hestia for sending him here. He'd found people he could rely on and trust, and that trusted him just as much. He'd found a family here of people that were just as broken as he was, who had pasts as complicated, messy, and full of betrayal as his was. The more he thought about it, the more Percy realized how well Nico would fit into their little gang.

But now what is going to happen? Percy wondered. So many unknowns which only made Percy more anxious. For the first time in his life, he actually wished he had a prophecy, or even one of Apollo's stupid Haikus to guide him.

Percy didn't know if the fates had any control over this dimension since the gods didn't seem to. In which case, was his fate predetermined or dependent on his own choices? He didn't know.

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