Magical River Water

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Percy's POV

Percy's eyes shoot open, and he gasped for air. Oxygen from the surrounding water filled his lungs causing him to relax. With the rush of adrenaline fading, pain and weariness took its place. The water and ambrosia were slowly healing him, but Percy knew it would still be quite a while before he regained all of his strength. Honestly, he knew he was lucky to still be alive.

When Percy tried to move, he found that his arms and legs bound with heavy chains. Attached in the middle link of his handcuffs, was another chain that secured him to the ground. Percy glanced around to find that he was back in Atlantis. More specifically, he was lying on the floor of the throne room.

Up on the dais, two people surrounded Aquaman as he sat on the throne. Percy recognized one as Kaldur, the other was a woman he figured must be the Queen of Atlantis, Mera.

Well, Percy thought as he pulled his aching body into a sitting position. At least she looks more friendly than Amphitrite.

The movement caught the three Atlantean's attention. They all turned their light colored eyes to Percy. Kaldur seemed weary, Mera was suspicious, and Aqauman surprisingly had an excited if not cautious look in his eyes.

Percy noticed his mask was removed revealing his black hair and sea green eyes, both of which annoyingly matched perfectly with the ancient mural of Poseidon that sat behind the throne.

Maybe they haven't pieced it together yet? Percy hoped. "So, who won the tournament?" Percy asked in English. The three Atlantean's eyes narrowed.

Woops. Forgot they usually speak in that slightly modified version of ancient Greek. I'm really just digging my grave even deeper.

Aquaman finally stood and approached Percy. "I'm only going to ask you once. Who are you?"

"My friends call me Tri and I'm... Atlantean." Percy said. Just not your Atlantean.

"No, your obviously not. But then how can you breath underwater as you don't have gills?" Mera asked.

"I guess I'm just special."

"What about your abilities?" Kaldur asked. "We saw what you did, and not even King Orin has that much control over the sea and its creatures."

"Wouldn't you like to know?" Percy scoffed. He really didn't like being interrogated, but he didn't even think he had the strength to stand, let alone break the chains that secured him.

"That strange monster seemed to be after you..." Mera said.

Percy was tired of them tiptoeing around the main subject. "Look, if you want to say something then just say it!"

Aquaman now stood in front of Percy. "Are you a god?"

Percy couldn't held himself from laughing. "You think I'm a god?"

"Yes... You bleed golden ichor, and look fairly similar to a certain god my people worship." Aquaman gestured to the mural.


"So what you think I'm the great god Poseidon?" Percy asked. He moved his chained hands to one of the compartments on his belt. He had another plan, which must mean something was wrong with him.

"No. But it would make since if you were related to him."

"I thought the gods faded from this world a long time ago."

"Exactly," Aquaman said. "Which is why your existence is so troubling."

"Alright fine, you got me," Percy said. It didn't matter what he told them now anyways. They already knew too much to just be left alone. "I'm a demigod. The son of Poseidon." Percy did a little bow.

The Atlanteans just stood there frozen for a good few minuets.

"So, your not a god? what about your blood?" Kaldur asked.

"Ahh about that. I was given immortality by the Lady Hestia in order to save my life and for saving the world a few times. Well, not your world." Percy said. He was opening a compartment on his belt ever so slowly as to not draw their attention.

"Not our world?" Aquaman asked. "What do you mean?"

"You see, the gods obviously didn't just fade away. If they did, I wouldn't exist. What they did was simple leave your dimension and go to another. That's were I'm originally from as well as all of the Greek monsters that have been appearing lately." Percy moved to unlatch the lids of one of the celestial bronze vials he had.

"This is impossible!" Mera yelled.

"That's kind of rude. Your saying every war I've been through, every monster, titan, and giant I've slain, and every fellow demigod I've seen die just couldn't have happened?" Percy nearly yelled as he glared at the Queen.

"Tha..that's... not what I meant..." Mera stuttered.

"SHHH!" Percy hissed. Anger flooded through his veins only worsening his headache. All of his pent of frustrations rose up at once from their hiding places deep inside of him. He was angry at the gods, the fates, the friends that abandoned him, and these Atlanteans that just wouldn't leave him be. He summoned the silver liquid of the Lethe out of its vial and uncapped Riptide.

"Sorry about this," Percy glanced at Kaldur.

Aquaman jumped away from the disturbed demigod and tried to take control of the strange liquid, but couldn't. It rushed towards them and dissolved onto their skin. There eye's widened before glazing over. Unlike when Iapetus was exposed to the Lethe, the Atlanteans took the whole experience really hard. They fell unconscious to the floor of the palace and didn't look like they were going to be getting up anytime soon.

Percy vented the rest of his anger on the chains. He hacked at them with Riptide and managed to sever the chain locking him to the ground before running out of energy. Without even caring that his arms and legs were still bound, Percy willed the water to transport him and started floating towards the door. Along the way, he retrieved him helmet and weakly slid it back on.

The guards must have heard him cutting the chain, because the door opened and they poured in. Percy raised Riptide. Even though the water canceled out some of the swords weight, it still felt heavier than the time he fought against Atlas.

With one finally energy boost, Percy launched himself at one of the guards. He stuck the Atlantean's spear out of his hand, but before he could do anymore, the rough hands of the other guards restrained him. The demigod struggled in their grasp, he was simply too weary from his fight with Cetus.

Out of the corner of his eye, Percy saw a very small silhouette in the open doorframe. When Percy turned his head to get a better look, he saw that it was, in fact, a herring.

"Neto?" Percy muttered slightly deliriously.

My brethren! Our Lord is in peril. Charge! The fish called. Out of nowhere, thousands of herrings swarmed the throne room. They distracted and slapped the guards with their fins, while others appeared next to Percy to help him escape. Outside the doors to the throne room, was a giant blue whale just waiting.

Hop on, My Lord. Remi here will take you back to dry land. Neto said as he guided Percy onto the whales back. Everything began to blur again as they ascended into the water. Knocked out three times in only a matter of hours? Percy thought chuckling slightly. Almost as bad as Jason...

So what do you guys think about Neto? He'll be coming in more later so I'm curious if you guys like him.

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