Welcome to Atlantis

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Percy's POV

Percy was down by the ocean again. After his last dam demigod dream, he needed to get away for a while, and the salty water of the sea always managed to calm him. He also needed a day without monsters. For the last week he had run into a new monster nearly every day and he needed some time to process everything that had happened recently. The city was still in good hand though. Percy found out that Wonder Woman could easily handle the monsters, and Slade had promised to keep an eye out and send anonymous tips to the Justice League if any new monsters were spotted.

Bending down on a large rock, Percy dipped his hand into the ocean, and sent his thoughts into the water.

Are you there, Neto?

After several minutes off nothing happening, a small herring excitedly swam up to Percy.

My Lord!

I told you already not to call me that.

Whatever you desire, Lord PerSea. Neto said happily.

Percy just sighed. He didn't know why he even still tried. Look Neto, I need you to take me somewhere.

Where to, Lord PerSea?

I want to see Atlantis. Do you know the way?

The little fish did a figurate. I know the way! Please Lord PerSea, let this simple herring guide you to and through the underwater city.

Sounds great. Percy cannonballed into the water next to Neto who somehow managed to bow slightly.

Follow me, I will give you a grand tour of these oceans! Neto said leading the son of Poseidon into the depths of the sea.

They traveled for a long time, all the while Neto pointed out one little landmark after another. Percy smiled slightly at the small fish's energy and joy. He himself wasn't feeling either of those at the moment, not after his last dream. It left him depressed, alone, and for the first time since he was young, without a dream. Neto's high pitched mental voice blurred as Percy's mind filled with thoughts of Annabeth and the future they will now never have.

My Lord? Neto asked facing Percy.

What? Oh sorry, I kinda got distracted. What were you saying?

Neto motioned them to keep moving with his fin. I was just about to tell you of my ancient ancestor. We like to call him Grandpa Herring. He lived in these very waters back when the Old Master ruled.

That caught Percy slightly off guard. My Father?

Yes, Son of the Sea. One day, while Grandpa Herring was out in search of food, the tide reseeded leaving him stranded in a small puddle. My ancestor knew the puddle would soon dry up in the afternoon sun, and he would die. He yelled for help, and it just so happened that Poseidon himself was nearby and heard him. The Sea God caused the tide to rise just to save one little fish and even blessed him. Grandpa Herring was incredibly grateful and promised that he and his descendants would be eternally loyal to Poseidon. I am one of those descendants as well as most other herrings.

Oh... That explains why you're so eager to help me.

Neto nodded. Indeed, without your father aiding my ancestor, I would not be alive right now.

A sad light appeared in Percy's sea green eyes. It sounds just like something he would do.

The Sea God was very kind to the helpless, Neto agreed.

They continued on in silence after that, Percy's mind once again lost in memories from his past. He was crushed. He'd spent an entire year of looking for a way back to his original world and trying to contact his friends, even his father. However, nothing seemed to work.

Percy had started thinking of his past as more of a dream than reality. It just didn't seem real. But he never gave up trying to return to Annabeth. The first sign he'd gotten that it wasn't all in his mind were monsters trying to kill him, go figure. The second sign was that dream, or really nightmare.

The darkness at the bottom of the sea ahead of them was illuminated by soft blue lights, and Percy just made out the silhouettes of underwater skyscrapers.

Not to far now, Lord PerSea. Neto said excitedly. Percy's eyes widened as they drew closer. This Atlantis was nothing like his father's palace, but it had its own splendors. The entire kingdom looked more like a massive coral reef than an actually city. The slanting walls of the houses were made of a greenish stone that looked like Olivine to Percy.

Neto, you must not tell anyone about me, Percy said as they entered the city. They cannot know I'm the son of Poseidon.

Neto nodded, understanding the potential war that might ensure if his identity was found out.

Fear not, My Lord. I'll just introduce you as my long-lost cousin! The fish said as if that was perfectly normal.

Err... Whatever you think will work.

You should probably stop willing the turrets to carry you and start swimming. Other than Master Orin, Atlanteans don't have that much control of the water itself.

Percy signed and reluctantly started kicking. They passed under an enormous spiraling arch and officially entered the city. The buildings were multicolored due to all the coral, sea grass, and algae. As they swam, Percy was amazed to see they had a colosseum that mirrored the one he saw while in Rome. Although this one was in better condition. The palace itself sat in the very middle of Atlantis and rose far higher than any other structure. It was made from the shockingly blue stone, Larimar, and was breathtaking.

Percy was so distracted with sightseeing that he didn't notice when his little fish friend vanished.

Neto! Neto! Percy called quickly turning to look around. He only saw the inhabitants of Atlantis. Most of them looked human save the occasional fish, seahorse, and shark. Yes it was weird, but not as weird as Poseidon's palace where mermaids, mermen, dolphins, and a whole bunch of what he would normally classify as 'deadly monsters' were not only normal, but also usually friendly.

Before Percy could move far from his spot, he saw a bundle of cloth swimming for him. Okay, maybe this Atlantis did have weirder inhabitants. The fabric stopped in front of him.

Here, my Lord. I got you an Atlantean garment to help you blend in!

Percy hesitantly took the cloth, revealing the small herring who was carrying it. The large piece of fabric unfolded into a cloak.

How is this supposed to help me blend in? Percy asked.

There is a special tournament happening over the next few days.. Ocean folk from around the seas have been gathered at the capital to take part in it. They each wear a cloak from their homeland You will fit right in! Neto said cheerfully.

Percy threw the cloak over his superhero suit. Where did you get this?

I stole it! My Lord.

You what?

Stop making such a big deal. You've already put it on. What do you want me to do? Unsteal it?

Percy narrowed his eyes at the herring.

Lets get going, My Lord, There is still much to see!

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