Joining the Team

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Percy's POV

Percy slowly began to repack all of his possessions back into his bag. There wasn't much. He'd only brought a few blue cookies, an old Celestial Bronze chest plate he picked up on a quest, the imperial gold jars, a handful of drachmas in his pocket, and three squares of ambrosia which he was reserving for serious injuries.

Slade, Harley and Ivy stood behind him still waiting for an explanation. Inhaling deeply, Percy held up one of the jars. "Each one of these is water from very powerful rivers. If even a drop had touched you..." He shivered, "Well lets just say you'd be lucky to still have your soul or memories intact."

The Hero Syndicate unconsciously edged slightly away from the unassuming jars.

Slade frowned slightly, "I've never heard of those rivers before."

"That's because they are not of this world, and neither am I," Percy struggled to explain further, "Y...yesterday I sort of fell into a magical portal that dropped me into this world."

"That's awesome!" Harley exclaimed. People crossing dimensions obviously wasn't the strangest thing she'd seen before.

"What about your blood?" Slade asked.

"There are incredibly powerful... beings in my world, one of which blessed me or cursed me depending on how you look at it. Anyways, that 'blessing' caused my blood to change into this." Percy pulled off the bandage around his arm revealing the dried golden ichor. It also showed how quickly the wound had healed itself. A mild first degree burn was the only thing remaining of the once nasty injury.

Percy stopped his explanation there. He wasn't comfortably talking about his past, the gods, demigods, monsters, or his immortality. And they didn't seem relevant now that he was stuck in this new world for possible forever.

Its like a new start, his thought, A world with out the gods... He smiled slightly at the idea, but it instantly faded when he began to realize what he'd left behind: Annabeth, his friends, his family, camp half-blood. If he couldn't find a way back then his dream of spending the rest of his life with the love of his life wouldn't be possible. But if he somehow did managed to get back home then Zeus would kill him.

Percy rubbed his temples wondering what he should do next. His mind was a mess of different thoughts and emotions. For the first time in Percy's life, his future seemed his alone to build.

"If you are from a different dimension, that means you have no where to call home while your in this world." Ivy stated.

Percy hesitated, once again thinking about trying to live in the ocean. However, he soon came to the conclusion that he knew noting about this world, and what dangers lie beneath the waves. He knew that whatever he faced wouldn't kill him. Only things from his own mythology like monsters, godly powers, or special metals could fatally wound his immortal body, but he could still get injured.

Harley clapped her hands excitedly. "Percy can stay wit' us and join the Hero Syndicate! All in favor?" Both Ivy and her raised their hands.

"Hold on," Slade interjected, "We still don't know what he can do, aside from sword fighting."

"Wha?" Percy asked.

Slade chucked, "I'm one of the best assassins in this world, Son. You think I wouldn't recognize a fellow swordsmen if I saw one?"

A small smile slide across Percy's face. "Your good. I'm pretty handy with my sword. I also have some control over water, fire, and can cause minor earthquakes."

"Ya can control three of the four element?" Harley asked.

"I wouldn't really say causing earthquakes means I have earth powers." said Percy.

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