Greek Mythology

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Wonder Woman's POV

Diana Prince sat at a booth in a conferrable little diner. Twirling the straw in her drink, she absently thought about something her mother, Hippolyta, told her several days ago while she was visiting Themyscira. It was a warning. The Queen Amazon had foretold the coming of new warriors, be them friend or foe, and the return of an ancient and terrible enemy.

Return and ancient, Diana thought. Her mind instantly switched to the deities of her origin. Are the gods really coming back? Will they be the warriors? But then who is the adversary?

Her thoughts were cut short as a shadow fell over her. Diana's eyes shot up, her muscles instinctively tensing ready for a fight.

"Clark," Diana signed as she recognized the person next to her.

"Sorry I'm late. I ran into a traffic accident on the way here and thought I should help. I didn't realize how late it already was."

The Amazon smiled at the Man of Steel as he slipped into the other side of the booth.

"Have you ordered?" Clark asked.

"Not yet."

"Alright let's see what they've got," Clark said as he picked up the menu in front of him. He fiddled with his glasses as if they were uncomfortable. "You know, Shazam suggested this place. He said something about them having really good chicken stripes?" Superman finished with a slightly puzzled voice.

"I'd probably go for something a bit more substantial." Diana teased.

"But I don't necessarily need sustenance," He teased back. "I can survive a long time without any real food."

"Fine, then get your chicken strips for gods' sake."

"You know what, I think I will." Clark smiled cheekily. "Shazam has never giving me bad advice before."

Diana raised an eyebrow at that and was about to comment when she felt the earth move. She met Clark's eyes. It felt like something large was running their way. No one else in the diner had noticed the subtle thumping yet. The two heroes jumped to their feet and rushed out the door. The tremors became more and more noticeable and people down the road stared screaming as a large black beast tore down the street.

Behind the creature, was practically the entire Justice League. They shot all kinds of projectiles and energy blasts, but they only seemed to slow the beast.

Wonder Woman and Superman ducked around the side of the diner to remove their civilian get up before join the rest of the team.

"What the heck is that thing?" Superman asked.

"Awww man. We interrupted your date," Shazam whined. "You can go back to it. We've got this!"

"Ugh... no we don't. We have already pommeled it into the ground several times, but it just keeps getting up." Flash said as he zipped by.

"It just won't die!" Green Lantern yelled after dropping a giant bank vault on the beast and watched it rise back up onto its four legs.

"Why didn't you call us?" Superman asked.

"Dude! You had a date with Wonder Woman." Shazam said with a duh face.

"It reminds me of a Greek monster my mother told me about once. She called it a κυνηγόσκυλο." Said Wonder Woman.

"A what now?" Shazam asked.

"A hellhound."

"Oh," Shazam's eyes lit up with understanding. "What is that?" The light obviously faded.

Wonder Woman just signed. "Let's just kill it before it destroys the entire city."

"Like I told you before, that's easier said than done." Flash commented.

Shazam ignored him and started counting backwards, "Okay, Three...Two...One...Now!"

They all attacked the massive dog. Shazam directed lightning down on its head, Cyborg shot lasers, Flash and Superman speed around it throwing punches, Zatara and John Constantine tried using magic on the monster, but it just stood back up after taking all of the attacks.

Wonder Woman dashed forward with her sword and cut the hellhound across its body from its front leg to its back. Surprisingly, that seemed to do the trick, because it instantly burst into gold dust.

"What the heck?" Shazam asked slowly floating down onto the now deserted street.

They all turned to Wonder Woman for an answer.

"I don't know." She said.

"I think I may have some useful information," Batman said using one of the gadgets on his arm to display a hologram. "I've been keeping track of these creatures that turn to dust after killing them. They started appearing about a week ago and as Wonder Woman said, they are linked to Greek Mythology. So far, there have been reports about monsters like: the manticore, cyclopes, telchines, dracaena, empusa, and just recently, the minotaur."

The hologram showed each disturbing monster as he said its name.

"Then why haven't we seen them?" Martian Manhunter asked.

"They've all been killed soon after they're appeared." Batman's voice was  deep, but couldn't hid his obvious interest in the case.

"How? We barely managed to take one of those things down."

The hologram changed to show a young man in armor that was strangely familiar to Wonder Woman. "This is Tri. I haven't been able to find much information about him, but he joined the Hero Syndicate about a year ago and seems to have no trouble killing these monsters." Batman paused for a moment glancing at the Amazon before continuing, "I think the reason Wonder Woman was able to kill the hellhound is because she is connected to Greek mythology."

"But that would mean that this Tri guy is connected as well." Superman pointed out.

Wonder Woman stepped closer to the hologram to get a better look at the figure it portrayed. "I want to meet him."

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