Watchtower Meeting

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Wonder Woman's POV

To say Diana was disappointed was an understatement. Meeting Tri did not go anywhere near as well as she had hoped for. When the Amazon first heard about him from Batman, she was ecstatic. She had always thought she was the only one left, the last living evidence that the gods had once lived in her world.

Diana had desperately wanted to meet him. Even after the appearance of other demigods like herself, her curiosity surrounding Tri never waned. If anything, it grew. What connection does he have with my brother and his friends? Who is he? Does he know why monsters and demigods are being transported to our world? Why did act so strangely when the Young Justice arrived and why did he run? All of these questions swirled around in the immortal's mind as she took her designated seat in the Watchtower. Additional chairs had been placed around the table for the entire Young Justice team which now also consisted of the demigods.

Greetings were exchanged between the different heroes as they filled in and found their seats. Diana was so focused on her thoughts that she nearly missed Clark taking his seat to her right and giving her a concerned look. She must have not been hiding her disappointment very well.

Batman was one of the last to take his seat and everyone slowly turned their attention to him. "A year ago it came to my attention that the Hero Syndicate gained a new member," the caped crusader said getting straight to the point. "There wasn't much information about him other than that he is a young man going by the code name Tri and is a potential threat."

That got Diana's attention. She scowled slightly at Batman's use of the word "threat." He was powerful that was for sure, but all of the reports indicated that he had always safeguarded the innocent. Diana then chided herself. She seemed to have a bad habit of lowering her guard for anyone who might be related to her on her godly side.

"He looks pretty young, surely he can't be that dangerous," Shazam said gesturing to images Batman had pulled up of their mysterious subject.

From the other side of the table, Diana saw Annabeth smirk. "I would think you'd know not to judge people on their age."

The red-clad hero's eyes widened slightly at the Daughter of Athena's comment making Diana wonder just what secret she'd uncovered this time, but before anyone could say anything else, Batman continued his discussion while throwing Shazam a glare. "He has been connected to the deaths of several supervillains such as Bane, Scarecrow, and Dollmaker as well as interacted with Lady Shiva, Bronze Tiger, and surprisingly Joker before they went into hiding. They haven't been seen since."

Shazam's mouth dropped open a little in shock as he unconsciously shrank back in his chair. Now Diana knew why the Dark Knight had labeled Tri a threat. He'd broken Batman's one rule, Diana thought. And Batman's lack of intel on the young man must be annoying him.

Diana knew it was not their place to end others lives. No one person or group should have control of one's fate without trial. However, her extensive Amazonian training allowed her to see both sides of the argument. In some rare cases, killing may be justified.

The gruff voice of the Dark Knight drew Diana's attention back to the discussion. "We received word that Tri was involved in the incident that occurred at Atlantis last week; however, what exactly happened at that time is still unknown. Most of the Atlanteans who made contact with him have had their memories whipped."

The nodding of both Atlanteans present confirmed this bit of information. "It is as you say," Arthur began. "Fortunately, thanks to Miss Martian and Martian Manhunter we were able to gain many of our past memories back, but my newer memories, including the memories of that day, are a bit..."

"Fuzzy," Aqualad supplied in a bit of a daze. The word sounded foreign in his mouth, probably because it wasn't a common Atlantan saying. The young man's brows were scrunched together in deep concentration, searching for memories that were simply not there.

"Due to the reports of others, it appears as if Tri stole the identity of one of the participants of our Olympics and snuck into the event," Arthur sounded oddly miffed to Diana, but that was probably due to the fact that he could not actually recall any of these detailed himself. "The reports become chaotic after that point as a giant sea monster attacked Atlantis, but most said the intruder lured the monster away. We don't know what happened after that other than that it appears as if Kaldur, Mira, and myself questioned the intruder sometime later before he escaped."

"You don't remember interrogating the intruder?" Green Arrow asked.

"No..." The King of Atlantis said hesitantly. It seemed like the loss of his memories was really bothering him.

"What about this sea monster?" Piper asked.

"It apparently towered over the entire city. My people described it as a greenish color with the front resembling a dragon and the back ending in a whale tail."

The demigods all looked to Annabeth which lead just about everyone looking at her.

"Well, if it is from our dimension, it may have been Cetus. The description is similar, however, I've always thought he looked more like an oversized whale from the recounts I've read."

Hazel leaned forward, "Either way, it sounds like a dangerous monster. Towering over the buildings? Do you know what happened to it?"

Arthur again hesitated like he thought he should know the answer before simply shaking his head.

"What I want to know is why this Tri character was at Atlantis in the first place. It seems suspicious." Hawkwoman said.

"I don't think he wanted to be there... at the Olympics at least," Aqualad said before pausing in confusion. "I mean..."

"Hey, its okay man. Having your memory whipped sucks. Just take it slow," Jason said placing a comforting hand on his new friend's shoulder. Diana felt a smile spread across her face. She was happy that her brother, half brother from her father's other form... whatever was getting along with the Young Justice.

Aqaulad turned to face the demigods. "I should have told you this when you first found me, but after I lost my memories that day, I found this in my pocket." Diana and her fellow demigod's eyes widened when the young Atlantean placed a pure gold coin on the table.

"What is that?" Clark asked leaning forward.

Jason slowly picked the coin up and turned it over in his hand before looking at Annabeth. "It's a Drachma."

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