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Percy's POV

One Year Later...

I think I'm finally getting the hang of this world, Percy thought a second before a fist slammed into his face, knocking him to the ground. Maybe, maybe not.

Percy's demigod instincts kicked in, and he rolled out of the way of another strike. The ground where he'd just been cracked under his opponent's fist.

"Dude chill." Percy said jumping back onto his feet. The man before him did not chill, he charged. Groaning, Percy uncapped Riptide and met him head on.

They seemed to dance around each other as they continually dodged each other's attacks. Percy had to admit that this guy in a wrestling outfit was really good at reading his movements. Percy thrust Riptide at the hulking figure and was kind of impressed when the other man caught hold of the blade with his bare hand. Before Percy couldn't even react, Riptide was ripped out of his hands.

Oh yay! Now I'm weaponless, Percy thought seeing Mr. Wrestling man pulling his arm back for a powerful punch. Percy caught the other man's arm as it rushed towards him and they stood for several seconds, trying to overpower the other with brute strength.

Mr. Wrestling man looked really surprised as they both realized they were evenly matched with strength. The man growled as fluid coursed through the tubes connecting to him.

Percy could both feel Mr. Wrestling man's power increase as he began to lose the strength war and he could see the other man's muscles bulge twice as big as before.

What the heck? Percy thought. This world really isn't fair.

"You cannot win against Bane!" The man yelled.

Percy jumped back, breaking the power struggle. He may actually have an idea.

"I think I can." Percy smiled as he took control of the liquid. The tubes instantly burst causing Bane to stumble and fall to his knees. Percy found Riptide inside his pocket again, uncapped it, and ran the special celestial bronze and carbon steel blade through the villain. He didn't like killing mortals, but he knew Bane had killed countless innocent people making him no better than just another monster.

Percy signed deeply as he backed away from the fallen villain. He then turned and instantly found himself in a pickle. Bane had been in the process of transporting a massive bomb, which Percy now had to deal with. Problem was, Percy didn't know the first thing about bombs, and with his luck with electronics, he'd probably set it off just by looking at it.

With extreme caution, Percy circled the explosive to make sure it wasn't activated. He must have angered the god of bombs or something because as soon as he bent down for a closer look, a blinking red light started flashing.

"Schist!" Percy yelled backing away from the evil thing. His mind raced. Surely Slade would know what to do with it.

Percy quickly tapped his communication device, but like usual it didn't work for him.

Did I upset Hephaestus or something? Percy questioned. Or do Demigods and electronics just not mix in this world?

The bomb started to beep slowly which really didn't help Percy's mood.

"What are you doing?" A voice asked in complete bewilderment. Percy turned to see a woman about his age approaching him. She had puffy black hair, a pine green kimono, and a grinning white and red cat mask on.

"Ugh... bomb." Was all Percy could think to say pointing at the explosive.

"I can see that, Tri." the woman, Cheshire, said. She'd joined the Hero Syndicate about a month ago and was a bit awkward to be around, even for Percy. When he'd first met her, he'd almost thought she was a demigod. The pain and secrets she carried gave her a strange aura that was so similar to Percy's that it kind of scared him.

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