Ex-League of Assassins

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I should probably say this now. I'm not the most knowledgeable about the DC universe. I've obviously have done some research to write this, but I've probably got something wrong. So sorry in advance. I hope you enjoy!

Percy's POV

Percy began to wonder if he should try writing a Haiku about everyone wanting to kill him. Surely Apollo would have liked it. Percy didn't even know the weird woman fighting Slade or the tiger that was charging at him, but they were obviously trying to kill him and honestly he was kind of getting tired it.

Summoning salt water from his seashell bracelet, Percy condensed the water molecules together to form semisolid liquid spikes which he hurled at the tiger. With the agility of... well a cat, the tiger sidestepped the attack and continued towards him.

"This is a fight between martial artists, not superpowered humans. Stay out of it, kid" The tiger said throwing a quick and powerful punch at the younger boy's face. Percy's demigod instincts kicked in and he easily blocked the strike. The tiger's eyes narrowed as he stepped back to study his opponent.

"First of all," Percy said taking the initiative and blasting fire at the tiger. "I'm not exactly human, so I can't be, as you call it a 'superpowered human.' Secondly, your attacking my friend. Of course, I'm going to try to stop you. And thirdly, aren't you yourself a human with superpowers? Why are you allowed in this fight but not me?"

Over the last few years, Percy had gotten pretty good at telling if a being was a god, titan, monster, sorcerer, demigod, human, or anything in between. His life had depended on it sometimes, and he sensed that the tiger currently avoiding his attacks was indeed a human.

Mr. Tiger growled dangerously. He apparently didn't like being told off by a kid. "This is between former members of the League of Assassins. YOU shouldn't be getting involved."

"And like I said before, I won't let you hurt my friend." Percy said trying to trap the tiger in a whirlwind of fire, but his adversary was simply to fast. Mr. Tiger barely avoided the fire, getting singed in the process and leapt at Percy.

Sharp claws racked harmlessly across the demigod's armor as the tiger swiped at him. They danced around each other, Mr. tiger trying unsuccessfully to rip Percy to shreds. When that failed, the tiger unsheathed a long sword from behind his back.

"I must say you're very agile. You'd make a wonderful assassin, but I think it's time we end this." Mr. tiger said as he advanced ominously.

Percy smiled slightly at the sight of the blade. Reaching into one of the pockets of his suit, he withdrew Riptide.

"A fellow swordsman. This is going to be fun." Percy said. He knew he could kill his opponent fairly easily, but they seemed to have some kind of connection to Slade. Perhaps they were friends in the past.

Mr. Tiger looked quizzically at what Percy held in his hands. "Is that a pen?"

"People in this world have no imagination." Percy muttered as he uncapped the pen and it extended into a deadly half carbon steel, half celestial bronze blade.

"What the heck?" Mr. Tiger said slightly surprised.

"Its magic, duh."

"I know what magic is!"

Mr. Tiger seemed to get agitated fairly quickly to Percy which isn't something he thought a former member of the League of Assassins should do easily. Maybe he has anger management issues, Percy told himself.

Percy backed closer to the side of the building as the tiger leapt at him again. Their blades clashed again and again, the air ringing as metal connected with metal. Mr. Tiger looked surprised when he failed to overpower the younger man and even more surprised when Percy doubled the speed of his swings. It was only a matter of seconds before Percy disarmed the tiger. With one swift stoke, Percy hit his opponent over the head with the flat of his blade, temporarily stunning him.

"You weren't bad, but Slade is obviously better." Percy said to the limp figure at his feet. The tiger's body began to shift. It shrink slightly and the fur disappeared leaving a middle aged man with dark haired and skin.

"This world sure has some weird magic." Percy muttered.

"You defeated Bronze Tiger. I'm impressed." a voice said.

Percy turned to see the woman who was had attacked Slade. She was on the roof of the slightly higher adjacent building. Percy took several steps towards her and summoned fire before she spoke again.

"I think that is far enough. Unless you want your companion to die." She held her sword over Slade's unconscious body.

Freezing where he stood, Percy slowly extinguished his fire and let Riptide clatter to the rooftop. He raised his hand up to either side of his head. Bronze Tiger stirred behind him.

Should have hit him harder. Or maybe I should have just thrown him other the roof. Percy thought.

The woman leaned forward slightly staring at Percy.

"What do you want?" The demigod asked

"I'm called Lady Shiva."

"What doesn't answer my question. Your holding my friend hostage. So, what is it you want from me?"

"That remains to be seen..." Lady Shiva said.

Gods, these villains are as vague as Greek and Roman prophesies.

Percy heard Bronze Tiger stand up behind him. "You son of a Bitch!" the man yelled as he wrapped his arm around Percy's neck putting him a choke hold.

"Don't kill him just yet." Lady Shiva said, her dark eyes still locked on Percy. It was a bit unnerving. Her eyes seemed to stare at his very soul. Percy realized he should probably looked panicked, but he knew they couldn't kill him.

"Why not?" Bronze Tiger asked loosing his arm ever so slightly.

"He'd make a wonderful assassin don't you think? He defeated you."

Bronze Tiger scoffed. "His powers are too flashy. I say we kill him."

"He has already mastered the sword." Lady Shiva argued.

"Too bad."

"Look guys," Percy interrupted. "I don't really know what your talking about, but there is no way I'll join your little assassin group or whatever."

Two pairs of eyes stared at him intently.

"You won't have a choice in the matter." Lady Shiva said coldly.

"No way!" Bronze Tiger yelled.

"He has piqued my interest. He is coming with us." Lady Shive said glaring daggers at her companion.

Bronze Tiger finally relented, "Fine, but the boss isn't going to like this."

"We'll see..."

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