Chapter 7

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"Tell her to get her shit together!" Marcus growled towards Justin, clearly angry with the way that the girl had been acting over the past few days, "she's acting like a nutjob! Shes drawing attention to herself!"

"Oh shut your fucking mouth Marcus, ever heard the term 'if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all?'" Alex scolds in a defensive tone, sick of the way that he was talking about Jessica. Alex knew how much Jessica was going through at the moment and she understood why she was so upset, she didn't deserve to be talked about that way behind her back... especially by someone like Marcus Cole.

"and you are too," Zach suddenly says to Justin, adding on to what Marcus was saying. And Justin seemed to be highly offended at this.

"Not me, I ain't there," Justin replies to Zach as he shrugs his shoulders and continues to play his stupid game.


Monets - Present Day

"Do you need a refill?" Tony asks Clay softly as he pulls out a seat from under the table and sits down next to the boy with the big headphones around his neck as he sat there by himself in silence.

"Youre parked in a loading zone," Clay says to Tony quietly and tries to keep his glare away from him but cant manage to stop himself as he quickly looks over at Tony and then shifts his head to look back down at the table quickly

"yeah well I'm not staying too long," Tony informs clay softly before he looks away from him and then sits up straight and allows his eyes to trail around the room delicately before landing on a specific table not too far away from where they were sitting, "that was the table yeah?"

Clay let a scoff fall from his lips as he finally turned to look at Tony for more than two seconds, "don't pretend that you don't know. You listened to the tapes. You had to. Who else has?" Clay asks him, anger in his tone and eyes.

"Im not here to tell you that," Tony says calmy as he lets out a small sigh and turns to look away from the table and over towards his good friend

A look of rage and confusion covered his face like a parasite, "then why are you here?" Clay growled softly at Tony, "I wanna known if Alexandra is on the tapes"

Tony let out a sigh and ignored the question, he couldn't tell Clay, he had to find out for himself, "Clay, you are the slowest yet. What is taking you so long?" Tony asks softly, not trying to be too harsh but trying to Hurry him along.

"Its hard!" Clay said with an exasperated sigh as if it were the most obvious thing in the world, "to listen."

"Of course it is Clay," Tony says as he leans back into the hard wooden seat that he was sitting on, "its tapes from a dead girl."

Clay seemed freaked out about how calm Tony was acting about this, "doesn't this affect you at all?" he asks in shock

"More than I can tell you," Tony admits with a small nod

"Why cant you tell me?" Clay asks quickly, his annoyance only building higher and higher as the time quickly passed by

"you remember 7th grade? Those fucknuts stuck your head in the toilet and all that shit?" Tony asks

"Yes," Clay muttered out softly, the horrible memory flashing through his mind and giving him a sick feeling to his stomach.

"and i told you that me and my brothers would fix it, and you said 'sometimes, a guys gotta get through this on his own'" Tony replied with a smile

"I remember," Clay admits, "though when Lexi found out she did 'fix' the problem" He said and a small smile tugged at the corner of his lips as he remembered when Alexandra had found out what some of the Jocks in the year above had done to him she had snuck into the boys locker room while they were all out training and she had got all their clothes and dumped them in the toilet before leaving them in a large pile in the middle of the locker room

Tony chuckled a little as he remembered it too, "yeah well that's Alex right? Always sticking up for her friends and taking care of them" Tony says

"So she isn't on the tapes right?" Clay asks quickly and Tony stops chuckling and sighs before looking at Clay with a serious look on his face

"I cant tell you that. This is one of those things where 'a guys gotta get through this on his own' okay?" Tony tells clay

"I cant hear her voice... withough thinking of her," Clay chokes out, "without seeing her" he says, admitting that he had been seeing Hannah as he listened to the tapes

"well it seems like maybe that was the idea," Tony tells him sadly and give Clay a look of sympathy and understanding


Bryce's Pool House

"Oh my god, youre so trash at this game Zachy boy!" Alex says with a large smirk as she continues shooting him and killing him, winning the game for the 30 something time.

"No way Lex, you are just crazy good, I don't even get how you are this good at the game," Zach says with aloud groan and he throws his head back in annoyance, but he wasn't going to give up and let her win, "Okay fuck this. Rematch, I'm gonna get you this time."

"Yeah yeah Z, whatever you say man," Alex taunts with a large smirk on her face as she restarted the game and quickly began killing Zach's character again.

Alex suddenly paused the game and looked away from the TV as she heard the microwave in the small kitchen begin to beep repetatively

"Jesus Justin, slow down please," Alexandra said with a small goran as she watch him take another large hit from the bong, the boy had clearly had enough but he was still going.

Justin ignored her words and walked over to the microwave, harshley pulling open the microwave door and pulling out a plate with a few pizza slices on it.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Justin wanted to eat his pizza and be left alone so he quickly ushered for Zach to get off the couch and go and answer the door but Zach is quick to shake his head and press play on the game

"Its all you bro," Zach says as he and Alexandra continue fighting, Lexi was clearly winning but Zach was putting in everything he got

Justin lets out a loud groan of annoyance and he roughly puts the plate down on the table before stomping his feet like a child over to the door an pulling it open harshley.

No words are exchanged as Jessica roughly pushes past Justin and then storms into the room. Justin rolls his eyes and shuts the door, turning around.

As soon as he faces Jess, she begins to roughly shove him in the chest over and over again as he stood there, not reacting in any shape or form, probably too high to even register what was happening.

"You are such a fucking asshole!" Jessica screams at Justin. Alex doesn't even bother to pause the game as she stands up from the couch angrily

"Hey!" Alex snarled over at Jess, everyone knew that she was protective of her friends, but there were a few that she was extremely protective over, and Justin just happened to be one of them

"Lex, its alright okay, sit down" he tells her softly, his eyes softening as he looked at her, she hesitantly nodded her head and then sat back down onto the couch but kept her eyes on the argument, not wanting anything to get too out of hand

Justin turns to Jess as she begins to continue shoving him again, "come on. Hey," Justin exclaims as he begins to clearly become annoyed

"How could you do that to me!" Jess asks angrily and continues to shove her boyfriend, her hits becoming more and more harsh, "what did you tell him?"

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