Chapter 35

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"Hey Jeffrey watcha doing?" Alex asks as she happily skips downs the wide-spread set of stairs into his basement, a happy grin on her face and a few giggles falling from her lips as she skipped a few stairs and made sure not to go tumbling down.

She makes it to the bottom, her head craning as her eyes scanned around the room. She grins widely as her eyes land on the boy. She sees him playing pool, the cue in one hand and a beer in his other hand.

The sound of her voice made him instantly stop what he was doing and he smiled widely as he looked up at her, "Lex, hey I didn't know you were coming" Jeff says happily and places the pool stick and his beer down before he runs over to the girl and wraps his arms around.

However this excitement is short lived as he quickly pulls away from her when he notices her tense up and inhale as soon as his arms went around her

"I thought I would see how you were doing,"
Alexandra smiles, it was Saturday and he hadn't gone to school the day before since he was sick so she wanted to check up on him and make sure that he was alright.

He looked down at her, a frown instantly crossing his face as he noticed what she was wearing. She was wearing baggy clothes and had a lot of makeup on. While he had originally been extactic to have the girl over, all signs of happiness was gone as he looked her up and down in worry and sadness

"Please lex, don't tell me your dads home
right now" Jeff says in worry "I thought you told me that he was away for another week"

"He was supposed to be gone another week but for some reason he came home last night" she mumbles slightly and no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't find enough strength within herself to make eye contact with the boy in front of her.

"Alexandra..." he mumbles with tears in his eyes, his arms going to reach out towards her but she shook her head at him and took a small step back, looking down at the ground

"No, just stop getting emotional alright I'm
fine. I'm fine" she says and walks over to the
pool table and grabs another pool stick, putting a fake smile on her face as she finally gains the strength to look back up at the boy

"now let's play some pool, I've been busy all day and I want to have some fun," she told him

"Tiny... come on sit down I'll clean your
wounds" Jeff states already knowing that
she wouldn't have cleaned them because she
would have just gotten out of the house
before her dad went after her agin and she
wouldn't have gone anywhere else

"No jeff I'm fine" Alexandra said and was
beginning to get annoyed as well as sad, she didn't want to think about her dad at the moment and she didn't want Jeff to worry about her. She didn't want to be a burden, she just wanted to play a game of god damn pool.

"Youre shutting me out. Don't shut me out, you know that I'm always gonna be here for you right?" Jeff said and walked over to her slowly, not wanting to scare her

"Yeah well I shut everybody out. Don't take it
personally it's just easier" Alexandra mumbles out as she rolls her eyes softly

Jeff let's a small sigh fall from his lips and
grabs her waist and lifts her up onto the
pool table with ease before walking off towards the shelf against the wall, grabbing the kit full of medical supplies.

"You know the drill," he mutters to her and then stands between her legs "You don't need to shut me out okay. I'm your best friend, we've practically known each other forever. I'm here for you, I'm always going to
be here for you okay. I promise" Jeff says
and then grabs the end of her shirt, "look I'm
gonna need you to take your shirt off so that
I can clean your wounds. The blood is
starting to come through your shirt"

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