Chapter 48

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"So Alex, do you remember that book and movie that you loved so much? The
outsiders? You loved it but you said
you couldn't watch it with me cause it
was yours and Jeff's movie but you
wanted me to watch it so i could experience a cinematic masterpiece

Well I'm just going to tell you now that i didn't watch it, well until my last night that is.

But you always told me to 'stay
gold' and I would laugh and then you
would just go on about how boys back
in the 80s and 90s where so cute.

I couldn't see it tho, because I was too hooked up on the boys from our decade.

You told me to stay gold and I always
thought it was just two stupid words
until I watched the movie and I
understand what you mean now thanks to that kid, Johnny I think his name was? You know the one who in the hospital?

Tell me Alex, do you really think all kids are innocent and then loose their golden touch when they grow up, do they loose their innocence or did they just not have any to begin with?

You once told me that monsters weren't born they were made, but you see, I think it's the other way around. I think that people are just born evil, that it's their destiny to turn out the way they do.

Whenever I hung out with you I felt
free, like I wouldn't be judged. Not only did I feel free, I also felt protected.

You told me you felt protected by Montgomery and I never really could understand why. How could you feel protected by the person who was the one hurting you?"

"Well Hannah, are you ready for our movie night?" Alexandra asks as Hannah opens the door and pulls the girl in for a quick hug. Alex giggled as she hugged Hannah back before pulling away

Hannah led Alex inside where she was then greeted by Hannah's parents who had heard so much about her from Hannah, to say that they were grateful for her (due to the fact that she was Hannah's best friend) would be an understatement

"Hi mrs and mr baker" Alex says to them both with a smile, just as she always did whenever she came to visit, she liked Hannah's parents, they seemed really sweet

"Oh Alex honey, it's so great to see you again. If you girls need anything just call out" Olivia
smiles at the girls and Hannah pulls Alex to
her room, before her mum can begin bombarding her with questions and gossip

"Okay so what did you get?" Hannah asks
and sits down on the bed

Alex pulls out her laptop which had a slide in the side of it that you could put dvds in. She went back to her bag and began digging through it and then pulled out a handful of movies and placed them on the bed

"Okay so I got the lost boys" Alex smiles and
puts the first movie in front of Hannah "with
the extremely handsome Corey Haim" Alex
says and wiggles her eyebrows as Hannah

"Then I got the sandlot, the mighty ducks
series, the karate kid series and the Star
Wars series" Alex smiles and placed them in rows on the bed so Hannah could get a better look at them

"God you are such a nerd" Hannah laughs
and then picks up the Star Wars movies
"Star Wars seriously?"

"Come on Han they're great. I'm surprised
Clay hasn't made you watch them yet" Alex
laughs, "we've watched them together at least a million times, I'm the one who got him into it y'know?"

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