Chapter 81

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Nobody said anything as Lexi rolled her teary eyes, letting out a frustrated huff, followed by an awkward laugh as she realised what she had just said. "Fuck this shit," she muttered under her breath and stormed over to the table, grabbing her bag and phone and then storming out of the Arcade, thanking Alex's parents quickly for the night.

Zach walked out after her but she stopped him, putting her hand up to his chest, shaking her head softly, "stay Zach, Alex needs you right now. I'll be fine, im just gonna head home or something."

"You need me," Zach says, giving her a sad look. 

"No, I need the person who makes me feel safe," Lexi said to him quickly. Zach felt a pinch in his heart as he watched her pull out her phone, taking a step away from him, "I need my boyfriend"

Zach had decided to stay with Lexi outside of the arcade as she waited for Montgomery to pick her up. They had stood in silence, and unlike usual, the silence wasn't comfortable. Zach kept sending her small glances, but the girl didnt even bother to look at him for a moment, scared that if she did, she would just start to cry again. 

Because apparently that was something she did now. 

No matter how hard Zach tried to understand her, he couldn't, he didn't understand why she continued to choose Montgomery over him. What did Montgomery have that he didn't, even Lexi had admitted that Zach was one of the kindest boys that she knew, she even admitted that he was kinder to people than Montgomery was, then again, everyone could see that.

So why? Why Him?

Alex had told him that Montgomery was the person who made her feel safe. 'Do i not make her feel safe?' Continued to run through his head over and over again. Zach knew that he wasn't good enough for Lexi but as far as he was concerned, he was better for her than Montgomery was.

If he had her, he knew that he would do whatever it took to make life as easy as possible for her. He would do whatever he could to keep a smile on her face, to keep her safe and make her feel protected. To make her feel like she didnt have to worry about a single thing in the whole world. 

"Lex about today, i ju-" Zach started but was cut off by the sound of a horn and Montgomery pulling up in front of them in his truck

He had immediately hopped out of the car and made his way over to his girlfriend, cupping her face in his giant hands "are you okay bub, what happened?" he asked her quickly, the large amount of concern that he was feeling was obvious. Lexi's eyes were still red from crying and this had instantly sparked a sense of anger in the De La Cruz boy.

He turned his head to look away from his girlfriend and over at the tall basketball player, "What the fuck happened in there Demsey?" Montgomery asks, not moving away from the girl but looking over at Zach with an angry look on his face

"Monty come on let's just go," Lex says and places her soft, small hand on his freckled face and rubs her thumb against his coarse skin. He looks back down at her and instantly gets lost in her ocean blue eyes that currently had a crimson hue to them "Please baby, I just want to get out of here, i'll tell you about it later... please."

Montgomery struggles with making the next move, he could either go in there and sort out whoever had the nerve to make his girl cry and leave her out here alone and upset or get her out of here and make her feel better and show her that whoever made her cry was not worth her tears, it took him a few moments to decide but finally, he nodded his head and turned to Zach, "thanks for staying out here with her man, but I have got it from here"

Zach just nodded his head, his mouth staying shut as he watched the two of them. 

Monty then turned and opened the passenger side door for Lexi, grabbing her hand and leading her into the car before shutting the door and quickly jogging back over to his side and getting in the car. Alex turned to wave at Zach before Monty drove off. 

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