Chapter ✨69✨

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Alexandra Blake and Scott Reed happily walked into the cafeteria side by side with grins on their faces as they laughed about the conversation they had just had together in their last class which happened to be maths.

The two of them couldn't be bothered to do the work that day so they had basically just talked about a bunch of different things, Alex trusted Scott with her life and they had gotten even closer than before over the last few months. Sure, he had always been a good friend of hers, but now she saw him as her best friend and she knew that he didn't agree with any of the stupid stuff that the baseball team did which that just made her like him even more.

During their math lesson she had told the boy about what had happened at the pool earlier between her, Zach and Alex and while Scott tried his best to hide it, he was fuming.

Scott felt incredibly bad for Alex but that still didn't give him a right to talk to the girl in the way that he did. Lexi could tell Scott stuff that she couldn't tell Monty, not because she didn't trust him, because of course she did, she trusted Montgomery more than anyone else in the whole world, but she could tell Scott about other things because she knew he would be able to control it and himself better, for example right now.

Alex and Scott begin to walk between the tables that were occupied with students eating their lunches, people's eyes shifted up to the jocks like usual before they went back to talking to their friends.

Alex was giving a few smiles to the people she knew as she passed, Scott on the other hand looked around he finally spotted Alex and Jessica sitting together at a table talking.

As soon as he finally spotted Alex Standall, Scott took it in himself to glare daggers at they boy and Jess. Standall and Jess noticed the look he was getting from the jock and looked at him with questioning yet worried looks on their faces.

Scott raised his hand in the air and formed his hand into a gun and he pointed it at Alex and moved down his thumb to make it look like he was shooting the gun.

Alex looked at the boy uncomfortably before quickly looking back down at the table

Lexi didn't notice what Scott had done because she was too busy looking over at Montgomery who had a wide smile on his face as he grinned towards her and his best friend, waiting impatiently for them to get to the table.

"C'mon Scotty let's go sit down, I'm so hungry right now," the girl complained, she softly grabbed the sleeve of the boys jacket and happily tugged him over to the table, Scott chuckling softly as he did so

"Alright alright, I'm coming Lex, slow down," he laughed softly, but still allowed the girl to lead him over to the jock table

They continue walking and as soon as they get to the table Montgomery slides over to make enough room for the pair to sit down at there table. Alex sits next to Montgomery and then
Scott sits down next to her, "what were you two talking about"

Montgomery questions in general curiosity as he chucks his arm around the girl and pulls her into him before he places a kiss on the side of her head.

"Just random stuff" The girl replies and places her bag on her lap then begins to pull some lunch out of it for her to eat and then looks across as Zach with a grin on her face

"Jesus Z, do you need anymore fruit loops?"

Lexi grins as she spots 4 empty fruit loops cups in front of Zach and he had another one in his hand that he was eating "Im hungry Lex," He pouts but she just smiles at him

"Gotta keep enough energy to be the best basketball player" Alex says with a smile and then unwraps her Vegemite sandwich and takes a bite out of it one half and notices
Montgomery staring at the other so she slides one half over to him which he happily takes and begins eating it

"Thanks Bub," Monty says happily as he continues to eat the sandwich, "and Thank Australia for their holy spreads"
Montgomery says with his mouth full of food which. Alex get a disgusted look on her face but she grins anyways and laughs, happy to see him happy.

She was always brining extra food to school so that she could give it to her friends, she didn't usually eat much anyways and when she was hungry, the boys always returned the favour and gave them some of their food.

"Man, I don't know how you two can eat that shit," Scott laughed as he looked down at the Vegemite sandwich, "that shit tastes like shit."

"That shit tastes like shit? Real informative Scotty, thank you for that," Alex joked, sending him a small, mischievous grin

"I seriously don't get how you can eat it," Scott repeats, making his distaste for it clear as day

"Cause it's amazing Reed," Alex argues with a smile, playfully holding the sandwich in front of his face. Scott's face scrunches up in disgust and he leans away from it

"Get that shit outta my face," the boy laughed. Alex pulled it away from him, happily continuing to eat her sandwich. Scott grinned at the girl before digging into his pockets and pulling out a packet of chips

"Scott's right, that stuff is foul," Zach laghs as he continues eating his fruit loops

"Hey! You're meant to be on my side," Alex whined, a pout on her lips as she looked over at her best friend

Zach laughed softly, it was a genuine laugh, something that she hadn't been hearing from the boy that much in the last few months, "not when it comes to Vegemite."

"Whatever meanie," Alex jokes and then continues to eat her sandwich

Montgomery looks over around the room and notices how Alex was staring over at their table "Your boy keeps looking at you Zach.
Does he need his diaper changed?" He asked with a grin and a small chuckle, clearly thinking that he's hilarious

Lexi elbowed him in the arm while Bryce and Scott chuckled too. Alex and Zach didn't laugh, instead they glared at him, shooting him looks of disapproval

"shut up Monty" they both tell the boy and Lexi lets out a sigh before leaning into

"Come on Mon, be nice please?" She asked the boy softly.

Monty gave her a soft smile and almost gave in but he noticed Zach staring at Lexi which made him want to get under zachs skin "what, arent you going to go and take care of him? you know its normal for nurses to fall for their patients"

"Fuck off! i don't even like him okay" Zach says and he looks down in guilt as he notices the look that Lexi was giving him, she knew he cared for the boy and she couldn't see why he wouldn't admit it, but she didn't say anything.

She didn't want to upset Zach, and she didn't want him to get in trouble with the boys so she bit the inside of her cheek and kept her mouth shut, shaking her head softly at the boy

"Right. its just your mum who makes you carry his books and wipe his ass" Bryce says with a laugh and they don't notice the looks that they were getting from Jessica from across the room

"No the ass he does for pleasure"
Montgomery laughs. Lexi rolls her eyes and lets out a scoff

"Hes a really nice kid and he is just going through some shit at the moment" Lexi tells the group and rolls her eyes, "not to mention, he literally used to be your friend."

"come on babe, he treated you like shit before the freak decided to shoot himself in the head and he is still treating you like shit, i heard about what happened in the pool, one of the guys were there and heard the whole thing" Montgomery says to her

She just looks down at her hands and begins to play with her fingers so he takes one of her hands in his own and brings it up to his lips and places a small kiss on her delicate skin before intertwining their fingers and pacing their locked hands on the table, "you know if you need to talk to me about anything, I'm here for you right? Always," he whispered in her ear

Lexi gave him a small nod and kissed his cheek softly before she watched as Zach looked down at the table in guilt and she knew something was wrong, something was going on that she didn't know about.

Zach wasn't usually like this, so Lexi made it her own personal mission to find out what was really troubling the boy

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