Chapter 85

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Alex silently looked out and noticed the look on Chloe's face. The look was so familair, one that she had seen on quite a few girls around school and she couldn't help but feel bad for the girl. But still, she decided that it was best to just leave Chloe alone, knowing that she liked to deal with things on her own and if she wanted help, she would come to her eventually. 

Alex finally made it to her house and the car parked out the front confirmed her theory of her dad being home. She closed her eyes for a moment and calmed her breathing as she tried to clear her thoughts but nothing happened. Instead, she just kept thinking about everything that had happened that past year, her mind kept screaming at her and no matter how hard she tried to get it to stop, she couldn't. 

'Youre a monster'

'you don't deserve to live'



'it should have been you'

Alex's eyes shot open, a clear indication that she had made up her mind. She didn't deserve to have a happy life, she deserved pain, she deserved torture for what she had done. Alex was sure that whatever would happen to her next, she deserved and it was karma for all that she had done.

She quickly placed her skateboard on the front porch and then grabbed the cool door handle in her soft hands. She hesitated for a moment because she knew that once she had twisted the handle it would be like her opening the doors to hell, to her own hell where her father was the devil and she was the sinner, and in her mind, she knew she deserved it because she was a sinner.

Finally, a large breath exhaled from her mouth and she twisted the handle and pushed the old, cracking door open, she wasn't surprised to see that it was unlocked and she definitely wasn't surprised when the burning scent of various kinds of booze wafted up her nostrils and set a deadly aura around the home.

The house was cold yet it made her sweat, the smoke from cigarettes clung to her soft skin and filled her lungs, burning them as if someone was holding a flame right in her chest. A cough escaped her lips and that was the moment she knew that she had messed up. 

The sound of a bottle smashing echoed through her ears and sent a river of chills down her spine, making goosebumps appear on her skin and wrap her like a protective shield, though she knew that it wouldn't be able to protect her from what was coming. 

"Alexandra, is that you?" His voice was rough and course, like razor blades that had just been sharpened, the croak in his tone had alerted her that he had been drinking and smoking the whole day and the usual aggression that was evident in his tone was shining like the moon in a night sky

"hey Dad" she managed to reply after a moment, she tried to be brave but she was shaking

"where have you been? I haven't seen you all fucking week, Youve been out with that damned boy again haven't you, fucking around with him like there's no tomorrow, well listen here you little slut, he doesn't care about you. You're just a dumb tramp for him to fool around with while he fools around with a bunch of other girls at the stupid excuse of a school." 

His laughter echoed through the house and the footsteps coming from the other room made her breath hitch in her throat. He was waking towards her and from the banging, she could tell that he was stumbling and knocking into things

"y-your wr-wrong, he loves me" She says sternly and he finally appeared in the doorway and when she looked up at him she felt sick, his hair had grown out and was unkept, his facial hair covered the bottom half of his face and his clothes were covered in sweat and stained with alcohol. There were rips in his clothes and he smelt like a dead animal, along his body he had small cuts, either from himself or someone at one of the many pubs that he had visited over the past 2 weeks 

He laughed and shook his head "He loves you, does he? is that what he told you? you're pathetic and so is he, you don't know what love is"

"I didn't know what love is when I was growing up because I had a shitty father who didn't care about his daughter any more than a billionaire would care about a 5-cent piece, but I know what love is now," Alex says sternly, she was no longer stuttering. The one thing in life that she was certain about was the love that her and Montgomery De La Cruz shared. 

"you're an ungrateful bitch, I raised you all by myself" the man screamed in her face and she laughed, shaking her head, even though she was laughing there was no humour on her face

"oh please, by the time I was in my first year of school my friend's parents had noticed the bruises that covered my skin and looked after me. You gave me nothing. You gave me nothing but a shitty life" Alex yells back with tears falling down her cheeks, her eyes going red as she struggled to hold in the tears. 

Before she could even see it coming, the man in front of her had thrown himself at her and pushed her against the wall, her head smashing against it in the progress and everything
became blurry in an instant, a familiar ringing sound echoing through her ears. She let out a whimper of pain, her head falling a little as she looked at the ground, trying to calm herself and regain her senses. 

 The burly man then lifted his clenched fist up in the air and sent it flying into the small girl's face

'You deserve this' the voice in her head reminded her

"that's all you got?" The girl mocked with a smirk on her face, forcing herself to look up at the man in front of her. She collected the blood off her teeth with her tongue before she spat a bunch of blood out of her mouth onto the man's face, "fucking pussy"

He then grabbed her by her arms and threw her onto the floor and began to kick her over and over again, his leather-clad boots only making the damage more substantial.

Alex groaned slightly as she felt the bones in her chest beg for help. She tried to roll over onto her side and protect her stomach but he leant down, straddling her as he grabbed the collar of her shirt, pulling her face up towards him before he punched her in the face a few more times. 

 She could already see the blood begin to pool from her position on the floor, though she doubted that it was far from over. 

"Careful old man, you don't want child services knocking on your door again with suspicions," Alex tells him with a grin, though he could see all the fear that she was trying to hide. She was just a scared, defenceless girl, but who could blame her in this situation?

A feral growl escapes his lips as he grabbed her again and began to drag her towards the bedroom. Her eyes widened when she realised what was about to happen "no no no please no I'm sorry" Alex quickly cried and tried to pull herself out of her father's grip as he edged closer and closer to the door but she couldn't, his grip was too tight and her whole body was aching. 

She thrashed in her arms, her smirk was gone now and all she was showing was pure fear. There was no way out of it, she wanted to scream - scream out for Monty to come and save her, but she knew he wouldn't hear. 

"Not so tough and mighty now are you," he asked her with a grin as he opened the door and threw her mangled body on the messy bed which had the familiar disgusting smell. She sobbed loudly as she struggled against him, begging him to let her go as apologies and pleas spewed from her bloody lips. 

She tried to ignore the scratches on the bedside tables and walls that she had previously put there when she had tried to escape from the times that this had happened but she had only been successful in escaping twice and she knew that that number wasn't about to go up, not w in her current state. 

A scared cry escaped her lips "please don't! Please dad I'm sorry, please dad. Don't do it dad, I beg you." Her cries went unheard. 

'Nobody helped Hannah and nobody is going to help you'

His grimy and heavy body crawled ontop of her and he held her down on the bed and began to strip her of her clothes, she struggled against him but it was no use

"please, please stop" she cried and in her head she couldn't help try and call to Montgomery or Scott for help but none of them would even know what was happening to her. "Monty! Monty, help me please! Scott!" she tried to escape one last time, "please Mo-"

"Theres nobody who would want to help a worthless skank like you."

And then she gave up. 

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