Chapter 84

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Alex was cut out of her trance as she felt Scott's gaze on her. He gave her a small smile, which she wanted to return, but she couldn't. His eyes were just like everyone else's, swirling in pity for the girl who had killed her best friend.

"Yeah, the ribbon cutting," Bryce said, and Alex had no idea what they were talking about, she had stopped listening to their conversation ages ago. But she didn't really care either; she was sure that whatever they were discussing, there were more important issues at hand.

"So, like, with a giant pair of scissors and all that?" Scott asked Bryce.

"How the fuck else do you cut a ribbon, Scotty?" Bryce retorted, chucking his arm over Scott's shoulders. Monty, Bryce, and Scott burst into laughter, but as Alex listened, she couldn't help but notice how Scott's laughter sounded different. It wasn't happy; instead, it was empty and forced.

She knew why. He had heard the tapes. 

"What? I don't know, I've never been to something like this," Scott admitted.

"You'll do fine, Scotty," Lexi reassured him, trying to calm his nerves. Her words seemed to have an effect, as he appeared less tense than before. He gave her a small smile, which she was more than happy to return. 

"It's not that big of a deal, but just make sure you guys bring your appetites. My dad promised food trucks," Bryce reassured everyone, looking at them all.

"Hey, you're coming today, right?" Bryce asked Zach. Zach was lucky he had managed to hear him considering he had been watching Alex the whole time.  

"What? Yeah, no. Totally," Zach replied, quickly looking away from Alex before anyone noticed.

"Yeah, alright," Bryce said, but then they all noticed the word "rapist" written in big letters all over Bryce's locker.

"Hey, who the fuck did this? Hey, get the fuck back here!" Montgomery yelled at the people who had run off upon seeing them approaching.

"Hey, relax, it's fine. It'll come off," Bryce said calmly, but Scott and Ella exchanged worried looks.

Bryce quickly unlocked his locker, grabbed his belongings for the first two periods of the day, and said, "Just a stupid fucking prank, right?" He slammed his locker shut.

"Dude, that's pretty fucked up," Scott said to Bryce, his concern evident. "Should we do something?"

From that moment, Alex became more worried than she had felt in a long time. She worried that Scott Reed would turn out to be just like all the other dirty, disrespectful boys who roamed the school, acting as if they owned it and doing whatever they pleased. Above all, she feared that he was ending up on Bryce's side. She knew that if that happened, the school would truly go to hell. Scott was one of the few good ones left, and he reminded her of Jeff.

"What would we do?" Bryce asked, knowing that there wasnt much that they could do, especially not right now.

"It's messed up," Scott replied, and they continued walking. Alex remained quiet, trying to ignore Zach's penetrating gaze fixed upon the back of her head.

"I'm not worried about it," Bryce said, seemingly calm from the outside. However, Alex, who had known him since their first year at school, could see the turmoil brewing within him.

"You wanna call it rape, call it rape!" They suddenly heard Bryce's voice over the school's speakers. Alex noticed the shared look between Monty and Bryce before they all started running to find the source. "She wanted me. Me. She was practically begging me to fuck her. If that's rape, then every girl at this school—"

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