Chapter 43

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Alexandra looked up from her book when she heard someone enter the room and her eyes
widened when she saw clay walking in, she was shocked to see him after he had gone crazy on the teacher yesterday

"Excuse me Mrs Bradley" Clay asks as he
stands next to her desk at the front of the

"Yes Clay?" Mrs Bradley asks and grabs some
paper work off of her desk, it was clear that she was uncomfortable and more than likely scared about the conversation that she was about to have with the depressed teen boy

"Umm about what I said yesterday about
Hannah writing that note. Well I. I wasn't
tying to say that I thought it was your fault
and I wanted to apologise for being rude"
Clay says to the teacher quietly.

Alex couldn't help but worry that there was going to be more to the situation, she doubted Clay would come in here just to apologise to the teacher and then go on as if nothing had happened

"Well that's very-" Mrs Bradley starts but clay
cuts her off quickly

"Cause people need to take responsibility for
their actions and face the consequences no
matter what happens" Clay says and then
walks around the room.

Everybody looks up at him but nobody says
anything. There were people in the class who had absolutely no idea what the Boy was ping on about while there were also some people who had a slight idea.

But then there was them. the group of friends that were on the tapes. They all shared a quick look and then stared down at their desk trying to not draw attention to themselves

"Okay thank you for that clay" Mrs Bradley
says in confusion, becoming increasingly concerned with the boys mental health

"ugh so let's get to the rest of these results" she continued, attempting to change the subject and take the attention of Clay

"I'm gonna fucking kill him," Justin muttered under his breath

Alex just leaned over and placed the side of her face against his arm, shutting her eyes softly, brining a sense of slight comfort to the two of them. She always managed to calm him down.


Alexandra sat between Zach and Justin at the
cafeteria tables while Bryce and Montgomery
were off doing god know what and Marcus
was off in attempts to play out his 'amazing plan' to talk to clay and get him to keep his mouth shut even though Alexandra was telling them all to leave the poor boy alone.

"He's on your second tape Justin" Alexandra says in worry as she looked over at him,
"he actually believes Hannah"

Justin doesn't say anything and looks up as
clay walks in and Marcus walks straight over
to him. Alexandra peered at him for a short moment before rolling her eyes, already knowing that this wasn't going to go down well.

"That means your tape is coming up soon Lexi," Zach and Justin both say and look over at the girl who was looking down at the table and fiddling her fingers anxiously

"What do you think Marcus is saying to him?"
Zach asks and the trio all begun to watch clay
and Marcus, barely blinking as they tried to guess what was being said from the way their lips were moving and the expressions on their faces

A few seconds later clay looks over in their
direction and makes eye contact with Alex
who doesn't falter under his gaze

Clay looks away from them and stares ahead
of himself again while Marcus continues to
talk to him

"He may do dumb things but he isn't stupid.
And I'm pretty sure he isn't believing a single
word that is coming out of Marcus's mouth"
Alexandra said

"Youre right" Justin mumbles, "I told him that this was going to be a shitty idea, it's pretty fucking clear that Clay doesn't like Marcus."

"Nobody fucking likes Marcus," Alex mumbled to the two of them and it didn't take much thinking for the two to agree with her, he was a lying, two timing rich kid who used people for his own gain

"This could just end up making everything
worse" Alex says and they nod their heads subconsciously

"Marcus thinks he has got everything under
control but he can mess this up for all of us
big time" Zach states.

Alex Standall was on his way to the cafeteria, completely unaware of what was happening.

Justin noticed the blonde boy and quickly stands up and begins to run towards Alex who had just walked into the cafeteria

"Yo Alex" Justin calls out but Alex ignores
him "hey hang back a second. Hey we need to
talk about clay"

"Haven't we already talked about that" Alex
asks and tips his lunch rubbish into the
garbage bin

Alex let's out a small groan as he hunches over slightly in pain

"Is your stomach thing happening again"
Justin asks but Alex begins to walk off , ignoring the boy due to that fact that he had no interest in what he had to say, "hey I
said hold back"

"Just leave him alone" Alex says in annoyance as he looks over at Clay who was basically being harassed by Marcus at this point

"What do you think Justin's talking to Alex
about" Alexandra asks Zach but he doesn't reply because Montgomery and Bryce sit down at the table suddenly.

Montgomery had sat down next to the girl, practically sitting on her as he sat as close to her as possible and wraps his arm around the girls shoulder.

Alexandra hardly paid any attention to the boy as she worried about Clay and was this close to going over to him and Marcus and telling him to leave Clay alone

Zach on the other hand was only paying attention to Monty and doesn't take his eyes off him

Montgomery kisses Alex softly on the cheek
and then begins to kiss down to her neck

"Not now Monty" She mumbles as she tries to
keep her eyes on clay and Marcus before then
switching to Justin and Alex, both conversations were on the verge of turning to shit.

Montgomery doesn't stop and just kisses
harder and sucks on her neck, leaving marks on her delicate skin

"Come on Monty I said not right now okay,"
she said and tried to push him off her. Her face scrunched up in disgust as she smelt weed and alcohol coming off both Bryce and Montgomery

"are you fucking serious. You got drunk and high in the morning at school? That's where you have been all morning?"

"Come on baby girl just relax" Montgomery
laughs and continues kissing her, even though she had made it perfectly clear that she didn't want him to continue those actions

"Monty please st-" Alex says but is cut off by
Zach angrily slamming his hands on the table and sending daggers over at Monty with his eyes

"She said to fucking stop man" Zach says
angrily and Montgomery pulls away from the
girls neck

"I think you should mind your own business
dempsey" Montgomery says harshly as the two boys lean slightly towards each other, both attempting to intimidate the other

"Come on guys seriously stop. Zach it's fine
don't worry about it" Alex chokes out softly, but she couldn't help but feel glad that Zach had interfered

"It's not fine" Zach says angrily and stands up
and Montgomery copies his actions, both of them were waiting for the other to throw the first punch, but neither had the patience to wait for much longer

"I swear to god if you guys start a fight right
now I'm leaving," Alexandra threatens and the two boys glare for a few more moments before they sit back down

"You know what. Monty, come on we're going home. You're going to get suspended as soon as the teacher sees you."

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