The Bathroom

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"Drive faster Zach," Alex told him for probably the 100th time as he drove straight towards the school. Her right leg was shaking up and down quickly as she twitched in her seat anxiously. She could practically hear her heart pounding in her ears due to how fast it was beating. 

"I-i'm sure Monty wont do anything," Zach said, as he tried to calm her down but both of them knew that, that wasn't right. Zach's eyes kept flickering between the road, the speedometer and the girl next to him, he was fidgeting anxiously in his seat, his hands gripping the steering wheel tightly

"Monty and the boys were all fucking pissed because the season got called off due to the field being vandalised, not to mention Monty has practically wanted Tyler dead ever since he posted those pictures of us around," she exclaimed, her tone more frustrated than usual. 

Zach didn't bother finding a car park, he pulled up right outside the doors so Alex could get straight out and run to find Monty. She quickly thanked Zach and then ran into the building, her eyes scanning the crowd. She saw some of the baseball boys talking over at the lockers 

"Miron, Jack hey, do either of you know where Monty is? Its really important," Alex quickly said to them. They looked at her, wide grins on their faces as Jack spoke up. 

"Last we saw, Monty and some of the boys were following Down into the bathroom down near History," he laughed, clearly knowing just as well as Alex that this wasn't going to go well. "Shit," Alex cursed and quickly began to make her way straight to the bathrooms, she didn't care that it was the boys stall, she already knew they were in there because she could hear their loud voices. She threw the floor open and stormed in, it seemed she got in there just in time as Monty grabbed ahold of Tyler by the collar of his shirt

"Why the fuck would you do that to her!" Monty growled and went to smash the boys head against the mirror behind Tyler but was quickly stopped by Alex who grabbed ahold of Monty's non-broken arm. 

"Monty, that's enough," Alex snapped at the boy, a desperate look in her eyes. As she looked at Monty, she could see the pure anger and hatred that had filled his eyes. 

"Stay out of this Lex, I'm going to make sure this dick gets what he fucking deserves for what he did to you!" Monty growled angrily, snatching his arm away from Alex and sending a hard punch straight into Tyler's face, sending him straight to the ground.

Alex's eyes widened, her hand covering her mouth as she tried to cover her horrified gasp. Monty stood over Tyler, grabbing his collar once more, getting ready to punch him again, "Monty stop, please stop!" Alex said to him again, grabbing ahold of Monty again

"You're 18 now Monty, you can get tried as an adult and get sent to jail for assault! You need to fucking stop this shit!" Alex yelled at him. Monty looked at her, shaking his head in anger

"I don't care if I go to fucking jail, as long as this fucking sick prick gets what he deserves for what he did to you!" Monty snapped, the look on his face told her everything. 

Montgomery De La Cruz would have done absolutely anything for her. 

"Monty c'mon this is ridiculous okay?! I know that he fucked up but this is wrong!" She said firmly and pulled Monty away from Tyler a little bit, "stop being stupid. If you go to jail then I lose you okay? Would you seriously rather be in jail for god knows how long over something like this instead of you and me moving away like we always planned to?"

Monty's face softened a little, but his jaw was still clenched tightly in anger, "Im not going to just let him get away with what he did to you Alexandra, just get out of here, I don't want you to see this," Monty commanded her firmly

"If you do this, then we are done okay?" Alex spoke up, literally trying everything she could to stop Monty from beating Tyler to a pulp right now. 

Monty just rolled his eyes, "like I haven't heard that one before," he growled and then spat on Tyler who had a large cut on his face from where Monty had punched him, "I guess its your lucky day Ty Ty." Monty sneered down at the boy before glaring slightly at his girlfriend and then leaving the bathroom, the other boys following after him. 

Alex stayed back for a moment, looking down at Tyler. Tyler opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by Alex, "stay away from Monty and stay away from me," she said with a small sigh, "I'm glad you got help or whatever but what you did is really fucked."

She went to walk out of the bathroom, her hand resting against the wood of the door. "I'm sorry for what I did," Tyler suddenly spoke up, "there is no excuse for what I did... I was just so mad, and there was just so much going on and I wanted payback, but i- I really am sorry," he muttered to her

Alex didnt say anything to him, she just gave him a small nod and then made her way out of the bathroom, practically running into Zach as she walked out. Zach grabbed onto her shoulder softly and checked her body up and down, a look of worry on her face, "I saw Monty storming off down the hall, are you okay? What happened?"

Alex quickly nodded her head, trying to calm the boys nerves down a bit, "yeah I'm okay," she assured him, "Monty punched Tyler but that's about it, I think he's luck I walked in when I did, I haven't seen Monty that pissed off in ages," Alex admitted softly, "I should go and find him to make sure that he doesn't go and do something stupid," she says with a small sigh

Zach shook his head quickly, "no way, If he's really that mad, then you should stay away from him and wait for him to calm down," Zach told her firmly, his worry returning once again

"It's fine Zach, he's probably gonna ditch school for the rest of the day so I'll just tag along with him and make sure he doesn't do something stupid, he wont hurt me," Alex says, "And I'll see you tonight okay? We still going to Alex's house?"

Zach looked unsure about her plan to go with Monty, but he couldn't control her and he knew that she wasn't going to listen to what he said so he just nodded his head with a sigh, "Just... be careful okay," he grumbled out, "And yeah, I'll see you later tonight. Remember you promised Alex that you were going to bring him sour patch kids okay."

Alex grinned softly, giving the boy a quick hug, "Yeah I bought 'em last night and put them in my bag so I wouldn't forget, see ya later Z," she said and then made her way back to the front of the school, the first place she planned on looking was the parking lot, since Monty was most definitely deciding to take the rest of the day off, she just hoped she hadn't missed him. 

She stormed out into the car park, and much to her surprise, Monty's truck was just at the entrance, the passenger window down as he waited for her. "Come on babe, lets go," Monty called out to her. Alex raised her eyebrow but quickly nodded her head running over to the truck and climbing in

"Im surprised you waited for me," Alex told her boyfriend in honesty. Monty didnt reply to that, instead he put the car in first and then began to drive off

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