Chapter 89

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Alex rolled her eyes at the boy, "You aren't the boss of me Justin, I can do whatever I want okay? I can make my own decisions and if I'm willing to put myself in a dangerous situation to try and get justice for all those girls, it's my choice," she snaps, pushing her chair back and standing up, wincing slightly from the ache of her wounds rubbing against her clothes, "I'll text you both on the group chat okay, I need to go because I've got to cheer at the game. Just let me handle this, i'll get the code for the lock and then you two can go do your stupid spy mission and sneak in there. There should be a box okay? There are hundreds of polaroids in there," she says and then leaves Monets 

Clay tries to stop her, wanting to question her about how she knew about the box and what was inside there, but she was already gone, clearly in a rush as she didn't waste anytime before dropping her skateboard onto the ground and skating off in the direction of the school. She was riding down the street on her skateboard, her attention shifting from the ground in front of her and space ahead of her, making sure she didn't get caught on any cracks in the pavement or run over anyone. 

A few of the town people gave her looks as she rode past, she had managed to put some makeup on today, but it didn't cover all that much, so the bruises and cuts over her face were still extremely visible. 

She knew that people had thought it was Monty. Even before the tapes got out, people believed that it had been Montgomery who had been hurting her, and now that the tapes were out, it had only gotten worse. 

She dug her hand into her pocket, fishing around before pulling her phone out. She unlocked it quickly, going to her recent calls list before selecting the name 'Scotty'. As the phone was ringing, she quickly realised that she probably wouldn't even have to go on there, she could probably just ask him for the code and he would give it to her. 

The phone only rang about 3 times before Scott answered it, his worried voice spoke to her through the speakers, "hey lex, what's up?" he asked her, hoping that she was calling to tell him where she was or if she was okay. 

"Oh hey Scotty, I was just wondering if you could tell me the code to the lock on the club house? I think one of my earrings fell off last time I was there with you and Monty, it was the last place I remember having it," she said to him, her eyes dropping slightly, she felt bad for lying to him and using him to get the code, but she knew that he wouldn't mind. It was for a good cause, though she couldn't help but feel like this might be a very bad idea. 

"Uh yeah sure, it's 6902," he says to her, not even needing a moment to remember the combination. He hesitates for a moment before speaking into the phone, "hey lex... I was just wondering if you were okay I- well I mean that's obviously a stupid thing to say, because you clearly aren't okay but," he was struggling as he tried to figure out what to say, "you can always talk to me you know? About anything. And you are always welcome to stay at my house anytime, my parents love you and have already said if you ever wanted to move in with us you could."

"Thanks, Scotty, for everything. But I'm fine, you don't need to worry about me. I'm a big girl now and I can take care of myself," she explained to him, shaking her head slightly despite knowing that he couldn't see her. She was sick of being seen as some weak little girl who couldn't take care of herself; who had to have her boyfriend and her friends protect her all the time. 

She didn't want her friends to worry about her all the time, she wasn't worth their worry. She had done nothing to deserve the friends that she has and she couldn't for the life of her figure out why she had been blessed with people who care for her so much. 

"Look Lex, I know that you think you're a burden or something, but you aren't okay? I'm really worried about you and so are the boys, you can let us help you okay?" he said to her softly, his worry wafting through the phone as he talked to her

"Thanks, Scotty, I'll keep that in mind okay," she muttered

"Hey," Scott started, a hopeful pinch making its way into his tone, "you should come over tonight for dinner or something," he stutters out, hoping that she would accept. Alex thought about it, her eyebrows furrowing in the process 

"But Mon-" Alex starts but she is quickly cut off by Scott

"Monty can come too," he explains quickly, making her smile

"Okay Scotty, I will talk to Monty about it. Sorry for just walking out of school yesterday and ignoring you, I'm coming to school today though. Good luck at the game today, I'll be there to cheer you guys on, I'll see you soon," she says to him, finally deciding that she would be going to school today. 

"Ok great, by Lexy," he said happily

"Seeya Scotty," she replied before pulling the phone away from her ear, pressing down on the screen to hang up before coming to a halt on her skateboard, opening the messages app and then clicking on the group chat that included her, Clay and Justin. 

The code is 6902. You are going to have to go during the baseball game today, its the best time for you to not get caught since the team will all be on the field or on the sidelines, not to mention almost everyone else will be at the game. Good luck. 

She deleted the message right after she sent it, just in case one of the boys went through her phone to read her messages and then shoved the device back into her pocket. She began her journey back to school, arriving just in time to throw her board into the back of Monty's truck and then run to the changerooms. The girls were luckily all still in there, getting changed and hyping each other up before the game. They were happy to see Alex, she was the captain after all, so she was the last person who should be missing any games, especially a game as important as this. 

She pulled her stuff out of her locker and quickly threw it on before standing up on one of the chairs, getting a good look at everyone in the room who was now all doing their makeup, hair, or tying their shoes. "Alright ladies, let's go out there and show Liberty High and all of the others what we have got!" Alex yells out to them, a wide grin on her face. 

They all cheer back. "I am so proud of each and every one of you, I remember all of your first training sessions, and we have all come such a long day. We have put so much time and effort into this, so let's go out there and show them just how amazing we are!" they all cheered back loudly, grinning up at their captains

"No matter what happens today, we walk onto that field as a team, and we walk off as a team. We need to support each other and always have each other's backs, we are a family. You guys are my family. So let's do this!"

The team let out one more cheer for their captain before they all ran out onto the field, the stands were packed to the brim with students, teachers, parents, scouts and spectators. The crowd began to cheer loudly as the cheerleaders ran out, signifying that the game was about to start. They all got into their positions just before the cheering got even louder, the baseball teams both began to run out onto the field, making the crowd go wild. 

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