Chapter 17

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"So Jeffy, I heard that you won the bet and got Clay to get off his smart ass and come to the dance tonight?" Lex asked Jeff with a with grin on her face as she threw her arm around her best friends waist as Jeff took sips from his punch filled cup. They looked over towards the bleachers of the gymnasium over to where Clay was sitting by himself, softly bobbing his head to the music and looking around while minding his own business.

Jeff grinned as he nodded his head and then turned to look down at the beautiful girl next to him, she looked absolutely stunning and he hadn't failed to tell her that at least five times that night. She smelled sweet like honey and coconuts and her eyes shone from the lights above their heads.

"So where is your boyfriend?" Jeff asked her as he leant down near her ear so that she could hear him over the loud music. He took another sip of his drink before scanning his eyes around the teens in attempt to find Montgomery

"He is getting us a drink. He knows where I am, I told him that I wanted to talk to you for a little bit while he went to go and get the drinks," Lexi tells him and gives him a small smile

Jeff raised his eyebrows at her slightly, surprise on his face, "and he was okay with that? Man, usually he doesn't let you talk to another guy unless he's right next to you." Jeff said with a small chuckle, though it was clear that there was no actual amusement behind the chuckle.

"He wasn't really okay with it but he knew that he wouldnt be able to stop me so he just let me go," Alexandra told him with a small smile, "Why don't we go and check on Clay before Monty comes looking for me?" she asked Jeff with a wide smile before grabbing his hand in her own and then dragging him over to the bleachers to where Clay was sitting by his lonesome.

Jeff chuckled as each of them sat either side of Clay. Clay rolled his eyes with a smirk on his face as the two troublemakers sat down next to him, "Hey Jeff, Hey Lex," Clay said and gave the two of them a genuine smile, they were two of his best friends and also the only two jocks at school that he could actually stand.

"go get her," Jeff stated with absolutely no context, yet both of them knew what he meant, even if Clay wanted to play dumb.

"Yeah come on Clay," Lexi said as Jeff got up out of his seat and moved to sit next to Alexandra, his knee touching hers. Montgomery watched them from across the room with a scowl on his face as he felt his anger rising inside of him as the seconds passed.

Montgomery always kept an eye on Jeff, especially when he was around Alexandra. Sure, Montgomery loved having Jeff on the team and he knew that Jeff was a great guy and an even better baseball player, Montgomery didn't like how close Jeff was with Lexi.

Oblivious to Montgomery's glares, Lexi and Jeff kept on trying to convince Clay to hurry up and go shoot his shot with Hannah.

"go get her and do what?" Clay asked them in confusion and also fear. He wasn't exactly what you would call 'outgoing'

Lexi rolled her eyes playfully and threw her arm around Clays shoulder and shook him with a smirk on her face, "Come on Clay. It's a fucking dance, what do you think?"

Jeff chuckled and looked at Clay with a girn, "dance with her," Jeff told him as if it were the most obvious and simple thing in the world.

"Tony has such a great taste in music man, this is such a good fucking song." Lexi said with a wide smile as she swayed her and Clay slightly with a playful grin on her face. She was filled with a sudden desperation to have Montgomery's arms around her so that they could dance together, that was why they had gone there after all, to drink, dance and have fun.

She wanted to dance around crazily with Monty to an up-beat song but she always yerned for the feeling of Monty's arms around her as they swayed softly to a slow song, enjoying each others company as the world faded away around them.

"I cant," Clay told them both with a sigh, cutting Lexi out of her trance as she thought about dancing with her boyfriend, "Both of you know that I can't dance."

"Of course you can Clay, everyone can dance," Lexi told him with a wide smile as she laughed and pat him softly on the arm to try and encourage him

"Or at least tonight you can," Jeff said and gave Clay his usual charming smile that made many girls swoon, "I promise. We promise." He said as he and Lexi nodded their heads

Clay didnt move, he just stared across over at Hannah who was sitting on the bleachers on the opposite side of the hall, all alone just like he had been. Lexi lets out a long dramatic sigh as she grabs Clay's hand in her own and then begins to drag him down the stairs. 

"Come on Clay, you've got this," Lexi tells him as she lets go of his hand. Clay gives her one last unsure look, but once she gives him a thumbs up, he hesitantly nods his head and then walks over to where Hannah was, leaving Jeff and Lexi standing there like two proud parents.

Jeff slowly walked up behind Lexi with a soft smile on his face as his eyes ran over her for what felt like the millionth time tonight, "you look so beautiful tonight,"

Lexi grinned and laughed softly up at him she went to complain about him saying it too many times tonight but she couldnt, instead a soft smile that matched his own, crept onto her face, "Thanks Jeffy, you look very handsome tonight."

Jeff stood in front of her, gazing down at her with sadness and love swirling around in his eyes. He knew that she loved him, but he also knew that she would never love him in the same type of way that he had loved her.

And the thing is... he was okay with that. He couldn't change it and afterall, why would he? What kind of best friend would he be to admit his true feelings for her when she was already happy in the relationship that she was currently in?

He couldn't do that to her. He couldn't make things difficult or make her have to choose or make her feel like she has to choose. He knew that he just had to live with having her as his best friend and nothing more.

No matter how hard it was for him to see her with Montgomery, no matter how much it killed him to hear her talking about how much she loved him. He kept his true feelings to himself because the thing that mattered to him more than anything in the whole world... was her happiness.

"You should probably head back to your boyfriend, he has been eyeing you ever since you came near me," Jeff mumbled out into her ear with a faux smile. As he whispered in her ear he looked across over at Montgomery who was death glaring at him from across the room.

"Okay then Jeff, i'll see you later tonight okay, save me a dance!" She called to him and sent him one last smile before she turned away from him and began to make her way back over to her boyfriend who was watching her every step.

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