Chapter 52

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Alex sighed sadly as her legs swung back and
forward. She pushed her hands down on the edges of the seat and lifted herself up slightly to adjust her seating position, her backside hurt from the hard plastic chair she had been sitting on for the last hour and a half.

Her head shot up towards the door once she
hears it open and all three boys walk out with
the principal behind him

Alex stands up and runs over to the boys and
immediately checks all of their bodies for
serious injuries.

She checked each and every one of them over,  all of them had cuts and bruises but nothing too serious

"It has been decided that the boys will not be
suspended due to it being equally all of their
faults however they will have after school
detention every day for a week" Bolan says
and dismissed them all

"I can't believe none of you got suspended.
What the hell were you guys thinking"
Alex says and wacks all of them in the stomach "you scared the shit outta me"

Montgomery reaches out for Alex again, a desperate look on his face as he mourned for her touch, but Justin wacks his hand away, a scowl on his face

"Touch her again and I'll kill you" Justin
growls angrily, glaring up at Montgomery

"Boys come on sto-" Alex starts but is cut off by

"Will you? Because last time I checked your
petty threats don't mean shit Foley. They just
piss me off even more, you're all bark and no bite, you're too much of a fucking pu$$y to do anything," Montgomery growls as he steps towards Justin

Alex steps forward and grabs Montgomery's hand in her own quickly, tugging her back away from Justin

"You can't just hit someone every time you
lose your temper Monty" Alex mumbles out angrily and looks up into his cloudy green eyes.

He looked tired, like he hadn't slept last night, his eyes were red with bags underneath them

he brings her hand up to his face and leans
into it, practically purring at her touch

Justin scoffs from behind them, rolling his eyes in annoyance

"Come on Alex, you can't seriously forgive him
can you" Justin and Zach both ask, disbelief in both of their eyes

"I fucked up alright I'm sorry," Monty
mumbles, "don't you dare leave me. Not now"

"I'm not going anywhere monty" she
mumbles and pulls him in to a hug. She
couldn't stand being away from him any
longer. He was her home and she was his.

Her fingers tangled in his hair at the bottom of his neck and his head buried itself into her neck

"You belong to me" Montgomery whispers to her, his voice was soft but demanding, like there was no other option. She belonged to him, and that was it.

She nods her head and replies "always, I'll always be yours Monty," she choked out, but the words came from her heart, not from her mind. There was something in her mind that was telling her to push him away, tell him that she didn't belong to him. She wasn't some object.

But she couldn't tell him that.  Because deep down, she wanted to be his. And only his.

Zach looks away from them his head hanging low and his eyes going slightly red. Justin let's out a sigh and pats him on the back and the two basketballers walk off, disappointed in their best friend but also feeling bad for her.

She was blindly in love and there was nothing they could do about it, and at this point, they were beginning to think that there was nothing that she could do about it either.

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