From Friends to Strangers

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"Fight fight fight!" 8 year old, Justin and Alex tried their best to defend themselves as three older kids pushed them around and threw punches at them. Justin and Alex let out loud grunts of pain as they were thrown to the ground 

"Leave them alone!' someone suddenly called as they pushed their way through the surrounding crowd. 

One of the older kids turned to face the blonde boy making his way over. "She called me a swear word," he complained

"Yeah well you shouldn't have spoke shit about Justin," the girl fired back

"Its not my fault he is wearing the same clothes as yesterday and smells," the boy complained. The blonde haired rolled his eyes and shook his head

"You're a dick," he said and walked over to Alex and Justin, offering his hand to Justin first

Justin smacked his hand away, "I can take care of myself. You wanna go?  Right now." he said, pushing himself off the ground before quickly helping Alex up before standing in front of her protectively 

"Nah," the blonde said calmly, shaking his head. 

Justin grabbed onto Alex's hand and began to pull her through the crowd, pushing everyone out of their way, ignoring the sound of everyones giggles as they pushed through. Alex turned her head towards the blonde who had helped them, sending him a small thankful smile before following after Justin 

"This shit stinks," Alex complained as her and Justin sat by themselves at a table in the corner like usual. Neither of them had anything to eat, both of their parents forgetting that they have children they actually have to feed everyday. 

suddenly, the blonde haired boy walked over to their table and placed his lunchbox down, sitting next to them, "where are your lunches?"

"I already ate it," Justin lied while Alex just shrugged her shoulders softly. They hadn't seen the blonde haired boy before, so they assumed that he was new... he had to be if he was willing to sit with the two of them. 

"Out of the trash can!" A boy from another table spoke up, laughing loudly with his friends

"Shut up!" Alex yelled

"Shut up! I did not!" Justin fired at the kid, trying to hide his embarrassment and anger 

"You guys want a sandwich?" the blonde asked, pulling a sandwich out of his lunch bag and then sliding it over to the two of them

"Nah," Alex and Justin replied quickly. They weren't some charity case, they didn't want to just accept food from people because they felt bad for them

"Marisa made turkey. I hate turkey," the boy said to them

"Not hungry," Justin lied. Alex eyed the sandwich silently, the rumble of her stomach giving her away as she turned her head away quickly to hide her embarrassment 

"Come on, take the sandwich, and ill take half your Twinkies," the boy said with small smile

"I dont got Twinkies," Justin replied in confusion

The blonde stood up and walked over to the kid who had said Justin was eating out of a trash can, he grabbed the Twinkies right off the table and started walking back to the other two. "Hey those are mine!" the boy exclaimed, standing up quickly

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