Chapter 28

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"Did that ever occur to any of you?" Clay asked them as his eyes danced judgemental from every single person in the room

While some people stood and sat clueless, there were a few in the room that knew exactly what the teenage boy was talking about, or rather who... Hannah Baker. 

The room was silent, nobody dared to open their mouths to say a single word, hell, none of them knew what to say. After a few moments, the 'honour board' decided that the best way to come up with their decision was to talk amongst themselves, voting and supplying their inputs as to what should happen.

This continued for a few moments before a few of them cleared their throats and they went back to their original spots, facing the three students in front of them, they had come to the final verdict, "Okay so Montgomery, it is the decision of the honour board that you are to be suspended from Liberty High school for three consecutive days, starting tomorrow," Marcus tells him, a blank look on his face

"That's fucking bullshit!" Alexandra and Montgomery boy exclaim angrily, their eyes darting among the people that were sitting in front of them

"That is fucking bullshit," Alex adds as he nodded his head, not seeing how three days suspension was going to deal with this problem, especially when it was Monty that they were talking about

"alright, that is enough, or all three of you are gone," Porter exclaims angrily as he looked at the three in the chairs who were clearly not happy with the outcome.

Alexandra slapped her hands angrily down onto her thighs before standing up and throwing her bag over her shoulder, "Whatever," she growls and goes to storm away but Monty reached out quickly and grabbed onto her hand

"Hey, hey kitten don't worry about it okay, you don't need to get in trouble for me aright, its only three days, I'll be fine," Montgomery tells her as he stands up and kisses her softly on the lips, pulling away to give her a reassuring smile before pulling their connected hands to his face and kissing her hand before storming out of the room

Alexandra felt her stomach drop at the thought of what was going to happen when his dad found out that he had gotten suspended. Her head snapped over to the honour board where Marcus and Courtney were sitting, staring at her as if waiting for her next move, "wow Marcus Cole and Courtney Crimson everyone... turning against your own friend, I would love to say that that's a new move for the two of you but... well we know that's not true is it?" 

Alexandra flipped them off before storming out of the classroom and out into the halls... today was going to be a long day.


Alexandra let out a small sigh as she shut the blinds to her room angrily and ran her fingers through her messy hair. She paced around the room a few times before chucking herself down onto the edge of the bed with her head in her hands.

She didn't know what was happening to her, and she didn't know how much longer she could take all of this shit. Everything was going so so wrong and there was nothing that she could do to change it.

Everything and everyone was stressing her out, her and her friends were constantly on edge and it felt like they were all hiding something from each other, like they could no longer trust each other anymore... like they were just waiting for one of them to turn around and stab them in the back

She laid back in her bed and turned her head to the side. Her eyes landed on a small hook on the wall which had a bunch of necklaces hanging off of it, though there was one necklace that had seemed to catch her eye at that particular moment and she began to think back to valentines day.

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