Chapter 62

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"Jesus Jess could you stop making out for like five minutes please" Alex laughs as she looks over at Jess and Justin in fake disgust. She thought they were cute, and she could tell that they were both happy with each other, so that made her happy

Montgomery kisses her neck as they all sit in the hot tub. Alex tilts her head to the side a bit to give him better access, her eyes flutter shut and she shifts slightly in her spot, biting the inside of her lips to stay silent as he sucked on her sweet spot.

Jessica's eyes widen as she noticed someone walking toward them, an excited look crossing the drum girls face

"Hannah! Hannah baker! Hannah! Could you do me a huge favour and grab me a slice of pepperoni?" Jess calls out loudly.

Alex pulls away from Monty, opening her eyes and looking around for Hannah. Once she she's her, she grins excitedly and she goes to Greet her but Monty pulls her into his lap and the two begin making out with each other.

The surrounding teens begin to cheer for them. Alex wasn't usually that much into extreme PDA but at the moment, she couldn't really care less, she just wanted to let loose and have some fun. She pulls away and laughs, giving Jess a playful wink, but then reconnects their lips again.

Alex can feel him getting harder underneath her so she began to sway her hips slightly on his lap and he groaned into her mouth but she pulled away and then hoped of his lap.

She wiggled her eyebrows at him then sat next to him again. He pouted as he let out a groan of annoyance and a small whine which only made the girl grin.

Everyone had grins on their faces except
Zach who was also in the hot tub and had his arm wrapped around some random girl but his eves were on Alexandra the whole time and he felt his heart shattering due to the way her lips met montys and how he had his hands all over her

He couldn't understand why she couldn't just choose him, he would do everything that he could to treat her how she deserved to be treated, though he knew that he wasn't good enough for her. She was an Angel.

Alex waves at Hannah with a large grin which Hannah tries to return but she was too upset to copy the smile on the cheerleaders face so she went to find Jess some pizza "yeah sure"

"Hannah me too. Get me like two slices"
Zach calls out and Alex reaches over and wacks his arm playfully

"Go on basketball boy go and get your own"
Alex laughs but Hannah just grabs a whole box of pizza and begins to carry it over to the hot tub that they were all sitting in, all of them completely wasted except Alex

They all cheer to Hannah and Jess calls out
"Hannah baker is here to save the day"

"Thanks Han you're the best" Alex laugh and so does everyone else and they cheer for

"Bakers pizza at your service" Hannah grins softly and hands the pizza box to Jessica who puts her beer down and takes the box out of the girls hands

"Oh my god you are amazing" Jess grins and opens the box

"Hey Hannah are you okay you look kinda upset" Alex says in worry and looks over at her friend who just nods her head and pushes a strand of hair behind her ear. Alex knew she was lying so she stood up, "do you wanna go somewhere?" She asked in concern

"Oh come on baby, sit down," Monty whined, missing the feeling of her skin against his own

"Hang on Bub," Alex replied and climbed out of the hot tub. She was in a gorgeous set of lingerie and her body looked amazing, but it was all covered by Monty's shirt, but even with her body covered and her makeup gone, Monty and Zach stared at her in awe

Hannah smiled at the girl, "really, I'm okay," Hannah told her again. Alex could tell that she was lying but she didn't want to put any pressure on the girl so she just thanked her for the pizza and climbed back in, sitting next to Monty.

Alex all gave them a stern look and they caught on, they turned to Hannah and thanked her for the pizza

"Oh you are going to get pizza grease in the water" the girl under zachs arm says to stop

Alex and Justin giggle at the girls words while looking at each other with amusement written all over their faces

"Think of it as a moisturising spa treatment"
Hannah says to the girl which Alex laughs at

"Good one Hannah" Alex smiles and her eyes lit up. The blue lights from the spa reflected off the water onto her face and showed all of her soft and beautiful features that everyone admired so dearly

"I read that pepperoni oil reduces cellulite"
Jess says With a grin on her face

"No way" Alex grins and grabs a piece of pizza and begins to eat it. Montgomery grabs her wrist gently and brings it toward him so he could take a bite out of the pizza too and she sent him a playful glare then snatched it back.

He laughed and gave her a kiss on the cheek. She jokingly pushing him off and rubbed her cheek before kissing him on the lips again

"You know I actually read that too except it only works when it's like mixed with cheese"
Hannah says

"And tomato sauce" Jess says who stopped saying ketchup a few years ago due to Alex always saying things the Australian way

Jess and Hannah grin and laugh with each other softly while Alex and Monty continued to eat their pizza.

Monty gave the girl a loving look and pulled her closer to him

"Have you been here all night I haven't seen you" both Alex and Jess ask suddenly which makes them both grin at each other

Hannah smiles too and answers the girls question "no umm I just got here"

"Oh just when everyone is leaving" the girl under zachs arm says annoying which causes Alex to roll her eyes, having enough with the girls bitchiness for one night

"Yeah well how about you leave" Alex scoffs under her breath which causes everyone to look at the girl in shock. The girl who usually never spoke harshly against anyone but who had also obviously been on edge all night. It didn't take long for Zach, Justin and Montgomery to know from when they first saw her at the party showing up with a void face that she had gotten into argument with her father

Nobody said anything so Alex spoke up again "Monty and I are gonna chill here for a bit so Hannah why don't you get in and keep me company?"

"Yeah this party is far from over" Jessica grins widely as she says this and wraps her arms around Justin's neck

"Come on Hannah you should get in" Alex cheers excitedly

"I can't. I didn't bring a bathing suit"
Hannah says quietly with flushed cheeks

"So? Wear your underwear. Everybody else is" Jess cheers and Hannah looks around at all of them and each of them were in their underwear except Alex had Montgomery's shirt covering her soaked body as she sat next to him with his arm around her neck and a large toothy grin on her face "it's just like a bikini"

"Come on Jess don't pressure her" Alex grins and tries to help her friend out but Jess swims over toward Hannah

"Come on Hannah don't be such a pussy. Get in. Get in" Jess says happily and begins to splash Hannah who jumps back away from the water with a small smile on her face

"Woah no okay. Okay stop" Hannah says to Jess with a smile on her face as she stood back away from the hot tub so that Jess would stop splashing her and she began to take off her clothes and get in the hot tub

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