Justin Returns

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Months Later

"Talk to me about the sex doll that was found in Ms. Davis' home," Deputy Standall said to Monty from across the table. The light of the interrogation room baring down on them. "Or the dead rat that was inside Mr. Dempsey's locker. The vandalisms to Mr. Padilla's car."

Monty shook his head angrily, "this is bullshit."

"What about the shooting target that you sent to my son?" Deputy Standall asked, trying not to make it personal, but he couldn't help but feel a sense of hatred for the boy in front of him because of what he had done to his son. 

Monty just shakes his head, "I didn't do any of that," he denies, shaking his head. He looks down at the blue cast on his broken arm. He had only let one person sign it. She had written her name and then drew a bunch of love hearts over it. It brought him a sense of comfort as he looked down at it

"I think the only person who would actually agree with you on that is Alexandra... you're ruining your life kid, is this how you want her to see you? Some felon who goes around terrorising other kids? Her friends?"

Monty looked down his jaw clenched. Of course he didn't want Alex to see him that way, what a stupid fucking question. "I dont know what youre talking about."

"We have several kids who say he intimidated witnesses, engaged in felony vandalism," the officer next to Standall speaks up, mainly looking at the Lawyer that Bryce's family had paid for  

"Everyone is saying all kinds of shit, but its not true," Monty says, staying calm to make himself look more innocent 

"where is the gun?" Standall asks, on the verge of snapping

"I never touched a gun in my life," Monty says 

"Look kid, there's a lot going on right now and a lot of it points back to you. If you aren't careful, Alex is going to get caught up in all of this," Standall said, "and I dont want that happening to her, she's a good kid."

Monty stayed silent, exercising his right to do so. Deputy Standall's stern expression remained fixed on Monty as they continued their conversation in the dimly lit interrogation room.

"I understand you might be trying to protect someone," Standall began, his tone softer but no less resolute. "But you need to realize the gravity of the situation. Your actions have consequences, not just for you but for the people you care about."

Monty's brow furrowed as he met Standall's gaze. "I get it," he said, a touch of frustration in his voice. "But I didn't do any of that stuff. Someone's trying to set me up."

Standall leaned in closer, his voice lowering. "Monty, you need to trust me here. If you're innocent, we can help clear your name, but you have to cooperate."

Monty's dark eyes bore into Standall's, a mixture of anger and desperation. "I am cooperating. I've told you everything I know."

The deputy exhaled deeply, his weariness evident. "I hope you're being honest because I've seen firsthand how this kind of trouble can affect people. Kids like you, with potential, can end up making choices that ruin their futures."

Monty's tough exterior seemed to waver for a moment, revealing a glimpse of vulnerability. "I know," he admitted quietly. "I've already messed up a lot, but I don't want Alex to get hurt because of me."

Standall nodded, acknowledging the sincerity in Monty's words. "Alexandra means a lot to you, doesn't she?"

Monty didn't hesitate. "More than anything."

The deputy leaned back, folding his arms, his gaze softer now. "Monty, if you love her as much as you say, you need to protect her in the right way. Getting involved in all of this won't help her or you."

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