Chapter 42

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Alex walked into her English class and sat
down in her usual seat between Justin and
Zach and it was obvious to her that the two
boys were in a good mood, which Instantly seemed to brighten her mood

"Well boys what's got you looking all cheery"
Alex asks with a grin as she sits down and
her and Justin do a little secret handshake
that they had made up when they were kids

"Just a little poem that's gone flying around"
Justin said and laughed as he leant back into
his chair and Alex rolled her eyes as the grin fell from her face and she was brought back into her shitty mood

"Well that sounds real exciting" Alex says

Hannah walks into the class and Alex glances
up at her with an unreadable expression but Hannah didn't notice it anyways as she avoids making eye contact with Alex

"It's her handwriting I can recognise it"
Jessica says to Courtney and Hannah looks
over at them

"Why would she write something like this"
Courtney asks completely oblivious to the
fact that Hannah was standing behind them
"so humiliating"

"Or maybe she just likes sharing things
about herself and doesn't use other people to
hide things about themselves and then take the fall when stuff gets out. I think you can
guess who I'm aiming that at Courtney" Alex
says to defend Hannah and Courtney looks
at Alex with wide eyes as a nervous laugh falls from her mouth

"I don't know what you are talking about
Alexandra" Courtney says and Alex leans forward in her seat and stares Courtney dead in the eyes

"See Courtney, I think you do. And I'm pretty sure everyone else in this room does too. Stop using people as your own fucking shield and drawing attention to others to hide your own secrets"

Alex says angrily and the whole class was
looking at them in shock

"You don't know what you're talking about"
Courtney says angrily

"All I know is that one of us is right and the
other one is you" Alex says, being fed up with Courtney's bullshit, "are you naturally this much of a pain or do you just try?"

The class laughs and Courtney turns around
with red cheeks while Alex leans back into
her chair again with a blank, emotionless look on her face and begins to fiddle with a
loose string on her jeans The class laughs and Courtney turns around
with red cheeks while Ella leans back into
her chair again and begins to fiddle with a
loose string on her jeans

The teacher walked into the class and stood at the front, peering down on all of the students

"It has been brought to my attention that
Ryan's publication now includes poetry. And
since we are doing sonnets this semester and
since you're all going to be distracted by it for
the rest of the day anyway. I thought that we
could take a minute to parse the work of this
anonymous poet" the teacher says and
begins to open Ryan's magazine

A student in front of the class fake coughs
and says "Hannah" and all of the class
except Courtney, Alex and Hannah laugh
and Alex elbows her best friends on either side of her

They shut up and stop straight away

"There's a sought of naked vulnerability to it
that I really like. It's quite intimate" the
teacher says and the class laughs "intimate
is not a dirty word. 'Today I am wearing
lacy black underwear for the soul purpose of
knowing that I am wearing it.... I've got
skin. Miles and miles of skin"

Alex watched Hannah in sympathy as the
teacher made her way through the poem


"No. So now she is trying to punish me by
giving all of my stunts to this 80 pound
freshman" Jessica laughs rudely

"Come on Jess don't speak like that" Alex says
to her friend and Jess just gives her a bored

"Well it's true" Jessica laughs but Alex doesn't find Jessica's snarky comments amusing in the slightest, however she doesn't reply as she makes eye contact with clay

"like go ahead. You really think that she can lift
Melanie Opstads fat ass into pyramid

"Jess seriously cut it out. You shouldn't talk about people like that" Alex growls, defensive over the girls.

"Oh come on babe no need to be modest. You
Have got a smoking bod and some other people don't just admit it" Bryce says and Alex
pushes him away from her in disgust and
Justin glares at Bryce angrily but Zach grabs
Alex's arm and pulls her back into him

"look out dempsey, you wouldn't want monty to see you touching his girl" Bryce says with a wide smirk on his face, more than aware of the fact that Zach was in love with the girl and had been for years.

"Bet he wouldn't want you saying shit like
that to her either" Zach snaps back snarkily

"Like come on the girl is fucking fat" Jessica
says continuing her conversation from before
"really good luck"

"Your coach is such a bitch" Bryce laughs, completely disregarding what Zach had said to him

"She's actually pretty cool as long as people
show up to practice" Alex says as she rolls her eyes and sherry nods her head

"I agree with Lex on that" sherry says with a

"It's cheerleading it's not saving lives" Jessica
says and rolls her eyes, "anyone down for a
little pick me up?"

Jess opens her water bottle and takes a sip
and her face scrunches up making it extremely obvious to the others that there was alcohol in the bottle and not water

Justin takes the bottle out of Jessica's hands
and smells it and looks at it in disgust "is this
vodka? Since when do you drink at school?" He spits, clearly not keen on the idea. Jess was seriously beginning to worry and piss Justin off

Jessica rolls her eyes and grabs the water
bottle back and takes another sip and Bryce
shoves Justin playfully and says, "and since
when do you turn down a drink"

Bryce takes the bottle and takes a large
mouthful then holds it out to Alexandra who shakes her head and doesn't look at Bryce or the bottle infront of her, not wanting to have to stand there as he attempted to pressure her into it, though she knew Justin and big Z would have her back

"Come on zacharia there's no strawberries"
Bryce says and holds in in front of Zach

"Um nah I got a test in bio" Zach says and
shakes his head, not wanting to drink at school, and especially not wanting to flunk the bio test.

Bryce brings it to Justin's face and waves it in
front of his mouth and mockingly says
"don't be a bitch justy"

Justin takes the bottle and takes a small
mouthful and then hands it back to Bryce

"There you go. Attta boy" Bryce laughs and
Alex had, had enough and decides to walk off when she sees Monty

"I'm gonna go," she tells them and she waved to the group before she then runs over to
Montgomery and she jumps into his arms

He grins as he lifts her small body up and wraps her legs around his waist. He placed his hands on her ass to hold her up as he grinned widely at her.

"Someone's happy to see me" Montgomery
smirks widely as she grinned at him

"I'm always happy to see you" Alex replies cheekily and leans down and attaches their lips   It was gentle at first but them Monty pushes harder and begins to kiss her rougher and more passionately.

She grins and bites his lip and be moans into the kiss

"That is enough. Alright guys time to get to class" Me Porter says from behind them and Montgomery lets out an angry sigh and then places the girls feet back on the ground and grabbed her hand and led her into school, both of them wearing matching wide grins

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