Chapter 20

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Alexandra stood outside of Bryce's pool house with Justin, Alex and Marcus, the three of them talking about Clay and the tapes. Lexi watched as Justin took another large hit of the bong and then began sputtering and choking on it as he breathed it out, the boys all laughed at this, but Lexi didnt seem to be amused in the slightest.

"Jesus J, I think you need to slow down a bit," Lexi muttered to him softly in worry as Justin passed the bong over to Alex who took it with a smile on his face. Lexi was beginning to become more and more concerned for Justin, he was getting worse as the days went by and she didnt know what she could do to help him.

"I'm fine Lex, dont worry about it okay? We need to be worrying about Clay right now," Justin told her, not seeing what the problem was, but also not wanting Lexi to worry about him, "do you guys have any idea how much shit I am in with Jessica?" Justin suddenly asks them, clearly becoming impatient as they waited for Clay to show up to the 'party'

"Where the fuck is he?" Justin asks in anger, mainly towards Marcus since he was the one that was so sure that this 'plan' would work and that Clay would show up so that they could talk to him about the tapes, though as far as lexi was concerned, she was sure that Justin planned on doing a lot more than just talking to Clay about the tapes

"Hey, he will be here okay?" Marcus said to Justin, attempting to calm him down, though it clearly wasn't working. Marcus looked towards Lexi to try and get her to have an attempt at calming Justin down and backing him up, but lexi just gave him a small glare in return. She didnt like Marcus, and she also didnt like this plan.

"if he doesnt show, we're done making friends. We do it my way," Justin tells them and doesnt look over at Lexi, already knowing that the look that she was giving him wouldnt be a good one and he didnt want to see it.

"What is your way exactly?" Alex asks Justin, though they all knew what Justin had meant. Justin could be a little extreme at times... all of them could. But no matter what, Lexi wasnt going to let Justin hurt Clay.

"We make him understand," Justin says and shrugs his shoulders, not wanting to go into what he meant by 'making him understand'. Suddenly, the door bell goes off, they ignore it and Zach jumps over the couch and runs to the buzzer intercom quickly and presses a button that allowed him to talk to whoever was at the front door, "candy is in the bowl." Zach yelled into it quickly and then jumped back over the couch, not wanting to lose the game that he was playing

"You got a delivery." The person at the front door replied and then Alex, Lexi, Marcus and Justin all shared a look before rushing off to the front door, not trying to cause a scene and alert the others that were all inside and unaware of what was happening.

They ran up to the man house and then to the front door, none of them saying anything. Justin pulls the door open quickly and they all stop moving and stare at a small rectangular box that was on the front doorstep. All of them felt their hearts drop to the bottom of their chests at the familiar looking box.

Justin walks forwards and grabs the box roughly in his hands.

"holy shit, is that them?" Marcus asks as Justin doesnt say anything. He walks back inside and all of them start bee-linning to the kitchen where the knifes were so that they could open the box and see if it was the tapes.

Justin threw the box onto the bench and then grabbed a knife, quickly and carelessly cutting the box open. He harshly tugged at the bubblewrap but became impatient so he flipped the box upside down and allowed everything to fall out of it onto the bench and inside was not the tapes, but a bunch of packets of painkillers. Justin stared at them in confusion, "what the f-"

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