Chapter 76

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Justin looked like he was about to break down as the words spewed from his Ex girlfriend's mouth. He felt a sick feeling rush through him and he had no idea what to do. He could feel everyone's eyes on him, waiting for his next move. But he didn't know what his next move would be. 

Alex wanted to quickly go and hug him, pull him into her arms and hold him as he cried the pain away. But she stopped herself. He had hurt her more than anyone could ever really know.

"Im sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you more" Justin mutters out and then turns around to leave but he stops dead in his tracks as he makes eye contact with Alex.

Her cheeks had gone a rosy pink, hers matching as they began to swell with tears. This wasn't what he wanted, this wasn't why he had come back. He had come back for them, he hoped he could make up for everything he had done, but he was now realising that he was only making it worse.

"Lexi..." Justin mutters out and then collapsed to the floor. That was Alex's final point of strength. She couldn't help herself any longer, she shot out of her seat and rushed over to the boy in worry and quickly wrapped her arms around him. She shook him softly as tears ran down her face but luckily Clay and Tony ran over to help, the sound of her worried cries now shooting through the cafeteria

They woke Justin up and quickly led him out of the school, sending Alex sad looks as they did so. Alex stood still in the middle of the cafeteria and watched with a broken look on her face, not caring about the fact that everyone in the cafeteria now seemed to have turned all their attention to her since Justin was no longer in their sight.

Scott and Montgomery both quickly stood up and made their way over to her and each took one of her hands and then led her back to the table where they all sat down. Alex didn't fight against their tugs, and just let them basically control her movements as she kept silent.

The two boys began to look at her in worry as she didn't say anything

"Did you know he was back?" Chloe asked in shock as she looked at her boyfriend. Chloe pretty much got her answer as the boys all shared a look that Alex knew all too well

"No no, we didn't know" Montgomery quickly mutters and Alex looked up at him with her eyebrows furrowed and he knew instantly that she knew that he was lying

"What does it matter to you? Why do you fucking care if Justin is back?" Bryce asks his girlfriend in annoyance

"Because clearly, you do" Chloe shoots back and Alex couldn't help but agree with the girl

"I don't fucking care. You don't know how I feel" Bryce says to the girl. He clearly was feeling a lot of things at the sight of his 'brother'.

But mainly, he felt worried. Worried about his health, but more so worried about what Justin was doing back.

"Don't be such a fucking ass Bryce" Alex scolds from across the table. Bryce turns to look at her with raised eyebrows, straightening up a bit in order to try and intimidate her slightly, though not enough for Monty, who was spending his time glaring at anyone who looked over in Alex's direction, to notice.

"She's your girlfriend Walker. Show her some respect," Alex added, not backing down under his strong gaze.

Chloe felt her boyfriend twitch next to her and quickly stood up, making sure that Bryce wouldn't snap at Alex, she drew his attention back to her, "No. He's right. I don't" Chloe says and then grabs her bag and leaves the table.

Alex goes to stand up and follow her, wanting to make sure that she was okay, but Montgomery grabs her arm softly and pulls her back down. Scott shakes his head softly at her, not wanting her to get into any trouble with Bryce

"Stay" Montgomery told her, "that isn't our business okay? Just leave it, Bub."

Alex glares up at her boyfriend, a look of disbelief on her face before she scoffs and then pulls her arm out of his grasp and walks out of the cafeteria.

"Lex wait!" Monty called out to her and quickly stood up and went to go after her but Scott was quick to stop him. 

"Maybe you should just let her calm down, seeing Justin like that was probably a lot for her, just let her go and then go and check on her later," Scott says to his friend. He had a fair idea on where Alex would be going, and it was probably best if Monty didn't follow after her. 

"Thats exactly why I should go and check on her, she needs me right now," Montgomery say, confusion on his face. 

Scott shakes his head, "just leave her man, we can go find her later on once she has had time to cool down." Monty hesitated before finally nodding his head and sitting back down, staying oddly silent for the rest of the lunch break. 

After walking out of the cafeteria and leaving an extremely confused and upset
Montgomery behind, Alex had decided to grab her skateboard out of the back of Monty's truck and then rode down to the courthouse to hear the rest of Zach's hearing. 

Alex had wanted to go to it originally and watch the whole thing start from finish, just as he had done for her, but she knew she shouldn't be missing school and if her father had found out then he would go ballistic. 

She was hardly ever home, being able to find places to stay all the time but she knew if he found out about everything going on, then all hell would break loose for her. But she didn't care at this point anymore, she just wanted to be there for one of her best friends and besides, he was their for her trial, so she should definitely be there for his.


Alex was now sitting in the back of the courtroom, listening to the hearing. Zach and her continuously shared eye contact but he had to break it every time he was asked a question and when he was answering the question, though as soon as he saw her walk through those doors it was like an entire weight had been lifted off his shoulders until he realised that she would be hearing everything that he had done.

... all the stuff that she didn't know about him and all of the stuff that he didn't want her to know about him. 

He was dying to know what she would think of him after this, would she hate him? Would she ignore him for the rest of their lives?

"Zach isn't it true that Hannah also reached out to you to talk about her feelings?" Sonya asks the boy who sat nervously up in the stands, his breath was shaky and he wanted to roll up into a ball at all of the attention that had been placed on him, though only one set of eyes really mattered to him

Zach looked over at Alex once again and she sent him a reassuring nod. He bit the inside of his cheek then he continued to answer the question "um, yes"

"and did she write a note to you? A note that was not anonymous?"

"Yes, yes, she wrote me a letter explaining... how sad she felt about everything. How she felt really alone a lot of the time" Zach admits, not going into a lot of detail, though Olivia couldn't help but feel angry at the boy as he sat there, admitting that he knew that Hannah had felt alone and upset and yet done nothing about it 

"So you told no one at liberty high that Hannah wrote you a note telling you how alone she felt?" Sonya asks, fighting back a smirk, already knowing that she more than likely had this boy on the ropes. 

Zach looked into the warm blue eyes across the room and expected to see that the girl looked mad or disappointed with him but instead, she just sent him a soft smile and mouthed the words 'its okay' which seemed to calm the boy down a great amount as he readjusted his seating position and sat up a little more straight. 

"I didnt know how too" Zach replies

"But isnt it true that you did reach out to her off campus?" Sonya asks

"um..." Zach mutterd out

"The summer after sophmore year, the summer after the note. Did you have contact with her?" Sonya ask

"Yes" Zach replies

"And isn't it true that you saw her more than once that summer?" Sonya asks, slowly leaning in more towards the boy. Zach didnt want anything more than for Alex to get out of the courtroom because he didn't want her to know about any of the stuff that happened that summer and why he hung out with Hannah.

"Um yeah, last summer was slow and most people were out of town..."

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