Chapter 23

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Justin laughed at what Montgomery had said as he rested his palm against the outside of the car, his arm out the window, softly tapping a beat on the door.

Montgomery had entered the school parking lot and was clearly going over the speed limit, though he and Justin couldn't care less. It was fun, and Monty was sure he wouldn't hit anyone, he was a great driver after all.

Monty notices the people crossing the pedestrian crossing to get to the large building and he quickly slammed on his breaks, successfully not hitting anyone, however coming very close to hitting a majority of people, one of those people being Alex Standall.

"What the fuck! Man people are trying to walk here!" Alex snapped angrily at Montgomery, he was clearly fuming as he turned his whole body to face the jeep.

Justin and Montgomery were sharing looks as the two of them laughed their heads off, clearly finding the situation highly amusing. People kept on walking, not wanting to get in the way of what they were sure was going to happen next, it was Montgomey afterall. Alex however, didnt find the situation amusing in the slightest.

As Justin looked over at Alex, he couldnt seem to bring himself to care about him almost getting run over in the slightest way. After last night, he didnt give two shits about Alex.

After Alex had dropped the trio off at Bryce's house, the three of them agreed not to tell Montgomery what had happened that night, they knew it was the best option and if they had told Montgomery then the boy would have freaked out majorly. 

When Monty had seen her, he knew that something was wrong and it was obvious to him that she had been crying. She insisted that it was just because she was tired but he knew that she was lying to him. However, he chose to let it go because he could see how exhausted the girl truly was and she clearly wasn't in the mood; so the two of them went back to her house and cuddled until they fell asleep.

"What the fuck is your problem?" Alex yelled angrily, his fury only raising as he watched the two boys laughing their heads off. Alex then stormed over to the drivers side of the car where Monty was sitting and glared at the boy through the open window.

"Dude, Alex chill. It's all good," Montgomery told him with a laugh as he made an attempt to calm his friend down who was acting was out of the ordinary. Though to be fair... Montgomery had almost run him over.

"Oh its all good?" Alex asks Montgomery angrily, his breathing increasing as the seconds passed them by, "You think that you can just run people over like everyone else in the fucking school?" 

"You're tripping man," Montgomery told him with a small snicker, though it was clear to everyone who had the guts to stay, that Montgomery was increasingly getting pissed off with the Standall boy, even if he was trying his best to stay calm. 

He just wanted to park the car and go and see his girl who was probably waiting at his locker, wondering where the hell he was and what was taking him so long.

Alex nods his head in a patronising fashion towards Monty, "Okay, get out of the car." Alex sneered, he wasnt yelling, but it was clear that he was about to lose it. Calm before the storm.

Monty doesnt say anything to the boy who was still glaring at him through the window. He was too busy trying to keep himself calm, he knew that Lex would be pissed if he got into another fight, so he attempted to keep his cool and hope that Alex would back up and get back into his fucking place.

Alex knew the best way to get a rise out of Monty so a small smirk made its way onto his face, "you wanna know the real reason why your stupid little girlfriend was crying like a little bitch last night? Because I purposefully scared the shit out of her, and I enjoyed it. I wouldnt let her out of the car and sped down an empty road last night, I went 90 miles an hour and I was just going faster and faster as she cried her eyes out and had a panic attack. No matter how many times she begged me to let her out of the fucking car. I Just drove even faster," Alex yelled at Montgomery, a large smirk on his face as he said it but as soon as he stopped talking, the smirk vanished and he tried to keep a brave face, but he knew he was fucked.

Montgomery felt the world stop around him and all that he could see was red. Pissed would be a major understatement, infact, everyone in the radius around them could practically feel the anger radiating off Montgomery. Montgomery didnt need or want to hear anything more as he chucked his door open as hard as he could, ramming it into Alex's stomach.

Alex doubled over and clutched his stomach in pain, but he wasn't going to give up. Monty and Justin were quick to get out of the car and Justin tried to defuse the situation, "Alex calm the fuck down." Justin instructed him as he slammed his door shut behind him. In all honesty, after what Alex had done to Lexi, Justin wanted to watch Monty pound the shit out of him.

"You calm down, I am calm!" Alex yelled. He had gone from a frustrated teen to full-blown psycho in a matter of seconds and people now had their phones out recording, already knowing what was going to come next.

"What the fuck did you just say about my girl?" Montgomery growled as he angrily shoved Alex back, the crowd gasping slightly and people began forming a circle around them as if it were some show.

Justin was pissed too, but then he thought about how disappointed she had been with him lately and he knew that she would be disappointed if he didn't try to stop this fight from happening, so he hesitantly cut in, "Montgomery come on man, it isn't worth it. You know Lex wont be cool with you fighting him, lets just go okay." Justin said as he tried to calm Montgomery down.

Monty hesitated for a moment before he stopped what he was doing. He nodded his head, he knew that what Justin had said was right, she hated it when he got into fights and he had told her he would continue to try his best to stop. It took Montgomery a lot to stop, his insides were completely boiling with rage over the thought of his girlfriend crying and Alex being the cause.

Montgomery knew that he had to get the hell out of there and away from Alex before he wouldnt be able to control himself anymore. He knew he was prepared to beat the living shit out of Alex if he didnt leave in the next minute or so.

"Come on. Where is the Monty that we all fucking now? The violent one that jumps into a fight just for the fun of it, the one who beats the shit out of people for no reason. You are to much of a fucking pussy to defend your girlfriends honour. She was crying like the little fucking bitch that she is and I'm the reason why." Alex yelled at Montgomery, the smirk back on his face

"Man, you don't want to fucking do this," Montgomery spat angrily. He was practically blinded from the rage that he was feeling right now and there was no doubt that he was about to send a punch straight to Alex's face

"Yeah well, you should be!" Montgomery growled and stepped forwards towards Alex, getting all up in his face in a threatening way

"Fuck you and your little slut!" Alex yelled, and that was it. Montgomery could no longer control himself as he shot forwards and punched the boy across the face as hard as he could, sending him straight to the ground.

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