Chapter 26

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Alex looked over Jeffs shoulder and read the sheet in front of them with a wide grin on her face as she looked at the answers that Clay had put down, "You answered video games for how you spend your Saturday nights? very fancy Clay," Alex said jokingly as she continued to skim over the answers

"Come on Lex you literally play video games with Jeff and I all the time," Clay muttered to her, his cheeks turning slightly red

"Yeah but not on Saturday nights," Alex replied with a goofy grin on her face and then she read the next question out, "Favourite kind of music? Obscure indie bands," Alexandra read out with a wide grin, "thata boy Clay, Tony has taught you well." Alex grins over at Tony who sticks his thumbs up in approval of Clay's answer

"Favourite reading materials? Fantasy and Sci-fi," Jeff reads out, clearly amused as he shakes his head in disapproval of Clays answers

"Oh come on Jeffy, Its not bad, I think that that's really cool Clay," Alexandra tells him and offers him a kind smile that warmed his insides

"Dude, why not just say that you watch lord of the rings on repeat?" Jeff asked and Alex softly scolds the boy for being a bit judgemental of Clay

"Alright I don't do that," Clay stutters out but he notices the looks that he was receiving from Jeff and Alex and he knew that there was no way he was getting out of it, "a-anymore"

"Good... because Star Wars is way better," Alexandra says with a wide smirk. Clay couldn't help but grin widely over at the girl who he had been friends with for about a year and a half now. At first he had expected her to be just like the other jocks, he had thought the same about Jeff, but then he got closer with the two of them and found out that they were pretty cool.

"Wait... you used to do that?" Tony asks in shock as he leans over to their table, clearly fully immersed in their conversation 

"We need to work on this man," Jeff said with a small shake of his head. Alex let out a small yawn, followed by a sigh as she leant back into her seat and lifted her arms out above her head as she stretched and let out another yawn, though this one was quite longer and attracted the attention of some of the people around them for a few moments before they turned back to whatever it was that they were doing.

"Long night tiny?" Jeff asked her softly as his eyes switched between the paper and the exhausted girl that was sitting beside him

"Yeah... my dad was home last night," She mumbled out softly as she ran her hands over her face. Jeffs face dropped as soon as he heard her words, he knew what she had meant and he was well aware that him being home was not a good thing at all.

Jeff and Alexandra were the bestest of friends and they knew practically everything about each other. Alex was almost always sleeping over at the Atkins household, it was more home to her than her own house was and his parents loved her.

Montgomery wasn't aware of the frequent sleep overs that the two of them had, and the two of them decided that, that was probably for the best and telling him would only cause problems that did not need to be caused.

They usually slept down in Jeff's basement where there was a shit ton of snack, a tv and games, a poo table, a mini fridge and a bunch of couches and bean bags. Jeff's family was more on the rich side, and the basement of their house was practically wonderland to Alex.

"look no we don't. We don't need to work on it," Clay muttered out, he was clearly embarrassed as he reach forwards and tried to snatch the piece of paper from Jeffs hands, but the baseball player was too quick and he quickly pulled it back out of Clays reach.

"Yeah we do," Jeff told him with a laugh, "listen dude, I needed a c average or above to play baseball. U.S history was kicking my ass and I got help right? How is your dating life huh? C average? or below?" Jeff said, and the answer was very clear

Alex let out a snort of laughter as she looked between her two friends, "Oh my fucking god, you guys are so weird man," the girl mumbled out in amusement

"Its below," Clay replied to Jeffs question, clearly becoming more and more embarrassed as the seconds passed them by.

"So you need help," Jeff stated as if it were obvious 

"The mans got a point," Tony spoke up, agreeing with Jeff which seemed to surprise Clay even more. Clay looked across the table at Alex for her help but she just grinned at him and playfully shrugged her shoulders

"All of these answers suck man," Jeff states 

"Oh come on Atty, leave the poor boy alone," Alex told him with a cheeky grin as she sat back up again

"Okay, so this emergency meeting of the honour board is called to order," Marcus stated firmly as he walked into the door of the library where the meeting was being held. He walked over to a long table that was situated at the front of the room where all the other members were sitting, pulling his chair out before sitting down in the middle of the table which was overlooking three teenagers who were sitting in a straight line next to each other.

In the first seat was a blonde boy who was severely beat up and looked like he had just been jumped by a gang, the middle seat held a girl who was bouncing her leg up and down nervously as she tightly gripped onto the hand belonging to the final boy. The last boy looked beyond pissed off and was slouching down in his chair as he tried to focus on the feeling of the warm hand holding his own, using the feeling to calm himself down.

"Marcus Cole presiding, Courtney Crimson recording secretary. All members present. Petitioners please state your names."

Nobody says anything which causing Marcus to look up at the three people sitting in front of him who clearly did not want to be here, "that's you guys."

"Montgomery De La Cruz"

"Alexandra Black"

"Alex Standall"

"So um, can any of you guys please remind me again why the hell I'm here?" Alexandra speaks up sarcastically, looking at all of the board members in front of her, "you guys do realise that I didn't actually do anything, right? I didn't break any school rules and I didn't engage in the fight, I was only there for about a minute so...":

"You are here to keep Montgomery in check and make sure that he doesn't act out and do anything inappropriate," Courtney states as if it were the most obvious thing in the world

Alexandra let a scoff fall from her lips as she rolled her eyes at the answer that was given to her, an answer that clearly was not good enough. "I am not his fucking puppet master controlling his every move, he is a person and he knows how to fucking control himself Courtney." Alexandra snapped as she glared over at the girl

"Okay, Okay, that's not why you are here. You are here because you got into the middle of the fight," Marcus quickly spoke out, clearly trying to find a better excuse than the one that Courtney used. Though it didn't take a genius to know that what Courntey had said was the reason that she was there, every single person in that room knew that Alexandra had been brought in to keep Montgomery under control.

"Wow Marcus, how long did it take your pea brain to come up with that excuse Einstein, though we all know you like rushing things don't you Marcus?" Alexandra sneared, referencing what he had done to Hannah, which only a few people picked up on, though nobody said anything.

Alexandra rolled her eyes and leaned back into the chair, clearly becoming extremely annoyed with the current situation that they were in. Montgomery squeezed her hand comfortingly before he began to rub circles on it with his thumb, aware that she was getting worked up

Marcus cleared his throat and continued on, "so Montgomery, this case seems pretty straightforward," Marcus states, looking between the sheet of paper in his hand and the students in front of him, 
"you were the one that was driving."

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