Chapter 30

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"Hey beautiful, is everything alright over here? Whats going on?" Monty asked as he quickly made his way over to his girlfriend and wrapped his arm around her shoulder, pulling her into his side. His eyes raked Zach up and down with a harsh glare, trying his best to intimidate the boy, but Zach was far from intimidated as he stood over Montgomery

"Yeah Monty everything is fine," Zach told the boy as he rolled his eyes. It was like he could never get any time alone with the girl, wherever she was Monty was only a small distance behind.

"Hey Dempsey, is it normal for you to give gifts to girls who are dating one of your friends?" Montgomery spits with a fake smile

"Well I don't know Monty... is it normal for boyfriends to forget that it is Valentine's day and not give anything to their girl? Oh and how about this, is it normal to give your girlfriend bruises?" Zach sneered as he looked the shorter boy up and down with a harsh and judgemental glare

Montgomery's jaw visibly clenches before he grabs Ella by the arm and pulls her behind his body protectively before taking an intimidating step towards Zach, "you don't know what the fuck you are talking about Dempsey."

Zach takes a threatening step towards Monty so that they were face to face, both of them waiting for the other to make a move so that they could have an excuse to beat the shit out of the other.

Jeff notices the worried look on the girls face from down the other end of the hall and quickly makes his way over to them and comes up from behind Alex, wrapping his arms around her waist protectively and taking her back a bit where she would be safer if a fight were to break lose.

Montgomery gets sick of waiting and throws the first punch, his fist landing hard into Zach's cheek, splitting his lips instantly.

Zach looks up at Montgomery and shrugs his shoulders, "Ah well Monty, id rather you hit me than hit her, so why don't you show me what you've got huh?" Zach says and then swings his fist hard into Monty's face, busting his nose.

Monty tackles Zach and the two of them begin to aggressively hit each other over and over. Jeff had to use all his strength to hold back the girl as she tried to reach forwards and stop the fight.

"Come on guys, just stop it please! the two of you are being ridiculous!" She cried out to the two of them but they couldn't hear her over the loud cheering from the surrounding students who were now watching the fight as if it were their favourite movie


"Jesus Monty. One Day. You cant go one day without fighting someone can you?" Alex cried out in frustration and worry as she continued to clean and patch up to wounds on his body that he had received from the fight, "and of course you had to pick a fight with one of my best friends."

"Yeah well guess what Alex. He was the fucking sick bastard that was giving MY girlfriend gifts as if you belong to him. You're mine do you understand that? You belong to me. Not fucking Dempsey."

"Come on Monty, he was just being friendly. We have been best friends for years," Alex says to him quietly, attempting to not make the boy get too worked up again. Monty suddenly shoved her arms away and stood up quickly and began to aggressively pace around the room

Alex let out a small sigh and stood up and walked over to him and began to attempt to calm the boy down but he pushed her away harshly, almost causing her to lose her balance. But she knew that when he got too worked up, he would sometimes do something stupid that often ended in him getting hurt, so she knew she had to try and calm him down.

"Monty bub, of course I am yours. I love you okay, more than anyone or anything else. You cant keep on getting mad every time that Zach, Justin or eff do something for me or get me something. They are my best friends."

"Yeah well boo fucking hoo Alexandra. I'm your god damn boyfriend!" He was on the verge of yelling and Alex couldn't stop her eyes from widening in fear as she took a few steps back away from the boy.

While Montgomery didn't notice this, the curly-haired brunette girl who was standing outside the window of the house who had made her way over to talk to Alex had definitely noticed the girls reaction.

Hannah Baker watched the scene in front of her with wide eyes and a hand over her mouth to cover the gasps of shock and fear as she watched Montgomery yell at his girlfriend and break things around her room out of anger.


His voice boomed loudly through the room and he turned away from her, not wanting to see him this angry. He didn't want to be angry. He hated how angry he got and always regretted it straight after. So he made the decision to try and leave. Alex went to approach him but at that same time, Monty turned around in frustration and accidentally shoved straight into her small body, sending her flying back into a wall where her head smashed firmly against the grey-painted surface.

Montgomery realised what had happened only a mere second after he had done it and he calmed down almost instantly, only for his anger to be replaced with fear and horror as he ran over to the girl and grabbed her body, pulling it into his chest.

Hannah stared in shock, she wanted to go in there. She knew she should have gone in there and helped her friend. But she couldn't. She couldn't move, she was too scared. Scared that if she went in there, then Montgomery would just hurt her like he had hurt Alexandra Black.

"Fuck! Shit, shit, shit. Baby I am so sorry, I love you so much, I didn't mean it," Monty cried out as he cradled her body in his arms as she struggled to stay awake. Her eyes continued to flutter as her vision continued to blur as she fell in and out of consciousness.

Monty quickly grabbed his phone and called an ambulance as he stared down at the girl, tears pouring down his cheeks, falling down onto her delicate, pure skin. He ran his fingers softly through her hair as he begged her to stay awake while they waited for the ambulance to come.

She gripped onto him weakly as she tried to stay awake, but she knew it was only a matter of time before she couldn't hold on anymore. She was just so tired. "Baby, I'm so fucking sorry," he cried to her as his tears continued to fall down on her.

She reached her arm up softly, ignoring the pain shooting through her as she did so. She reached up to his face and cupped his cheek gently. Hannah watched with her mouth agape, pure shock written on her face at the scene in front of her. She could hear the sirens coming down the street, but she knew that the situation was far more worse than she had thought when she heard the next sentence to leave the girls lips.

"It's okay Monty... it was my fault," Alex muttered out softly before she finally fell out of consciousness. Montgomery couldn't stifle the loud sobs that fell from his mouth as he buried his head in her neck.

what was wrong with him. He hated himself, but he couldn't stop himself. She meant more to him than anything else in the entire world and somehow he still hurt her.

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