Chapter 11

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"Oh thats cute. Come on, you come all the way out to blue spot and let bryce-y buy you a beer." Justin says with a large smirk on his face and a laugh falling from his lips as he aggressively wraps his arm around Clays shoulder

"Justin hey, come on, leave him alone," Alexandra quickly spoke up as she watched the interaction in front of her, worrying about how this was going to turn out.

"Dont worry so much Lex, its going to be fine, he is just going to join us for one beer right Clay?" Justin asks him tauntingly as he looks down at Clay who was struggling under the weight of Justins arm.

"no, I really got t-" Clay started to stutter out, wanting nothing more than to get out of there and get home, but he was cut off by Justin

"No, the least you can do is drink with us. Come on, drink your 40. Alex, you're up man!" Justin says to the blonde haired boy who Alexandra was aware, also wasn't a good drinker. Justin laughs as he lets go of Clay and beckons over to Alex Standall

"Oh yes, I love it, I love it," Bryce exclaims happily with a laugh. Montgomery unwraps one arm from his girlfriends waist and reaches behind him to grab a beer bottle that was identical to Clays, and then he chucked it over to Alex Standall

Standall catches the bottle and Monty instantly wraps his arm back around the girl, placing a small kiss on the back of her head, feeling how tense she was in his arms, he knew she didn't like it when things like this happened.

Alexandra shook her head, "No come on guys seriously, if he wants to go then just let him go. His parents probably have dinner ready and stuff, just let him go," Lexa tells them all with a sigh, trying to ease Clay out of his situation without pissing the boys off.

"Dont worry Lexa, Clay can go home as soon as he is done his drink okay. Freak versus Geek! Time trial, 40 ounces," Bryce calls out with a laugh, completely dismissing the worry in the girls tone, "lets do it!"

"Don't you have a concert?" Clay asks Standall quickly, trying to find a way out of this. He looked to Alexandra for help but it were as if Montgomerys hands were over her mouth instead of over her hips

"I did yeah, but I quit band," Standall replied with a shrug of his shoulders, "its just pointless."

The beautiful sound of Tony's 1968 ford mustang rang around them and they watched as he pulled up in his red car down the end of the street

"Oh look, your boyfriend is here," Bryce says with a smirk, a condescending laugh falling from his lips

"The record holder is our very own, miss Lexi Black here, with 14 seconds, shes beat all of us, Bryce came closest to beating her with 18 seconds before he got completely thrashed. Suck's Lex doesn't drink anymore, she was fucking good at it!" Zach cheers as he playfully walked up behind Bryce and pat him on the shoulder with a smirk. Bryce rolled his eyes and playfully shoved Zach back

"its true, she is our little champ," Bryce said with a nod and grin

Alexandra stayed silent, she hadn't drunk since the night that Jeff died...

"wait... to drink it all, it took her 14 seconds," Clay choked out in shock and looked at the giant bottle in his hands before looking over at Alexandra with a look on his face that only showed true confusion and disappointment

"yes to drink it all," Zach replied as if it were the most obvious thing in the world

"there's two ways you leave Jensen. Buzzed, or beat down." Justin says with a smirk on his face. Alexandra knew she should have spoken up, but she didn't, instead she just placed her head on Monty's chest and tried to block everything out as she focused soundly on the soft heartbeat of the boy whom she had loved more than anything, the soft beating, calming her down slowly.

"Come on Jensen, don't be a bitch!" Zach dragged out with a laugh

"Alright, here we go are you ready? 5 4 3 2 1 go!" Bryce yells out with a laugh and the two boys share one last look before attaching the bottles to their mouths and throwing their heads back, chugging the burning liquid as fast as they could.

It was clear that both of them were struggling, but it was also clear that Clay was the one who was going to win the chug competition between the two of them.

Clay finished his beer first, shocking the group of jocks profoundly. The boys all cheered loudly for clay, throwing their hands and fists in the air, cheering him on and congratulating him for the win.

Clay paid no attention to them and dropped the bottle before stumbling off, his first time drinking alcholol was clearly affecting him and it didn't help that his first time drinking alcohol was an experience where he had to chug a 40 ounce, shit tasting beer.

"What the fuck was that?" Bryce asked Standall as the boys all booed him and mocked him for being beaten by Clay Jensen, the boy that they mocked and made fun of every day.

The only one who was not cheering, was Alexandra Black. Montgomery had noticed her quietness and the aura coming from the girl and a soft sigh fell from his lips as he turned his head to look down at her, her head still resting against his chest.

"Hey kitten, you alright?" He asked her softly. He knew that she wasn't okay, unlike the rest of them, she didn't see it as a sport to pick on the people in the school who weren't on any of the sports team.

Unlike them, she was kind and compassionate. She was honest and generous, he didn't deserve her and he knew that. But he couldn't help it, he couldn't stop himself from being an asshole, no matter how hard he tried.

Alexandra didn't lift her head and she didn't even bother to say anything to him, instead she just nodded her head softly and tightened her arms around him, giving him a warm feeling in his stomach that he got whenever she was around.

He tightened his grip around her and placed a chaste kiss on the top of her head. "come on kitten, lets get outta here okay?" he asked her softly.

She finally looked up at him, her chin and neck placed against his chest as she craned her neck to look right up at her face, "You still coming to my house bubs?" she asked him softly, a small smile tugging at her lips

"As long as its still okay with you," he muttered in response and she nodded her head, "well let's go hang out at Bryce's first, and then we can go back to your house,"

"Sounds like a plan" she muttered and the two of them let go of each other. Montgomery got off the hood of the car and they all said their goodbyes to the rest of the boys and then they made their way back to Monty's car.

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